Thursday, May 31, 2007
Putting It Together (again?)
Hahaha, so when I found out that Yelle's showcase was drawing near, it was funny to say "Break a leg." Coming from a fellow track member, it sounded weird if we had said that to each other then. And it sounded just plain funny now.
So anyway, I decided to check out her class' showcase at the AFP Theater this evening. After dropping something off at Miss Bernice's place (thanks for the directions, Nicco and Teena!), I headed for AFP.
This is my first time in 3 years to come back to Playshop to watch a musical theater showcase. And it was my first time in 4 years to really mingle with the crowd. But in truth, I couldn't really mingle by the time I got to the theater lobby. Because I don't know anyone anymore! I tried to search for a familiar face in the crowd, but I couldn't find anyone. Well, I did find Kiwi and Junevee, but that was different. Oh well, Kiwi was OK to talk to, but after a little small talk, there was nothing else to say.
When I went to the box office to buy a ticket to the showcase, I checked out the schedule posted next to the window to see the title of the show. Yelle didn't mention any title, and when I had asked what the show was about, she just said, "A lot of original stuff. Spoofs and spoofs. Plus a production number." Anyway, so there I was at the box office, and when I saw the schedule, the title of class' show was... Putting It Together! That was the exact same title of the showcase of Playshop Alabang's very first Musical Theater class. Ahehehe, of course, I was mighty proud to be in that class. Huwaw, upon finding that out, I couldn't wait to see the show.
While I was already in line waiting for the house to open, I saw a familiar face standing by the lobby doors. Not a familiar face that I knew personally though. Holy kamote, it was Danny Javier of the APO Hiking Society. Suddenly all the songs from Blue Jeans the Musical started playing in my head, hahaha. I wanted to approach him, introduce myself and tell him about our workshop recital, but I was too shy to move. Rawr. And by the time I was already inside the theater, he was sitting nearby, along with Buboy Garovillo. Huwaw. Kulang na lang si Sir Jim Paredes, hahaha.
On with the show. When the cast began singing the title song, "Putting It Together," I found myself mouthing the lyrics along with them. Aw, memories. Their play was mostly about the lighter side of things, funny situations in a coffee shop, a call center, between policemen and women, and inside an airplane. They were funny, as Yelle had said. It can't be avoided, but only a number of people stood out. Yet all of them played their parts. I was already at the edge of my seat laughing when Yelle (as a call center agent who lived on coffee) took off those huge sunglasses to show those ginormous eyebags, hahahahaha! Complete with a song number! Woohoo! Congrats, Marielle! Darn proud of you! Next year ba ulit? Hahaha!
After the show, after congratulating Yelle, I immediately left the house. As soon as I got to the lobby, I found Bernice and Dang standing there. Oh my, it was great to see friends from high school that I haven't seen in ages. I had forgotten that those two took Fine Arts in UP along with Yelle, and now they're working together as well. We got to talk while just standing there, and I think I surprised them with the way I was acting and talking, which was so unlike the quiet Christine (oops, hahaha) that they knew back in grade school and high school.
Oh well.
I decided to take the MRT to Ayala, so I can take the shuttle at the Landmark terminal. When I got to the terminal, my eyes bugged out when I saw the uber-long line at the route that I usually take. When I went to the table where I had to pay the fare, I was surprised to find Ate Shang. Hahaha, so we decided to take another shuttle that didn't have a line, which went a similar way to our village. Man, I missed talking to her. So we talked up a storm the whole way home, and decided to get off outside our village to grab a bite at Figaro and talk some more. Hehehe, she's still trying to get me to work at her advertising firm. My oh my, I don't think that's my calling. I have other plans in mind, as some of you might know, ahehehe.
At Figaro:
Ate Shang: Available pa yung mga pasta ninyo?
Counter girl: Yes, ma'am.
Ate Shang: OK, sige. I'll have... the chicken caesar sandwich!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The Wedding Singer
I met up with Tin outside the theater after half an hour then and found EJ and Diana minutes after that. Had dinner downstairs at this fancy place called Jollibee, then killed some time back upstairs at the candy store next to Onstage. When we saw that a line was already forming at the theater at only 6:30 in the evening (and there was already a sign saying that the show will be starting at 8:30), we decided to line up as well. Gino was still on his way from a job interview, so I told him to just catch up with us.
What's funny about watching shows by Rep, be it a season play or just a workshop showcase, it seems that everyone knows everyone else, and they sort of flaunt it. I was quite amused just watching everyone say hello each other, and some even made the effort to stand in their seats and shout or rush to the aisles (never mind that they had to stumble over other people's knees and feet) just to say hello to friends.
So anyway, the show began half an hour late, but almost 3 hours of it was bearable. Hahaha. OK, I loved the plot (obviously, because I loved the movie), and I loved the catchy songs. Who didn't? Tin, Gino and I were suffering from LSS of "Someday" the whole time after the show, hahaha. There were actors that stood out aside from Reb, Jill, Bianca and Altair, and the others... well, it was easy to tell who was giving their all and who were just... there.
Congrats to Peachy! Hahaha, of course you're the first I have to congratulate. Your first stint as a stage manager, and despite the fact that you were close to tears and everything, you still managed to keep yourself together and survived. I'm so darn proud of you!
And of course, congrats to Robbie and everyone in the class! It was a fun show, and you guys did great
Friday, May 25, 2007
More Reasons to Watch Zaturnnah Ze Musikal
Did you know that K Brosas is the original choice to play the role in the first run? For some of you who haven't seen her on TV, not only can she carry a tune, she can effortlessly make the audience laugh.
2. Three Dodongs in this run! Lauren, Arnold and Janvier! Take your pick! (If you're in for the "Dodong na Dodong" acting, choose Arnold's dates. While if you're in to the "musical" itself and want to hear the best rend
3. There are a lot of things to look forward to in this partucular run. One of which is the new and innovative, ultra fabulous Zsazsa Zaturnnah set! Designed by no less than Tuxqs Rutaquio! (*photo is not actual set)
4. You've seen the musical several times now. You think you already have the dialogues down pat? Well, you might just be in for a surprise.
5. The very talented Kalila Aguilos is transformed! Watch her and be amazed.
6. Nar Cabico as the new Didi is a revelation!
7. Celebrate Pinoy Pop Culture! You've heard about it and read about it in almost every Pinoy blog. Take part! Don't be left out. Seriously, this is your last chance.
8. The muzikal is still affordable! P800 for a full-musical complete with great actors, great music, great effects. Value for your money indeed!
10. Lastly, our dates (June 16, 3PM; June 24, 8PM and July 1, 3PM) have Tuxqs Rutaquio playing Ada! Fanatics, rejoice! Watch the show three times over!
This is already the final run of the musical! It's a sin to still miss it! Get your tickets as early as now! Don't go through the hassle of begging to get in on the day itself!
My friend's selling tickets for these dates, in case you're interested:
June 16, 3PM
June 24, 8PM
July 1, 3PM
Ticket prices:
800 Orchestra Center and Loge
700 Orchestra Sides
500 Balcony
Venue: Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza
Contact Carlo: 0922-3499939
See yah there!
*Posted originally by Carlo.
a sneak peek at a rehearsal
I only got to see the cast rehearse the Prologue and the first part of the first "Parlorista ng Bayan" during my stay there. Hahaha, I was just sitting in the corner by the door, nonchalant. So there, I didn't really get to see much, because when Minette had to go back to the office, I went with her, as I didn't want to stick around by my lonesome, just sitting there in the corner, hahaha.
I wonder if I can take another sneak peek at their rehearsal next week.
Oh yeah, to the cast of Robbie's adult musical theater class who will be doing The Wedding Singer tomorrow, break a leg! Also to Peachy, my protege, break a leg!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Sorry about my last post. Maybe I sort of overreacted after a whole weekend of episodes at home. Don't really want to elaborate on that. But as of now, it's nothing really serious. I don't want people to react like Tin, who had actually thought that I was pregnant, hahahaha!
I sort of tuned everything out during the weekend, and then I sort of became anti-social for a couple of days. I'm now gradually going back to my normal routine, but I'm still making a few changes as well. Like during the entire day of Monday, I was thinking of what to do next and ended up doing nothing.
I met up with Gino Tuesday after work. He had just found out that he got accepted for a job that he had just applied for, yay. Good luck to you, dearie. So anyway, we met up at Greenbelt, hung around and then checked out the Broadway Showstoppers by Rep in Greenbelt 2 during the evening.
Wednesday, I met up with Teena so I could pick up the reserved tickets to The Wedding Singer. She was meeting up with Ren, so I went to their meeting place. I waited with them to get a cab to Rep, and instead of a cab pulling over by the curb, a car driven by Robbie with Sundee and Peachy inside arrived, hahaha! Joined them at their rehearsal instead of going straight home like I had planned, and ended up being Peachy's SM coach.
Off to bed. G'night all!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
untitled entry
little hard to reach, my apologies in advance. I don't want to explain
anything yet.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
renaming childhood games?
I don't know if he was for real, but one of the guys claimed that he grew up in Canada and had no idea how those games are played, or even what they were called. I was about to take a power nap when I heard him mention this "game with slippers," and he called it "tapon tsinelas". Holy kamote, it sounded so funny with his accent. And he thought that it was just a game similar to tag, with slippers. Obviously, the game was tumbang preso, and the DJ had to explain that it's played not only with slippers, but also with a can. The next game he mentioned was "petiks" (HAHAHAHAHA!), and asked about how that game of cards was played. Dude, ano ba yan. "Teks" ang tawag dun, diba? Then there was this game he swore they played in PE, but he called it "man hunt." Then he tried to translate it to "hanap lalaki" (or something like that. I forgot). Holy kamote, that guy kept me awake during the ride. My golly, it turned out to be patintero. I only got to listen until after that, when the guy mentioned "pogs", which was obviously "Pog," because the driver changed the radio station. Good for him. Hahahaha.
Santa banana, what a useless post at this hour.
Monday, May 14, 2007
a one-act play for Mimay's finals
I really wanted to believe that. My only problem is that my insecurities are stronger than my confidence in myself.
Met up with Mimay yesterday at noon at QC. It was for her Theater 141 finals, and she got me as one of her actors. We're doing Nemesis by Peter Wilson, only we're doing a Filipino translation of it... mostly translated by Mimay herself, ahehehe. Betty and Kuya Ed (Mimay's workshop classmate from AMT 3 years ago) are also in it. I'm just a filler, hahaha. Anyway, a quick lunch then we were off to Ayn's house. Hung around a bit in the living room with Ayn while we waited for Betty and Kuya Ed to arrive.
After a reading, blocking the entire play, and running through it twice, Kuya Ed hadn't turned up. Oh well. Anyway, everything was going too fast that I couldn't absorb everything at once. Rawr. Though it was actually refreshing to see Mimay directing. And yes, Mimay, you're welcome. =)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
just hanging around
Haha, last Thursday, I was set on going to that Nigel Barker event at Greenbelt 3 in the evening, with or without anyone to go with. Hey, Nigel Barker's hot, so I really wanted to check it out, hahaha. But then Cindy messaged me, telling me to go to CCP. It was the last day of the Pilipinas Circa auditions, and she and Gino were trying out. So quick change of plans. I immediately left for CCP right after I got out of the office.
Most of the people who were trying out that day were the ones in the AC shortlist, and people from TP. We were all over the hallway outside the conference hall, totally noisy the whole time, hahaha. Paul joined us as well. I was totally amused at the BA class, as they gave full-force support to their classmates that were trying out. After Cindy and Gino were done, the four of us plus Minette headed over to Tapa King (yes, again) for dinner.
Yesterday, I was bored out of my mind after work, so I settled in Powerbooks. Suddenly I got a text from Zshali, who was in ATC for Nigel Barker. We haven't hung out in ages, so I hopped on a shuttle and was at ATC in record time. Oh well, the event wasn't as I had expected, but it will do. Heck, just seeing Nigel Barker in the flesh is good enough for me, wooohooo! Hahaha! Anyway, after the event, we had dinner at Food Choices then of course we headed to Coffee Bean right after that. We were also with one of her friends from work (eep, Zee, I forgot your friend's name). Holy kamote, she's my age and she doesn't look like it, let alone have a kid. Huwaw, idol. Darn, our triumvirate wasn't complete that night, and I owe them so many stories, hahahaha!
I got a phone call from Betty and Mimay this afternoon. Oh my, I hope my schedule would permit me to help Mimay for her class.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
AMT moments
It's the first Tuesday in a month that I didn't have to rush from Makati to CCP for the workshop. I had felt restless by the time I had closed the door to our office, so I headed to Powerbooks to pass the time away.
Surprisingly, withdrawal wasn't that hard this year compared to last year. Then again, I'm not really all that surprised.
An annual quote... "We do not remember days. We remember moments."
- Sir Roeder's infamous wooden sticks, plus his substitutes. (And run!)
- Sir Nazer's CD that we use for vocalizing.
- "Fillet" being synonymous to "plie," HAHAHA!
- "Delicious" Gino, originating from his trademark jazz walk.
- Guia repeatedly being called "Ghia."
- RJ's true colors coming out almost overnight.
- The 2 Pauls: Lachica and Lachaka.
- Tapa King almost every night. (Happy hotdog, anyone?)
- Going to Malate every Saturday night after class.
- Baywalk buddies. (Talking until the sun rose... while we were facing the other way!)
- 8 o'clock break. Bring out the junk food, mostly sponsored by Cindy.
- Trying to break a 20-peso bill or even a 5-peso coin just for the coffee and soda vending machines.
- Sir Nazer's endless search for junk food.
- Pa-simple pa si Sir Roeder. Siya rin kaya, hehehe.
- Father Joseph's addition to the 8 basic efforts: the wink.
- Princess' autistic way of talking.
- Guia's addiction to the Wheel of Fortune game in Princess' phone.
- The girlfriend/meantime girl gang: Joyce, Princess and Hogi. Naku naman, Allein, sumama ka na sa amin.
- Waiting for Christian and Minette after class.
- Super friends Gino and Hogi.
- Walking from CCP to Taft every night.
- LSS of "Sugarpie, Honeybunch" and "My Humps."
- Faye's school stuff all over the place by the time she arrives at the conference hall.
- Sir Roeder's crazy jokes, such as the "tweet tweet."
- Spirit of the paper.
- Cindy's birthday dinner at Giligan's.
- Pasta galore by Paul R and potluck junk food on Bong's birthday.
- Paolo's collection of Broadway CDs.
- Forever LSS of "Unexpected Song."
- The film viewing, with the crazy choreo that Guia was supposed to do, and those bakulaw performers.
- Mission Hiding "Rose Jasmine" at Harbour Square.
- Cindy's choreo to the show's songs.
- "Syotang Pa-class" at "Syotang Bakla."
- Sir Roeder and Sir Nazer's "okrayan" moments over dinner at Tapa King.
(Hehehe, some of these have been contributed by Cindy.)
Like I had told all of them, it doesn't end there.
Allein, you've been one of the people in the class that I spent time with the most. You're also one of the sweetest and most caring people in the group. And don't tell me that you don't have a voice, because if you can carry a tune, yes, you can sing. I'll truly miss our bonding moments.
Bong, ang forever kengkoy na bugoy. I admire your dancing skills and it's always treat to watch you perform as you are so animated. Idol kita for still being strong after things that you have gone through in life at such a young age.
Cindy, you're wacky, you're crazy, you're fun to be with. Ah yes, my ever reliable insomniac YM chat buddy. I just love your quirks. Salamat sa pag-provide din ng junk food during breaktime, hahaha!
Faye, we never really got to talk that much, but I know we'll still get our chance even though the summer workshop has ended. Believe me, maraming panahon para mag-bonding.
Gemma, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it to the workshop. Thank you ever so much! You were great. Don't ever feel pessimistic if you can't do something on the first few tries, because I believe in you. And you did it! Love you, Gem!
Gino, when I first met you right on up to the first day of this year's workshop class, I had never thought we'd become really good friends. You and I remind me of a quieter version of Jack and Karen of Will and Grace fame, hahaha. Aminin mo, pareho lang talaga tayo ng level ng kalandian! My forever waiting buddy, superfriend to all.
Guia, the most outspoken girl among the group, it's never boring or quiet whenever you're around. Maski gaano ka pa kakulit, ayus lang.
Jella, our little sister in the class, and the most graceful of us all. Despite the last minute crazy things that had happened, you still managed to keep your performance level up. Kahit ano pa ang mangyari, good or bad, we're there for you. I'll never forget that warning about C2 equals one cup of rice, hahaha!
Joseph, naku, easy lang sa pagiging too touchy, Father. Thanks for all the laughs and crazy stuff that you manage to come up with without any effort at all. So I guess by now, you've already memorized your songs? Ahehehe.
Joyce, you may say that we became close a little too late, but nothing's too late. Marami pang paraan para magkita kita ulit tayo. Tuluy-tuloy pa rin ang mga kwento! Hahaha, exes unite! Tama na ang pagiging bitter. We're gorgeous. I'll miss being mataray with you, though, hahaha!
Marlon, I know you regret being out of place, but it's not your fault or anyone else's. You're a talented guy, and we're all genuinely grateful for your friendship. Hope to still see you around.
Paolo, oh my, I was so surprised to find out that you were the one standing next to me on that first day. Our resident repetiteur, hehehe. Pahiraman pa rin tayo ng Broadway CDs!
Paul L, makulit ka man, but you know me, I can be more makulit than the next person, haha. Thanks for keeping my spirits up whenever I'm tulala, bored or out in the ozone. And no, you've got it wrong, I'm not that much of a gimmick person that you think I am. Tambay lang, hahaha.
Paul R, I just love you for what you are! You're quirky, bubbly and witty, and I just admire your individuality. I sure do hope you keep up your directing skills, because I know you're brilliant. Thanks for the notes that you've observed and the little pieces of advice.
Princess, you're such a sweetheart. I never thought you'd be the girl I'd hit it off real well with, but I guess I thought wrong. Basta, we gotta meet up again soon wherever and whenever para tuloy pa rin ang mga kwento. I really cherish those bonding moments with you and Joyce.
RJ, ah yes, Rose Jasmine, as Sir Roeder and Sir Naz had christened you. Idol kita sa mga galaw galaw mo! Even though I haven't picked up anything from your body jam sessions, ikaw pa rin ang aking syotang bakla, hahaha! See you around, boyfriend!
Sir Roeder and Sir Nazer, both of you have been truly inspiring. Thank you loads for all the patience, the encouragement, the endless "nags" and everything else. Your gentle pushes had helped me believe in myself more. Here's to next year's plans? Hahahaha!
Monday, May 7, 2007
shedding my blue jeans
These past couple of days were uber-busy. Last Saturday, we had an earlier call time than usual so we can have our space adjustment in the Batute theater. Miss Tess and Ian's Beginning Acting class had to extend a little longer in the venue for their own rehearsal, so we had to wait a little more. We got to watch them run through their entire play, called Metamorphoses or Banguhay (Mga Pagbabagong-Anyo). In fairness, their class had a lot of strong actors.
Then it was our turn next. Space adjustment along with the technicals. Tricky tricky. I missed the Batute stage, but it gets crazy. And with this group, it was tough, because some don't even know backstage discipline. Some were talking a little too loudly, and some were even peeking through the curtains. Holy kamote. Oh well. Anyway, we ran through everything, entrances and exits, songs with Sir Harold, and then the entire play. We ended at almost midnight, but a bunch of us were starving so we made a little stopover at Chowking, hahaha.
Another early call time on Sunday, so we can run-through again. Yay, I was so glad about this, because I still felt sloppy. Argh. I even ran into Bea and Kuya Ramil in the buffeteria, because they alos had a show that day at the Main Theater. Anyway, to my dismay, we only had a sort of paper tech. Entrances and exits and light changes, then that was it. We then moved to the Conference Hall, which was our holding area. The BA class was there, prepping up, dressing up and having their makeup done. We stayed at the other side of the room and did our own thing. When the BA class finally headed off to the theater to begin, we began prepping up. Slipped on our costumes, had our makeup done (thank you, Sir Roeder), while going through some songs with Sir Harold, talking, joking around, taking photos, vocalizing along with Sir Nazer's CD and all that.
Everything was just fine except for one disturbing incident that involved a phone call that Jella got. My golly banana.
Amazing, I thought that it would be just like last year that I wouldn't have the time to feel nervous. What was weird was that I didn't feel it at all. Huwaw.
When we all headed into the theater, we were raring to go. One glitch, though. Our AVP wasn't shown because the laptop that was used was different, and it wasn't compatible with the projector, I think. Darn. Because of that, the audience didn't get to see our "yearbook photos." Anyway, we were off and running. Paulo began with high energy, and it was so catching that everyone went with it. Never mind the little goofs; everyone could feel that we were all having fun. I never thought that people would laugh at certain lines and how some would segue into songs.
Anyway, by the time we were into "Lumang Tugtugin," we were raring to end the whole thing with a bang in "Blue Jeans." Woohoo! I just love that number.
One thing I can't believe I managed to pull off was that darn "Yakap Sa Dilim" scene. Hehehe. I never thought I could dare to bare in front of all these people.
Holy kamote, by the time Sir Roeder and Sir Nazer were giving out the certificates, I was so surprised that I actually had my own cheering section in the bleachers, HAHAHAHA! To Iam, Ge, Aris, Mike, Ate Shang (sorry, I forgot the name of your boyfriend!), Mimay, Nikki, Remus, Betty, Tin, Peachy, Carms, Nicco, Zee, Carlo, Teena, Mia, Sundee, and Ariel, thank you loads!
Chitchat, mingling, photo ops, videos and even an interview in the lobby after the show. It was crazy, hahaha. I loved every moment of it. After quite some time, a huge bunch of us headed to Dencio's Harbour Square with Sir Roeder and Sir Nazer for dinner. Paul R got his friend to videotape our entire show, so before, during and after stuffing ourselves silly, we watched and mocked the entire show. I looked like Minnie Mouse in my hot pink costume, hahahaha!
Sir Roeder was talking to me during the walk to Dencio's, and gave a little note on my performance. After that, he then asked me the same question a lot of people ask, the one about why won't I try auditioning for shows. And I said the same thing I always say, that I do not want to give a mediocre performance, I'm not prepared (ugh, what a lame excuse), and I'm my number one critic. So he told me that I should just keep trying, all that stuff, and stop all these inhibitions that keep hindering me from doing a good job. He repeated the same thing again after dinner, while we were watching Paul's video of the show, adding that I should go try out for TP shows, and stop hiding behind production work and backstage "ninja stints," specially with that "pretty face" that I have (huh?) that can take control, or something like that. I forgot his words, actually, hahaha. As long as I just improve on my focus and keeping still (malikot pa rin daw kasi ang mga mata ko), I can do it. Huwaw, inspiring.
Arvin remembered what Sir Roeder had said when we had changed venues. He just had to bring it up, and when Minette heard that, she also commented what she had noticed in me, hahaha! Kinda makes me think, really.
We may had shed off those old 80s blue jeans tonight, but we will never get tired of wearing them again. We have yet to find another venue for our outlet, because this will not end here.
Friday, May 4, 2007
potlucking junk food
So we attempted a full run-through this evening. We were missing Gino and Faye today though, but we managed anyway.
Holy kamote, when Lovely came in with a huge bunch of costumes, we realized that we will be doing one big quick change. My oh my. Can we actually pull it off? It's too fast. Oh well, we'll see.
Anyway, so we did a run-through with the pianist, even though we still didn't have chords for "Syotang Pa-class" and "Prinsesa". After the run, there was the usual notes, and we took a break to celebrate Bong's birthday that day. Paul had brought Tupperware containers full of pasta that he had made (yummy!), and a bunch of us had also brought some junk food to share. Hahaha, potluck pala ang pagdala ng junk food. My golly, matatakaw talaga ang buong class! Too bad Sir Nazer missed it, ahehe. He's the one who's always after us for something to eat during class. After the break, we focused on the songs that needed to be worked on. Hopefully we'll get to that duet tomorrow.
Allein and I made a stopover at the TP office after class and managed to catch a glimpse of the AVP that will be shown in our play. Holy kamote, I look so funny in the class picture because I had forgotten to remove my socks, so it looked weird with what I was wearing, hahaha!
Oh yeah, after quite some time pondering about our characters' names, Sir Roeder had decided to name us according to the actors who had played those roles in the movie, hahaha!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
rehearsals during Labor day
Last Monday, I had tentative plans after work, so I went directly to Landmark to shop for a top for our recital. Hahaha, I almost easily found what I was looking for. Then I suddenly got a text from Mimay, who was actually on her way to Makati to meet with some friends. We decided to meet up first and have dinner, then we met up with Leo, KZ and Bebs at Starbucks. Hahaha, I even got a sneak peak of this film (the rest stayed to watch the whole thing while I had to go home) on Bebs' laptop.
Tuesday was Labor Day, so I didn't have to get up early to go to work. Sir Roeder took this as an advantage to get more time to rehearse, so our call time was at 1 in the afternoon. As it turned out, Minette wasn't informed of the early schedule, so where did we end up rehearsing? By the CCP fountain outside the entrance nearest the conference hall, hahaha! Dust and dirt kept flying all over the place. Anyway, we used that time to focus more on our lines. Holy kamote, Sir Roeder had said the very same thing that Miss Tess had quipped last year. Masyado daw akong mabait. Rawr...
We wrapped up that afternoon's rehearsal at around 4 and decided to resume at 6 inside the conference hall. Most of us then trooped to Tapa King to eat and talk and joke around. I can never get over Cindy's "buses," in the harbor, wahahahaha.
When we started class, we then worked on the choreography. Hahaha, my homework before that day was that darn entrance in "Syotang Pa-class". Well, I think I've got it, but it still needs a little work, ahehehe. Same goes for my lines after that song, which we kept doing over and over that afternoon. Rawr. Anyway, after the choreography, the pianist arrived (and I still can't remember what his name is, sorry!) and we started rehearsing the songs with him. After rehearsing each one, we had to record them as well on tape.
We had a visitor in class last night. Chester! Hahaha! He, along with Sir Roeder and Sir Nazer joined Gino, Allein, Paul and I for dinner (wherelse but Tapa King?). Lots of catching up, stories and even a little bashing with the teachers, hahaha.
Music rehearsals again this evening, rehearsing the songs we didn't cover the day before because we still didn't have the chords to them yet. Another round of recording, this time using Cindy's laptop. Hahaha, suddenly we heard Sir Roeder fooling around with the lyrics of a couple of songs. Then when someone brought up "Syotang Pa-class," someone quipped "syotang bakla," referring to RJ, who's the one who sings the original version of the song in the play. Hahaha, I couldn't help it, I just had to say, "'Syotang Bakla.' Eh di ako na ang kakanta nun, hahahaha!"
We're going to attempt to do a full run-through tomorrow. Wheee.
My oh my oh my. The recital's just a few days away. Santa banana.