Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I saw a lot of plaid shirts and hair rollers in one day.

I wasn't really planning to watch Atomic Prom (Zombie Prom), 9 Works Theatrical's Adults Class Showcase last Sunday, but eventually a bit of prodding from Peachy and Tin got me to go. They told me to usher as well, so that was alright. At least I get to watch the showcase free of charge.

I arrived at The Loft during early afternoon, and watched the cast do some stage adjustment and cue-to-cue. Did a lot of sitting around and watching, and of course, whispering and chuckling. My goodness, I haven't seen so many hair rollers onstage before, ahahaha. They managed to run through the first act without music, then the second act with the band. When they were done, I got to mingle with some people I knew while they had to do mic check.

Dax was also there, and he volunteered to help out with Jay's zombie makeup, which required a bit of prosthetics and lots of green Snazaroo. Before the show, he experimented with the makeup on just half of Jay's face to see what it would look like. Joy was also there to help with makeup, and brought her hubby and family along as front-of-house. So I guess I have no trouble at the FOH so I'll just be the doorman.

I got some dinner from the 7-Eleven downstairs (my usual Hotta Rice in Chili Con Carne), and stayed backstage with Shelyn, Teena and Joy while I ate. I love Joy's makeup, by the way. Once I get past this "poverty level" (hahaha), I'm gonna purchase some stuff from her.

When it was time for open house, Tin and I just basically stood by the door, opening it whenever someone would enter. No more tickets to look at and tear, because Honey (Joy's hubby) was the one doing it at the FOH table. When they heard the kids' show (Onyl's 2-kid workshop showcase) from inside, the audience were surprised that the show started early, so I had to keep telling them that the kids' show was just a sort of opening act.

Tin and I managed to sneak through the other door to watch the first few scenes. I first sneaked in because I wanted to check how crowded the venue was already. Goodness, there were people standing in the aisles. Anyway, for a while, I managed to just stand there and watch, but I suddenly got restless and went backstage and let Tin watch the rest.

The moment I arrived backstage, I saw Dax, Joy, Tina and Mela all working on Jay's zombie makeup, applying the green Snazaroo on his face, neck and hands. I immediately offered to help, so I grabbed an extra sponge and helped put green stuff on his hands. Holy kamote, "Elphabizing" Jay resulted in our hands also being "Elphabized." Tina, Joy and I tried everything to remove the green stuff from our hands. We first ran to the sink and washed our hands, but of course, that didn't work. Joy got a pot of cold cream, and it hardly worked. Tina then rubbed on some alcohol, and I guess that worked a bit. To quote Joy, "It's more rubbing than alcohol," ahehe. She also took out some baby wipes from her bag, so we used that along with the alcohol. Well, we managed to remove most of the green stuff, but it was just hilarious when Joy picked up a bottle of liquid eyeliner and put it at the tip of her elphabized finger. Look, it's an Elphaba finger puppet! Hahahaha!

We spent most of the rest of the show backstage, and Tin joined us after a while, just standing around and talking (sometimes ranting), and even hunting for Joy's burger. We also helped some of the workshoppers with their costume changes, especially Teena and Peach. Well, I wasn't really planning on watching the show that day, so at least I was productive while I was there. Effort yung prom dress ni Peachy ha. There were so many layers of petticoats underneath, ahahaha.

After the show, Tin and I had to leave right away because I had an early start the next morning. But of course, I had to congratulate and bid some people goodbye. Congrats, you guys!

Some comment out of several. What's the use of taking a musical theater workshop, if yung boses mo lang ang focus mo? And for others, keep in mind that there are some ensemble work involved in every show. Kaya kung ensemble kayo, pakiramdaman niyo yung iba and don't upstage anyone or everyone.

I'm attempting multiple entries a day like Lara. On to the next entry.