Chatted with 2 awesome friends yesterday on YM.
The first was Iam, one of my best friends. First we started out talking about trivial things during the afternoon, like window-shopping at online shops, because I mentioned this key I wanted to turn into a necklace. She then started showing me photos on Etsy of pretty necklaces and stuff that she wanted to buy. Evolved into 90s trends due to this one photo we saw of Will Smith playing baseball on the NES.
When we found each other online again during the evening, she told me that she came across my private blog again. Other than me, only she and Rosa have access to that particular blog, which consisted of ramblings that I can't seem to share with anyone, and stuff that I don't have the guts wording out loud. I used to ask them to read my entries there way back in 2003 because we hardly get together that often due to our schedules. Anyway, she found a certain entry that caught her eye, skipping over the way too personal stuff (thanks, Iam) and asked me about it. Updates and chat galore, as we talked about certain relationships, relationship dramas and close calls, hahaha. Because of how she managed to access my blog again, our conversation even evolved into online accounts, social networks, blogging and microblogging, hahaha.
I have to admit, medyo nahiya ako bigla kay Iam for finding all those new entries I had posted aside from the one that she had asked about, because they were beginning to sound like pathetic ramblings of someone who has nothing to do but sit idly just waiting. But I guess it's just a way of releasing things that have been clouding my mind all the time. And hey, it's good writing exercise. I was actually flattered when Iam had said that my blog entries, be it public or private were articulate. Naks naman, pumalakpak ang tenga ko, hahaha.
Sometime past midnight, I found Roan online. I haven't seen her visible on YM in ages, so I sent her a message just to say hi. We ended up chatting longer than just saying hellos, and caught up on each others news. Talked about camwhoring, but mostly touched the topic on relationships yet again. After we had told each other's stories, I was once again flattered, because she had said, "You have a better head on your shoulders than I initially assumed. and to think I already think highly of you." Syempre palakpak nanaman ang tenga ko for the second time that night, especially when I also looked up to her in some ways. She then explained that Lara had told her certain things about me already before Roan and I had met.
"I remembered you were the girl who had enough sense and control not to be swayed with the emotion and the mob-mentality," Roan had added, when she recalled a story Lara had told her in passing about me.
It was mighty flattering how people still seem to find that I'm level-headed and articulate when I'm the one who thinks of myself as otherwise.
And I just love catching up with good friends, be it online or in person.
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