Hannah and I ended up riding the same orange jeep to CCP together, and by the time we arrived backstage, we ran into Boogie, Dan and Ayana who were already heading out to Jollibee. They waited for us to drag our stuff inside the dressing room (where we found Mark trying to catch more sleep) before we all headed out to Jollibee together. Because we knew that we were still going to end up at the same fast food joint for lunch, we didn't order the regular meals and ordered the breakfast meals instead, hahaha.
Immediately went back to the dressing room, and we were told to prep up already because we were doing a final run at 11am, in complete costume and makeup. I was told that JK will be providing a wig for me as Consul Busman, so I put my hair up in a bun. But when we saw that it was a blonde wig that still looked feminine, Miss Tess vetoed the wig and put my hair up in a French braid instead. JK then helped with my makeup, because I was playing a male character. Hindi ako marunong mag-contour ng mukha to sharpen certain features, ahahaha, so super thanks to the self-proclaimed National Artist for makeup.
JK had also brought the light dress that I had to wear during one of my scenes as Radius, and yes, it was literally a wire dress with lights all over it. They made me try it on and rehearse the scene before the run, so I would know how to move around the stage with it. It wasn't really heavy, really. It was just really bulky.
So this is what it looks like from the side.
And this is what it looks like when I'm wearing it as Radius.
(Photos courtesy of Gelo.)
Anyway, our run got delayed because MA was super duper late for the nth time. By the time he arrived, JK quickly announced that we will run in 5 minutes. We quickly rushed into our costumes and got ready for the run.
Holy kamote, we all felt the same thing. We all had pretty low energy during the final DTR. I think it was because we didn't rehearse as much the day before, as we only did a cue-to-cue. And my goodness, because it was the first time we actually did the scene with me in the light dress, the top part pushed down my headpiece a little too much, so by the time I had entered the scene, I could barely see anything because the headpiece almost covered my eyes entirely. But hey, at least I managed to make my quick change easier.
Notes during company call, then it was time for lunch. Once again, we got food from Jollibee, but we decided to just get it to go and eat it at the LT backstage entrance so we can easily be found.
Back to the dressing room to prep up for the show. It was almost time for the show. We were all excited and nervous at the same time, and vowed to put all our energy into this one show. JK managed to fix my headpiece so I wouldn't go blind by the time Radius once again enters with the light dress, hahaha. Plus I was told to have a tighter braid which could be tucked under my jackets, and thank goodness MA's friend Jam (who was also there backstage) volunteered to braid my hair because I didn't know how to French braid my own hair.
We all said a prayer together before the show began. And afterwards, I just had to laugh at myself. I was wearing 3 layers of clothes (bottom: cycling shorts, gray pants, black pants; top: tank top, tailored shirt, coat), and I always feel the need to pee when the first scene was about to begin, hahaha!
Because we were pretty visible from the audience if we hang around the wings, we moved our standby chairs farther away. Thank goodness my coat (well, JK's really) was black and I could still move around in silence, but still we were slightly visible.
Showtime! Thank goodness there was much more energy during the show. I think it was because we knew we already had an audience. After the first act, we were on a roll. But alas, I buckled over one of my lines, kung kelan Radius the robot pa ako, ahahaha! But I still barreled through. And I finally managed to change from Busman to Radius swiftly during the quick change, thanks to Gelo's help with the light dress. Ayan, kabog ang audience with my costume, ahehehe. But I had to agree with Drei that they should've used different lighting. Oh well.
Thanks to all who watched! It was great seeing those familiar faces during curtain call!
Congrats to my fellow RPT workshoppers, to Miss Tess and JK, and to the stage management (who were under Sir Edmu's workshop) as well!
After the show, we cleared everything out in our dressing rooms, surrendering our hand props and stuff to the stage management, then headed out separate ways for a while before we all had to watch the Acting in Musical Theater workshop (where Rommel's daughter Anna was in). I joined Drei and Cha at Icebergs to talk and hang out. It was my first time ever to hang out with Cha in person, and I like her already.
When it was almost 7pm, I headed to the Batute and found Yana in the lobby, waiting for tickets. Rommel, Mark, Len and Dan were already inside. We finally got tickets from Ate Bheng and then found seats before Quiapo the Musical began. And I have to say, Anna was the best one there. Congrats to you as well!
After the show, we headed to Barbariba, along with Miss Tess, Nazer, Roeder, Onyl, Arnie, and a bunch of the musical theater workshoppers. Well, it wasn't really the real cast party anyway, so it was no biggie that there were others with us, or that we weren't complete (as Dan, Hannah, and Rish weren't there).
I have to laugh at all the comments I got from people who saw me perform. Most had said na ang gwapo ko pala pag lalaki ako, ahahaha! Miss Tess told me that Lao said na kikita talaga ako if I play male roles, wahahaha! Miss Tess also said that I look better with really really short hair, as she had seen me with my hair up in a bun (which, by the way, is an accomplishment, as it was my first time ever to manage to put my hair up in a bun by myself). Roeder said the opposite, that he liked how I look with the length of my hair now. Hmmm... makes me think about what to do with my hair next, hehehe.
Like I always used to say, the RPT class is very different from the other workshop classes that I've taken, because it's a new class every year. You learn something new, especially because you tackle a different play every year, and it's always a different approach.
So now this book has closed. This month, I'll be returning to Make Believe for Lara's class, and of course, the creative master class.
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