Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chika lang about the one who got Hired

I remember getting a text message from Ria years ago about recommending me to be an assistant teacher for Trumpets Playshop. I was so grateful for her for that experience, as I had learned a lot as well from my students, no matter how pasaway they can be.

I got several text messages sometime this month (or was it last month?) about the new May Trabaho Ka thing, now called Hired, and they were looking for a summer workshop teacher. Hahaha, even though I was quite curious and it was in my line of interest, no way was I going to go on national television for some reality show. I sent a message to a handful of friends, and only one had replied to ask how to go about it.

A lot of good came to that one friend who replied. Congratulations to Leslie Ledesma for being the new Theater Summer Workshop teacher for Trumpets Playshop! Woohoo!

I told you na chika lang ito, hahaha.


  1. thanks hogi! :) my gosh, i really didn't know about the show til bev from qtv called me up.. i thought it's just gonna be a private job interview/audition at playshop :)
    but all's good, no regrets, i learned a lot from this experience :)

    i actually dont know if i wanna see myself on tv! haha! and if i want my friends to see me in that show! haha!

  2. wow, i think that's a great way of hiring people, haha :D wonder if the format will work for other job positions, like, say... an accountant. or mathematician. hehehe. that'll probably be super boring to watch :P

  3. Hahaha, I wonder when it's going to be aired. And to think I hardly watch TV.

  4. Hahaha, they have to think harder if they search for those kind of people. They could try something like another "Beat the Geek" game show siguro, hahaha!

  5. i dont know the exact date as well, but will text you about it :)
