Sitting on a couch at Starbucks Harbour Square, just killing time. I'm also sort of waiting for a couple of friends to finish their class at CCP's conference room, if ever they do have time to just hang out for a while after their class. That, plus I have something to settle as well in another venue.
Just sitting here brings back so many memories that I'm hoping to get over. Not necessarily erase, really, because I don't want to flush whatever things in the past down the drain.
I recall that this was the place where I realized that I was learning to trust people with my thoughts and other issues, a pivotal point of my life when I stopped blogging about my secrets and thoughts that I was afraid to share with everyone. It was also where I always end up staying before one of the shows I worked at, shrugging off thoughts about a certain person that I've grown very close to.
And right now, I wish it was easy as it was back then to shrug off these feelings toward that same person. Most of our vivid moments together had been within this vicinity, from meeting for the first time, to bonding over coffee, to trying to fess up each others' feelings, to finally saying yes, right down until the day the whole thing fell apart in just one day.
After drying my tears and talking to a few friends through phone, I still ran to this exact venue, this exact same set of couches that I'm currently sitting on at this moment. I hid my swollen red eyes behind dark sunglasses until a couple of good friends immediately left their houses to come to my rescue and comfort me. We spent the entire afternoon alternately talking and just being our crazy selves, so it was still a good balance of crying and laughing on my part.
This Starbucks branch had been witness to some of my secrets and heartaches, and is still one of the top places that I would go to whenever I need a place to think, regardless of the memories I've had all over the place. Along with a half-empty cup of Coffee Jelly Frappuccino, I am reminded that it helps to just sit down and tell yourself that eventually, things will be fine. Eventually.