Late yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from Nicco. We had a short and brief text exchange earlier that afternoon when I had asked how he was, and I was surprised that he called me.
Knowing Nicco, I wasn't surprised that he would go on and on about himself when I had simply asked about the recent goings-on in his life. What surprised me was that he eagerly listened when I told him about my own updates. We haven't seen each other in almost 2 years (yes, believe it, baby bro), so I told him about the latest, especially about the big change in my life, which was quitting theater to pursue dancing, something that I was actually not at all confident doing. About having to face someone everyday despite certain given circumstances, plus having to face not just one, but three of my fears in just one day.
When I was done telling him all of that, Nicco had told me, "Kailangan mo rin yan eh." ("You needed that.") At first, I didn't really quite understand it. What even made him say that? I mean, we haven't hung out in ages, so how would he think that I needed to do this?
Nicco then explained that I needed this because I was always doing things where I'm always comfortable, and I'm always playing it safe, afraid to take risks and face my fears. He said that he didn't think that I was completely happy with anything that I was doing back then when I was still in theater. Dancing was something I always felt like I couldn't do as well as others, until I decided to pursue ballroom. And judging from the photos and posts I made that he had seen, it was those moments when I was completely happy with what I was doing.
I was so surprised when he said that, because upon realization, Nicco was actually right. I learned to take risks, and even face my fears. I was amazed how he was so spot on, how he knows me, probably even more than I do myself, that I welled up with tears right there outside the studio while I was talking to him on the phone.
After that phone conversation, I learned how to appreciate my friends even more. It's the way they just know a person, regardless of how often you see and communicate with each other. And they always tell you as it is, no sugar coating necessary, telling you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear.
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