So finally, here's my annual year in review. Bear with me, as this will be a pretty long entry.
I welcomed the year 2010 halfheartedly, as I had some doubts over certain aspects in my life right from the start. But of course, pessimism will get me nowhere, so I always have that ounce of optimism every once in a while.
As I always say, every year is a blast no matter what, and we can never avoid all the ups and downs. This year gave way to a lot of changes, so despite all the pitfalls, it's still been one year I'll never forget.
Little did I know that watching Footloose and hearing a particular bible verse could actually sum up what was to come for the entire year. The famous Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 said:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven;
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Early into the year, I told myself that I should look more into the relationships with the people I love, to see if they're still worth investing in. Little did I know that one significant relationship would disappear by then. At the end of the month, I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years. Not much explanation, but let's just say that he had his reasons.
That month was also a reunion of sorts with some of my cousins from the US. I haven't seen them since I was 7 years old, and their visit was a perfect opportunity to bond with them both here in Manila and during our 3-day trip to Palawan.
As an outlet, Para hindi mo ito maintindihan was born and performed this month, and it was a great way to bond with Betty, Jenny and Opa, plus a way to explore certain emotions and actions.
This month marked the most emotional time I've had all year. I was so glad that I was somehow kept busy because I was working for Rent's front-of-house. I began the month full of hope due to a nice, clean breakup, which eventually led to a breakdown. I was actually surprised at myself for being so angry at someone to the extent of shouting at that person over the phone. But despite that, I guess it was right to have a reason to be angry in order to be able to move on. And near the end of the month, Carmie and Jay got married, and I was so honored to be a part and to help out on their special day. Their wedding made me feel more optimistic about the future, making me believe in love all over again.
I was so glad to have Avenue Q to keep me busy after Rent had closed, and I was also grateful for friends who keep constantly in touch during this time, so the bad days grew farther apart. This month also marked a significant get-together with my fellow Dashing Divas, Lara and Dingdong. We trekked all the way up north to UP to watch a thesis production of They're Playing Our Song, and Lara and I both agreed that it was the right show to watch at the right time for us. Another get-together this month was with BFFs Micah and Dyown, both whom I haven't seen since we went to Bulacan for an episode of Chef To Go. I also managed to watch a few shows in CCP despite some awkward circumstances, like TP's Tatlong Mariya, and the AC's voice, dance and acting recitals.
I was invited by Lesley to join Make Believe this year and teach my own class, and I was all up for it until we found out that because there weren't enough students, the class got dissolved. Too bad. But I did manage to help out a bit in Lara's class, and despite the fact that I still had to endure the crazy service road, I still loved going there. And while we're still talking about workshops, I also returned to TP's Rehearsal and Performance Techniques workshop, considering the fact that I didn't get to join last year. It felt like a brand new class, having new teachers (Miss Tess and JK), new classmates (I was the only returnee in the class), and a new attack on the class itself. I remember that we were often reminded to challenge ourselves everyday, to "go for the kill" and "get in trouble." This month also gave me the opportunity to be in Sir Dennis' Cinemalaya film entry, and I had a blast hanging out in between takes with Betty, Rayna, Dave and the infamous "Sir July," ahahaha.
Kicked off the month with our Rehearsal and Performance Techniques recital, R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). Quite a challenge playing not just one, but two masculine roles, ahahaha. Anyway, I was grateful for the fact that I've been pretty busy the month before, and decided to continue it this following month with Lara's Make Believe class, as she had gotten me as a guest actor for her class' recital of her own version of The Little Prince. And speaking of Lara, one highlight of this month was the Saturday that we had planned to go up north after Make Believe to watch a couple of recitals in MC under TP. Because of the crazy traffic along the service road, we didn't make it to her Make Believe class in the morning and opted to trek straight up north. My goodness, we were on the jeepney for 4 hours before we made it to Edsa. When we got to MC, we got to watch Tad and Paolo's workshop class' recital (also a version of The Little Prince) before we grabbed a bite at the newly opened MushroomBurger along Katipunan. Lara also gave me a tour of the Ateneo campus through her reminiscing eyes, and while doing that, we spotted a poster of TA's production of La Ronde, which was closing that very evening. It took a lot of effort for Lara to convince me to watch, and we eventually did, after watching Riki's workshop class' recital of La Casa de Bernarda Alba. Huwaw, it made the trek up north worth it, just having a 3-play marathon with my breast friend.
Another significant event this month was that I had decided to grab a different job opportunity, thanks to Anna's referral. I was actually surprised to get the phone interview while hanging out with Lara and Nina in Montessori.
This month marked a significant shift of paths for this year. I just got hired as a part-time agent for Convergys. The frustrating part of being hired at this time was that a perfect avenue had just opened, and because of the path I chose, it hindered me to take the avenue of opportunity. But hey, I can always try it next year, right?
Gino had asked me over lunch one day what I had gained since the last relationship that I had lost. Off the top of my head, I had said that I gained the chance to venture out into this opportunity that I used to kept saying no to. Anyway, it was such a refreshing change, and it made me welcome and acknowledge all the other changes that's been going on.
Alongside my first month training and being briefed on the floor at work, I also juggled ushering duties for Atlantis' Legally Blonde. Because of late nights and early mornings, I found myself sleeping during the mid-day instead of at night. But even with that, I even managed to find time catching a few sets of Virgin Labfest at CCP.
I could feel certain friends starting to drift apart as well. It's frustrating, really. Plus I also learned the truth as to how one relationship got strained. Now that I've learned the truth, I guess I have to learn to deal with it. And it made me wonder if I should still try to gain someone's trust after I've lost it unintentionally. Heck, of course.
Basically the first half of the month was still juggling Legally Blonde and still being a newbie on the floor at work. And I still managed to watch a bunch of Labfest plays during the less busy days, as well as the preview of Rep's Equus. Immediately after Legally Blonde had closed, Jan and I found another window of opportunity as merchandisers for Cats in CCP. Gigo and I even got to be one of the first to meet the cast (thanks to Sam) as soon as they emerged from the airport. Even after a bit of minor disagreements about our work and fees, we resigned and got rehired due to certain compromises.
Funny how finding myself sitting alone in Starbucks one afternoon can lead to good pondering moments. After all, that particular branch had been witness to a lot of what had happened to me.
The beginning of the month required certain pondering and thinking whether I should take the script analysis class under TP. Even though it was exclusive for AC scholars, apprentices and members, they had to decided to open it for a few outsiders, so I took a lot of time thinking whether I should take this class, considering certain "given circumstances" to consider. Eventually, I decided to give it a go, thanks to the good advice of certain friends. So aside from work for 4 mornings, I had merchandising duties during Cats' weekday shows, plus I attend script analysis class every Friday afternoon.
I also got the opportunity to watch Cats one weekend, thanks to the people behind it. I was thrilled to sit at a really good seat, so I had a pretty good view of everything. I was totally in awe during the entire show, because of the talented triple-threats, the set, and the technicals. It was such a treat.
Ended the month watching Banaag at Sikat by TP, Orosman at Zafira in UP, and taking a road trip with Rosa and Iam to Tagaytay.
Another month, another show. I had more ushering duties, this time for Atlantis' Xanadu. For a while, I was not allowed in the roster of ushers, because someone had blabbed a stupid lie to the biggies. Goes to show how much you don't know me, whoever you are.
Ed visited again this month from Canada, and because I was busy during the weekends, we met up during a weekday.
Another significant event this month was that Evan was born on the same day as his daddy! I visited Carms, Jay and Evan the day after the birth. Unfortunately, Evan was in the ICU, but I was so glad just to see him, as well as his parents.
At the end of the month, I managed to watch more shows. There was TP's American Hwangap featuring Nicco, Information For Foreigners where Betty and Opa were involved in, and a twinbill of Alimuom and Walang Maliw featuring Tad and Kat.
One thing I have to say about this month is that friends with benefits really do exist.
Not much occurred during this month, I realized, but looking back on my blog entries, there were still quite a few significant events, like a rare get-together with Nikki and Nicco at the beginning of the month. We ended up sitting around, talking about certain issues and updates, and joking and laughing about certain things that had happened between us in the past.
Sometime in the middle of the month, I remember pondering about things that had transpired, and I eventually started searching for the crux, that vital point where a decision has to be or has been made, and after that, everything that follows is irreversible. Once I found that crux, there was a time that I sometimes wished I could go back to that, and just freeze time where things were fine and peachy.
At the end of the month, more ushering duties came in the form of 9 Works Theatrical's Wedding Singer. I was in charge of a team of crazy ushers, but despite their craziness and quirks, I was grateful having them on my team, instead of dealing with different ushers every show.
I was surprised that I was told that I was being prepped up to be a primary agent at work, but I guess I wasn't that prepared, plus the fact that I was having a lousy cough that never went away for quite a long time, so I sort of flubbed for a while.
I discovered a new place to eat up north, The Real Thing Diner, thanks to Noelle and Lara. It was a great opportunity to finally hang out with Noelle, then Lara and I got to hang out with Nina in Makati afterwards.
Speaking of more get-togethers, I had a mini-reunion with a bunch of high school friends from the track and field team. It was great to see some of them again, considering the last time I had seen some of them were after high school graduation.
After closing Wedding Singer, I managed to catch the preview show of Spotlight's Magsimula Ka, and sitting inside Music Museum made me remember all those few times that I was there for a couple of memorable projects several years ago.
Other than that musical, I got to watch a set of laboratory plays by FEU's theater guild, as one of the plays was directed by Tad. Wahahaha, and to think that the play that he directed was sort of a remake of Labfest 2's Palanca In My Mind. Even though with all the similarities, he did manage to add a little flavor into it.
This was the only time that I realized how fast the months flew by. Six months of working part-time in an industry I first thought I wouldn't be caught dead in, and I was grateful for the work and the people I've met because of it. This was the year I had more ushering/front-of-house duties than I had expected, and I managed to survive the year without having a significant other, plus I managed to stay friends (even though it took a while) with my last one.
I celebrated my birthday quietly and on my own, and it opened up a brand new perspective for me. But I managed to make up for it by celebrating one of my 2 best friend's birthday two days after.
I never expected 2010 to be an awesome year, but it was never a crummy year as well despite all those pitfalls. Things aren't all they're cracked up to be, but even with your expectations, you still accept both the good and the bad. Whenever something hinders your path, you'll surprise yourself by eventually finding a way (sometimes an ever better way) around it.
I'm glad for all the hurdles I went through in 2010. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for them, and the people who helped me get through them.
Lara sent me a Facebook message at the end of 2009:
I drew out a card for you. QUEEN OF WANDS.
Either you are this person or you will encounter someone who has these traits and will influence you.
Someone who is magnetic, attractive, believes in woman power, optimistic, self-assured, and upbeat.
You are dedicated to a task, friendly, easy going and wholeheartedly involved in everything you do. You are charismatic, creative, and knows where you're going. You are sexually accomplished. Hehe. You brighted up the atmosphere and are undaunted by challenges.
I look back and started looking for that person, and I realized that it was me. Well, in a way, hahaha. I realized I kept myself optimistic even when dark clouds started looming over me. I had to make all efforts work no matter what I did this year, and I do hope I can carry it on in 2011 and the years to come.
2010 was one heck of a roller coaster ride. As I'm afraid of literal roller coasters, so was I of this metaphorical roller coaster of a year. It was exciting, boring, daunting, and enlightening. People came and left for different reasons. I've lost and gained certain things. Thank you to those who have been there with me during the ride. With this, I look forward to 2011.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
First half of the Christmas week.
Last Sunday was CEAA's Christmas party (themed "A Hippie Christmas") in TGIF Glorietta, so even though I wanted to sleep in after a night with my high school friends, I had to go to our office after lunch on Sunday to meet with some of my teammates for our performance at the Christmas party. I got there half an hour late, but even with that, only Rae and Jammie were there.
We ended up staying all afternoon in the nearest huddle room, blocking, choreographing and rehearsing the performance, plus making the simple props that we needed. Thank goodness Dang was there, in need of a place to plug in her laptop. That way, she can surf to her heart's content, and at the same time, play DJ to our team, ahahaha.
When we finally thought we were ready, us three girls (Rae, Jam and me) changed into our clothes and started prepping up for the party. Ahehe, because of my choice to wear a bandanna around my head instead of the usual strands of beads that half the girls wore, I ended up looking more like a gypsy instead of a hippie, ahahaha.
Anyway, the party was actually a blast. I heard that during last year's Christmas party, only four teams performed. This year, all the teams came out sort of competitive, ahahaha! Thank goodness we decided to perform first. Ayan, star pa si Jammie, nyahahaha.
One thing that's so funny with a couple of the TLs (the most competitive of them) was that every time they see me, they would quip, "Ah, si Hogi, nasa theater yan. Baka magaling ang group ni Jammie sa sayaw." Ahehe, can I just say, just because I work in theater doesn't automatically mean I'm a good dancer. Oh well, that's what stereotyping can do to you.
Because of the celebrations during the weekend, I felt as if I lost an entire day on Monday, because I had an annoying migraine and slept the entire day away. And because I was sleeping the whole time, I forgot to eat, so when early Tuesday morning came, I suddenly had dizzy spells before I started getting ready to meet with Rosa. Thank goodness I managed to gobble down some breakfast before setting off.
So on Tuesday morning, I invited Rosa to join me for Carlos Celdran's "If These Walls Could Talk" tour in Intramuros. She invited Mickey along as well. My goodness, because of the crazy traffic jam along South Superhighway, Mickey was the one who got there first, and we were an hour and a half late for the tour. Thank goodness for Mickey's constant texting, we managed to catch up to where they were.
I have to say, Carlos' "Walk This Way" tours are the best. I manage to eavesdrop on the beginning of his "Living La Vida Imelda" tours a couple of times because they always begin in front of the CCP Little Theater lobby gift shop, and because I always hang out in the LT lobby, where it's located, I sometimes try and pretend to be part of his crowd... until they start moving to another venue, ahahaha. Anyway, the Intramuros tour is one that you really shouldn't miss. Despite the fact I was still sort of feeling dizzy when we were still looking for where they were so we could catch up with them, I felt much better after a while, and got so captivated with all the things that Carlos had said. You could pick up so many interesting bits of trivia about Philippine history that you will never find in history school books. And it will make you give more than a second look at Manila, and end up beaming with pride because you are Filipino, no matter how mixed up like the halo-halo we can be.
After the tour, Rosa, Mickey and I headed to SM Mall of Asia and had lunch at Jatujak. Then we went to Toy Kingdom to help Rosa look for Christmas gifts for her godchildren. It's been quite a long while since I set foot and immersed myself in a toy store, so I had quite a time checking out the toys that Rosa was considering for Martina. This one toy freaked me out, though. Aside from the lifelike dolls and interactive character toys, I saw this one monkey. The "try me" sign instructed to put the banana he was holding in one hand to his lips, so I did. To my shock, his lips suddenly moved, and it totally creeped me out because it was so lifelike. Ooooh, you toys shock me.
Anyway, today is Christmas Eve. Only a few hours to go before Christmas. Only a few more days before the new year rolls around. Year-ender entry coming up soon!
We ended up staying all afternoon in the nearest huddle room, blocking, choreographing and rehearsing the performance, plus making the simple props that we needed. Thank goodness Dang was there, in need of a place to plug in her laptop. That way, she can surf to her heart's content, and at the same time, play DJ to our team, ahahaha.
When we finally thought we were ready, us three girls (Rae, Jam and me) changed into our clothes and started prepping up for the party. Ahehe, because of my choice to wear a bandanna around my head instead of the usual strands of beads that half the girls wore, I ended up looking more like a gypsy instead of a hippie, ahahaha.
Anyway, the party was actually a blast. I heard that during last year's Christmas party, only four teams performed. This year, all the teams came out sort of competitive, ahahaha! Thank goodness we decided to perform first. Ayan, star pa si Jammie, nyahahaha.
One thing that's so funny with a couple of the TLs (the most competitive of them) was that every time they see me, they would quip, "Ah, si Hogi, nasa theater yan. Baka magaling ang group ni Jammie sa sayaw." Ahehe, can I just say, just because I work in theater doesn't automatically mean I'm a good dancer. Oh well, that's what stereotyping can do to you.
Because of the celebrations during the weekend, I felt as if I lost an entire day on Monday, because I had an annoying migraine and slept the entire day away. And because I was sleeping the whole time, I forgot to eat, so when early Tuesday morning came, I suddenly had dizzy spells before I started getting ready to meet with Rosa. Thank goodness I managed to gobble down some breakfast before setting off.
So on Tuesday morning, I invited Rosa to join me for Carlos Celdran's "If These Walls Could Talk" tour in Intramuros. She invited Mickey along as well. My goodness, because of the crazy traffic jam along South Superhighway, Mickey was the one who got there first, and we were an hour and a half late for the tour. Thank goodness for Mickey's constant texting, we managed to catch up to where they were.
I have to say, Carlos' "Walk This Way" tours are the best. I manage to eavesdrop on the beginning of his "Living La Vida Imelda" tours a couple of times because they always begin in front of the CCP Little Theater lobby gift shop, and because I always hang out in the LT lobby, where it's located, I sometimes try and pretend to be part of his crowd... until they start moving to another venue, ahahaha. Anyway, the Intramuros tour is one that you really shouldn't miss. Despite the fact I was still sort of feeling dizzy when we were still looking for where they were so we could catch up with them, I felt much better after a while, and got so captivated with all the things that Carlos had said. You could pick up so many interesting bits of trivia about Philippine history that you will never find in history school books. And it will make you give more than a second look at Manila, and end up beaming with pride because you are Filipino, no matter how mixed up like the halo-halo we can be.
After the tour, Rosa, Mickey and I headed to SM Mall of Asia and had lunch at Jatujak. Then we went to Toy Kingdom to help Rosa look for Christmas gifts for her godchildren. It's been quite a long while since I set foot and immersed myself in a toy store, so I had quite a time checking out the toys that Rosa was considering for Martina. This one toy freaked me out, though. Aside from the lifelike dolls and interactive character toys, I saw this one monkey. The "try me" sign instructed to put the banana he was holding in one hand to his lips, so I did. To my shock, his lips suddenly moved, and it totally creeped me out because it was so lifelike. Ooooh, you toys shock me.
Anyway, today is Christmas Eve. Only a few hours to go before Christmas. Only a few more days before the new year rolls around. Year-ender entry coming up soon!
Rosa's Star City birthday.
For Rosa's birthday last Saturday, she had talked out a bunch of plans, but things sort of fell through, so she decided to keep it simple for our happy trio.
We had dinner at Dencio's in Harbour Square, just the 3 of us. Her friend Mickey was also supposed to come, but he had to cancel at the last minute, so it was just the trio that night. Haha, almost immediately, we came up with a bunch of crazy quotable quips way before our food arrived.
To quote what Iam had posted on her Facebook status that evening...
Rosa: (nakakita ng lalaking may DSLR) Bakit maikli 'yung sa kanya?
Hogi: (nanlaki ang mata)
Iam: Nasanay ka na kasi sa European.
Stuffed ourselves at Dencio's, then we decided to get coffee at Starbucks before our "main event." But unfortunately, Starbucks was packed. I have to say, I miss the old layout of that Starbucks branch, because there were more places to sit and chill. It doesnt' feel as homey as before anymore. Anyway, we got our coffee, then we headed to Star City. Hahaha, yes, that was the highlight of Rosa's birthday.
Well, none of us were really fans of the rides (especially acrophobic little me), so we headed for the shops and browsed around. Iam was looking for a tommy gun for their company Christmas party, as well as a pair of good quality couple shirts that she and Ge will wear on their Korea trip. We all ended up getting these crazy hats in one store.

Hehe, Iam got this anime hat with ears and a vein, Rosa got the Piranha plant hat from the Super Mario Brothers games, while I got a Goomba hat, also from Super Mario. We ended up wearing them the entire evening that we were in Star City. Thank goodness we were wearing them, because when one of us would stray away (usually Rosa, ahahaha), looking for the hats were easy, as they were so different from all the common hats that were bought by the rest of the crowd.
We checked out the games and even tried a couple of them, and Rosa managed to win one small toy out of sheer luck, hehe. When we checked out the rides outside, Rosa and Iam before both laughing at me because whenever I watch one of the crazy ones zip by, I had this open-mouthed "in awe" look, hahaha!
Anyway, we kept walking around the entire place, checking out the other games, watching and laughing at the people who were in the rides and even the ones in line (meron ba naman kasing isang malaking group of girls in line just putting on makeup before their turn at the Pirate Adventure ride).
Anyway, when we got a text from Josh (who was with Seph at Ben and Jeng's wedding also that very night) that they were leaving the reception, we headed back to Harbour Square to meet with them. Unfortunately, Dencio's was already closing at it was already close to midnight, so by the time Seph and Josh arrived, we decided to just settle for the other place that used to be Mocha Blends, and just drink, hang out, talk and chill. Ended up hearing more quips to go around, like how to wake up, especially while driving, hahaha. I just love my high school friends.
We had dinner at Dencio's in Harbour Square, just the 3 of us. Her friend Mickey was also supposed to come, but he had to cancel at the last minute, so it was just the trio that night. Haha, almost immediately, we came up with a bunch of crazy quotable quips way before our food arrived.
To quote what Iam had posted on her Facebook status that evening...
Rosa: (nakakita ng lalaking may DSLR) Bakit maikli 'yung sa kanya?
Hogi: (nanlaki ang mata)
Iam: Nasanay ka na kasi sa European.
Stuffed ourselves at Dencio's, then we decided to get coffee at Starbucks before our "main event." But unfortunately, Starbucks was packed. I have to say, I miss the old layout of that Starbucks branch, because there were more places to sit and chill. It doesnt' feel as homey as before anymore. Anyway, we got our coffee, then we headed to Star City. Hahaha, yes, that was the highlight of Rosa's birthday.
Well, none of us were really fans of the rides (especially acrophobic little me), so we headed for the shops and browsed around. Iam was looking for a tommy gun for their company Christmas party, as well as a pair of good quality couple shirts that she and Ge will wear on their Korea trip. We all ended up getting these crazy hats in one store.
Hehe, Iam got this anime hat with ears and a vein, Rosa got the Piranha plant hat from the Super Mario Brothers games, while I got a Goomba hat, also from Super Mario. We ended up wearing them the entire evening that we were in Star City. Thank goodness we were wearing them, because when one of us would stray away (usually Rosa, ahahaha), looking for the hats were easy, as they were so different from all the common hats that were bought by the rest of the crowd.
We checked out the games and even tried a couple of them, and Rosa managed to win one small toy out of sheer luck, hehe. When we checked out the rides outside, Rosa and Iam before both laughing at me because whenever I watch one of the crazy ones zip by, I had this open-mouthed "in awe" look, hahaha!
Anyway, when we got a text from Josh (who was with Seph at Ben and Jeng's wedding also that very night) that they were leaving the reception, we headed back to Harbour Square to meet with them. Unfortunately, Dencio's was already closing at it was already close to midnight, so by the time Seph and Josh arrived, we decided to just settle for the other place that used to be Mocha Blends, and just drink, hang out, talk and chill. Ended up hearing more quips to go around, like how to wake up, especially while driving, hahaha. I just love my high school friends.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Birthday blues.
Wrote this earlier this evening on my phone.
This must be the lousiest birthday I've had ever. First, I had to deal with an empty promise. My naive self kept things open in cast something might come through. But nope, I should've learned by now to not hold on to things like that. So I'm still left up in the air.
I've also disappointed myself in another aspect. I knew I was confident enough to handle foolproof things such as those, so I should know better than to get rattled. Hearing such feedback (at least twice in the span of an hour) made me want to crawl under a rock and stay there forever.
Then if things weren't bad enough, I had a close call with a holdup situation aboard the bus home that I was on.
By the time I was home and had lunch with my parents, I just lay on my bed and cried. I realized that this is truly my loneliest birthday to date. I had zero plans in the evening because I led myself on into thinking that I actually had something to do, something to look forward to, but when that fell through, I suddenly felt miserable. Nothing was going right on my most special day of the year. And to rub it even more in my face, the person that I just had to share my thoughts with about this day failed to empathize, and didn't even try, as if that person didn't care (and you still owe me big time). Oh, 2010, you've already been a bummer from the very start, so I guess you just had to be consistent with it, huh?
After I had a good cry, I gave my spirits a tiny boost by peering at the birthday greetings I found on my Facebook wall (after a frustrating wait because of the lousy connection). At least I know there are still friends out there who still care and love me. So that's when I decided to quit lying there waiting for something to happen.
So I treated myself to a simple solo night out. Dinner at the place I was craving for (a tad pricey, but for a heavy meal, it was worth it), then caught Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D.
And now, armed with a chai tea latte, I'm writing this blog entry's draft while sitting by my lonesome in one of the many Starbucks branches along Ayala, trying (or maybe just pretending, even) to contemplate and think about how things came to this--spending my birthday evening alone.
What the heck. This is just a bad day like all the other bad days I've had this year. Maybe it just had more impact because it just happened to fall on the day of my birthday. So maybe I'll just celebrate my birthday on another day. I'll still push through with the Intramuros tour next week, and I must find a way to go out of town (most likely just by myself) for a few days after the new year comes in. I'm still trying to decide between 3 places.
This must be the lousiest birthday I've had ever. First, I had to deal with an empty promise. My naive self kept things open in cast something might come through. But nope, I should've learned by now to not hold on to things like that. So I'm still left up in the air.
I've also disappointed myself in another aspect. I knew I was confident enough to handle foolproof things such as those, so I should know better than to get rattled. Hearing such feedback (at least twice in the span of an hour) made me want to crawl under a rock and stay there forever.
Then if things weren't bad enough, I had a close call with a holdup situation aboard the bus home that I was on.
By the time I was home and had lunch with my parents, I just lay on my bed and cried. I realized that this is truly my loneliest birthday to date. I had zero plans in the evening because I led myself on into thinking that I actually had something to do, something to look forward to, but when that fell through, I suddenly felt miserable. Nothing was going right on my most special day of the year. And to rub it even more in my face, the person that I just had to share my thoughts with about this day failed to empathize, and didn't even try, as if that person didn't care (and you still owe me big time). Oh, 2010, you've already been a bummer from the very start, so I guess you just had to be consistent with it, huh?
After I had a good cry, I gave my spirits a tiny boost by peering at the birthday greetings I found on my Facebook wall (after a frustrating wait because of the lousy connection). At least I know there are still friends out there who still care and love me. So that's when I decided to quit lying there waiting for something to happen.
So I treated myself to a simple solo night out. Dinner at the place I was craving for (a tad pricey, but for a heavy meal, it was worth it), then caught Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D.
And now, armed with a chai tea latte, I'm writing this blog entry's draft while sitting by my lonesome in one of the many Starbucks branches along Ayala, trying (or maybe just pretending, even) to contemplate and think about how things came to this--spending my birthday evening alone.
What the heck. This is just a bad day like all the other bad days I've had this year. Maybe it just had more impact because it just happened to fall on the day of my birthday. So maybe I'll just celebrate my birthday on another day. I'll still push through with the Intramuros tour next week, and I must find a way to go out of town (most likely just by myself) for a few days after the new year comes in. I'm still trying to decide between 3 places.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
ATC with Zee, after ages of not seeing each other.
I haven't seen Zshali for over 2 years, and I think the last time we saw each other in person was way back in 2008, when she came to CCP to watch Virgin Labfest. I think that was either for Kalungkutan ng Reyna or for Las Mentiras de Gloria, but for whichever play, I do recall we saw each other during that time, hahaha. And before that, we were in Bulacan to shoot an episode of Chef To Go.

So anyway, after that, Zee and I never got to hang out again, even with the rest of our crowd, most likely because our schedules never matched, and we sort of lost touch for a time. Then I found out that she's working in Makati these past few months, but we still couldn't match our schedules, ahahaha.
Suddenly I got a random text from Zee yesterday. Finally, we agreed to meet up at ATC yesterday evening. Had dinner at Food Choices (syempre Korean ang pinili niya, be it on purpose or by accident, hahaha), then went to the makeshift Body Shop stall outside CPK so she can buy a Christmas exchange gift for a friend. Syempre pinag-isipan ang gift kasi crush pala niya ang nakuha niya na bibigyan, nyahahaha.
Then off we went to Starbucks to just sit, drink, talk and basically hang out. Updates and chikahan here and there over our frappuccinos. We were hoping that Dyown could catch up with us, but she was still in Makati that entire evening, so it was just the two of us. It was hilarious even with just Zee and me (but yes, we still miss having everyone else), talking about the upcoming restaging of our "favorite musical," among other things, plus job opportunities, Hi-Ro sa chocolate cream chip frappe, mga lalaki/bading na may girlfriends, GM text messages (hmm, that sounded redundant), and especially certain questions about "go," AHAHAHAHA! Zee, tama na ang truth or dare. Mas masaya ang KFM, ahehehe.

We then called it a night when Zee realized that she might not be able to catch a jeep back home. Man, it was great to see her again. Hopefully next time, the BFFs would be complete. And yes, hopefully Carlo would be there too, haha. Hope to see everyone in February!
So anyway, after that, Zee and I never got to hang out again, even with the rest of our crowd, most likely because our schedules never matched, and we sort of lost touch for a time. Then I found out that she's working in Makati these past few months, but we still couldn't match our schedules, ahahaha.
Suddenly I got a random text from Zee yesterday. Finally, we agreed to meet up at ATC yesterday evening. Had dinner at Food Choices (syempre Korean ang pinili niya, be it on purpose or by accident, hahaha), then went to the makeshift Body Shop stall outside CPK so she can buy a Christmas exchange gift for a friend. Syempre pinag-isipan ang gift kasi crush pala niya ang nakuha niya na bibigyan, nyahahaha.
Then off we went to Starbucks to just sit, drink, talk and basically hang out. Updates and chikahan here and there over our frappuccinos. We were hoping that Dyown could catch up with us, but she was still in Makati that entire evening, so it was just the two of us. It was hilarious even with just Zee and me (but yes, we still miss having everyone else), talking about the upcoming restaging of our "favorite musical," among other things, plus job opportunities, Hi-Ro sa chocolate cream chip frappe, mga lalaki/bading na may girlfriends, GM text messages (hmm, that sounded redundant), and especially certain questions about "go," AHAHAHAHA! Zee, tama na ang truth or dare. Mas masaya ang KFM, ahehehe.
We then called it a night when Zee realized that she might not be able to catch a jeep back home. Man, it was great to see her again. Hopefully next time, the BFFs would be complete. And yes, hopefully Carlo would be there too, haha. Hope to see everyone in February!
Monday, December 13, 2010
3 days shy of turning another year older.
I can't believe that it's almost my birthday. Holy kamote. Time really flew this year. And usually at this time of the year, I write an annual year-ender entry. But of course, I'll save that for near the end of the month.
I still don't have any concrete plans on my birthday save for the usual work in the morning and a birthday lunch at home with my parents. I do have some plans in mind, but nothing's written in stone yet. And for the days to follow will most likely be kind of busy.
For now, for those who still don't have any idea what to get me on my birthday, here's a short wishlist to help you, hahaha.
- a new digital camera (a DSLR wouldn't hurt, hehe)
- a new messenger bag or backpack
- one of those cute bags from Banane Taipei that show a photo of a Birkin bag (Bagaholic sells them)
- those nice jersey wrap dresses from K&Company that Daphne Osena loves wearing
- new pair of Chuck Taylors
- Dr. Martens boots
- a new Starbucks tumbler (I should've gotten it for myself that last time, ahahaha)
- old school board games
- a netbook (so I don't have to drag my huge laptop around)
- a new sewing machine (so I can do all those T-shirt surgeries that I'm dying to try)
- Lasik treatment for my eyes
- to attend Carlos Celdran's Walk This Way Intramuros tour (though I really do plan to do this)
- a nice, out-of-town vacation (should I go for a Baguio trip or the beach? I've never gone to the beach)
- projects in the upcoming year and the years to come
- to finally be regularized at work
- much love from my friends
- simple joys such as love itself (ahehehe, walang basagan ng trip!)
In less than a month, I'll finally find out whether I'd be regularized at work, or if my probationary period would be extended. Holy kamote. But according to an update with my team leader, the only thing I have to worry about is my monitoring scores. Well, not really worry, but I just have to level up more to reach the required passing grade. Let's hope I can do this.
I went to watch Medea in UP last Saturday with Erik and Yuan. It was Mara's thesis on directing, and she got her mom to play the title role. So of course I just had to watch. Per usual, I was in awe with Irma's performance. She was amazing onstage, that even the subtle movement and stillness had a certain beat. Huwaw. Congratulations again, Mara! And also to the cast and crew of Medea!
What's funny was that I think I finally converted someone to my dark side, nyahaha. Ang masasabi ko lang, "That's acting, not the one you're used to dabbling in."
Anyway, that's it for now. I wonder what's in store for the following few days to come.
I still don't have any concrete plans on my birthday save for the usual work in the morning and a birthday lunch at home with my parents. I do have some plans in mind, but nothing's written in stone yet. And for the days to follow will most likely be kind of busy.
For now, for those who still don't have any idea what to get me on my birthday, here's a short wishlist to help you, hahaha.
- a new digital camera (a DSLR wouldn't hurt, hehe)
- a new messenger bag or backpack
- one of those cute bags from Banane Taipei that show a photo of a Birkin bag (Bagaholic sells them)
- those nice jersey wrap dresses from K&Company that Daphne Osena loves wearing
- new pair of Chuck Taylors
- Dr. Martens boots
- a new Starbucks tumbler (I should've gotten it for myself that last time, ahahaha)
- old school board games
- a netbook (so I don't have to drag my huge laptop around)
- a new sewing machine (so I can do all those T-shirt surgeries that I'm dying to try)
- Lasik treatment for my eyes
- to attend Carlos Celdran's Walk This Way Intramuros tour (though I really do plan to do this)
- a nice, out-of-town vacation (should I go for a Baguio trip or the beach? I've never gone to the beach)
- projects in the upcoming year and the years to come
- to finally be regularized at work
- much love from my friends
- simple joys such as love itself (ahehehe, walang basagan ng trip!)
In less than a month, I'll finally find out whether I'd be regularized at work, or if my probationary period would be extended. Holy kamote. But according to an update with my team leader, the only thing I have to worry about is my monitoring scores. Well, not really worry, but I just have to level up more to reach the required passing grade. Let's hope I can do this.
I went to watch Medea in UP last Saturday with Erik and Yuan. It was Mara's thesis on directing, and she got her mom to play the title role. So of course I just had to watch. Per usual, I was in awe with Irma's performance. She was amazing onstage, that even the subtle movement and stillness had a certain beat. Huwaw. Congratulations again, Mara! And also to the cast and crew of Medea!
What's funny was that I think I finally converted someone to my dark side, nyahaha. Ang masasabi ko lang, "That's acting, not the one you're used to dabbling in."
Anyway, that's it for now. I wonder what's in store for the following few days to come.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Just another random update.
For some reason, I still can't believe how fast this year flew by. I sometimes catch myself checking the date every once in a while, and doing double takes because it's already December. Seriously, it's almost Christmas? And I'm turning another year older? Ahahaha.
Time really flies. And to think that it's already my 6th month at my part-time job, while looking for other projects in between. (And by the way, if anyone out there knows any other projects during the rest of this month, please don't hesitate to let me know, hehehe.) I want to be more optimistic for next year, but of course, there's still that little ounce of me telling me to be more realistic. But still, I want to spend more time next year doing things for myself instead of for others. I have to learn to be selfish every once in a while. I spent way too much time, especially these past few years, being too nice.
In other news... (Why do I keep saying that in my blog entries these days?)
I got to check out the TDR of the TP Actors Company's recital of Anatomiya ng Korupsyon last week. Their recital was supposed to be just for 2 shows, until they got to sell a whole lot of shows to CEU, which means that most of their 18 shows would be exclusively for the school. Anyway, there were only a handful of us who came to watch, so it was really freezing in the Batute. Anyway, I have to say that it was a pretty good choice for a show. It actually amused me to find some real people in the characters that they showed. Some of the minor characters were kind of a little overdone, but on the whole, it was a really good ensemble play for their rehearsal and performance techniques class under Roobak. Of course, someone had to endure a whole of teasing from their director, which I think was a little too over the top already.
After the show, most of us checked out the night market along the side street between the CCP and PDC buildings. Eventually I found Rayna and Kat shopping for clothes that were originally costumes, hahaha. Anyway, after a while, Rayna, Gino, Kat and I hopped on a cab to Makati, as Kat had a dinner date with her family, and Rayna had to go to the optical shop.
After dropping Kat off along Ayala, the rest of us walked to Glorietta. We found out at the optical shop that it was more expensive to have Rayna's glasses made, so we left and had dinner at Food Choices. Walked a little more, and Gino and Rayna made me buy ice cream for them before we had to walk back to Ayala to catch rides home.
On Saturday, I went with Rosa to buy her new DSLR camera after my shift. We met up for lunch at Army Navy in Glorietta 5, then we grabbed a cab to Quiapo, as that was where she was to purchase the camera she had ordered online/over the phone. By the time we got to Quiapo church, it took us a while to find the place, but when we got there, it was pretty much smooth sailing. Of course, because Rosa couldn't wait to get out of there once she got her camera, she forgot to purchase a UV filter. We had to look all over the Ayala malls when we got to Makati, and came out empty-handed. Oh well, at least she managed to find a pretty case for her camera aside from the one she was looking for. Huwaw, before that, it was like a whirlwind tour of all the malls for her, ahahaha.
On Sunday, I met up with Lara, Nina and Kenneth at ATC, as they had a storytelling gig at the Nutcracker show at the activity center. Found them at Jamaican Patties after their first show, then we moved to Food Choices where we can just sit and hang out. Pig-out day for me, because I really couldn't resist just sitting there at the food court and not eat anything. Ahahaha. Even after their 2nd show, Lara and her siblings eventually adopted me and invited me to have dinner with them at Shakey's. Yes, more food. And even dessert at DQ.
Now I wonder what's up next for this week? And what about next week? Ack.
Time really flies. And to think that it's already my 6th month at my part-time job, while looking for other projects in between. (And by the way, if anyone out there knows any other projects during the rest of this month, please don't hesitate to let me know, hehehe.) I want to be more optimistic for next year, but of course, there's still that little ounce of me telling me to be more realistic. But still, I want to spend more time next year doing things for myself instead of for others. I have to learn to be selfish every once in a while. I spent way too much time, especially these past few years, being too nice.
In other news... (Why do I keep saying that in my blog entries these days?)
I got to check out the TDR of the TP Actors Company's recital of Anatomiya ng Korupsyon last week. Their recital was supposed to be just for 2 shows, until they got to sell a whole lot of shows to CEU, which means that most of their 18 shows would be exclusively for the school. Anyway, there were only a handful of us who came to watch, so it was really freezing in the Batute. Anyway, I have to say that it was a pretty good choice for a show. It actually amused me to find some real people in the characters that they showed. Some of the minor characters were kind of a little overdone, but on the whole, it was a really good ensemble play for their rehearsal and performance techniques class under Roobak. Of course, someone had to endure a whole of teasing from their director, which I think was a little too over the top already.
After the show, most of us checked out the night market along the side street between the CCP and PDC buildings. Eventually I found Rayna and Kat shopping for clothes that were originally costumes, hahaha. Anyway, after a while, Rayna, Gino, Kat and I hopped on a cab to Makati, as Kat had a dinner date with her family, and Rayna had to go to the optical shop.
After dropping Kat off along Ayala, the rest of us walked to Glorietta. We found out at the optical shop that it was more expensive to have Rayna's glasses made, so we left and had dinner at Food Choices. Walked a little more, and Gino and Rayna made me buy ice cream for them before we had to walk back to Ayala to catch rides home.
On Saturday, I went with Rosa to buy her new DSLR camera after my shift. We met up for lunch at Army Navy in Glorietta 5, then we grabbed a cab to Quiapo, as that was where she was to purchase the camera she had ordered online/over the phone. By the time we got to Quiapo church, it took us a while to find the place, but when we got there, it was pretty much smooth sailing. Of course, because Rosa couldn't wait to get out of there once she got her camera, she forgot to purchase a UV filter. We had to look all over the Ayala malls when we got to Makati, and came out empty-handed. Oh well, at least she managed to find a pretty case for her camera aside from the one she was looking for. Huwaw, before that, it was like a whirlwind tour of all the malls for her, ahahaha.
On Sunday, I met up with Lara, Nina and Kenneth at ATC, as they had a storytelling gig at the Nutcracker show at the activity center. Found them at Jamaican Patties after their first show, then we moved to Food Choices where we can just sit and hang out. Pig-out day for me, because I really couldn't resist just sitting there at the food court and not eat anything. Ahahaha. Even after their 2nd show, Lara and her siblings eventually adopted me and invited me to have dinner with them at Shakey's. Yes, more food. And even dessert at DQ.
Now I wonder what's up next for this week? And what about next week? Ack.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Musings during the mid-week.
I really don't get some people, especially some of the male species when they say or ask certain things. I may have had my fair share of relationships, but I have to say that I still feel like a noob or a novice.
I've asked this already, but I guess the answer's already obvious. But just so I can let it out, I'll just put it down here. What does a guy mean when he asks if you're dating someone? And what if that guy who's asking (and sometimes constantly asks when you see each other) is an ex? Is it because so he'll be guilt-free to date you? Is it because so he'll be guilt-free to date other girls? And if he asks it repeatedly, even up to the point of asking who you're dating, what does that mean? Argh, guys can be so complicated. Ahaha, as if I'm not complicated enough already.
Even though I can't believe I've resorted to this, I actually got a good answer in Formspring (don't ask who I asked, but for those who know me there, I guess it's pretty obvious).
It could mean any number of things: 1) that he is secretly hoping to get back together; 2) that he wants to be friends, and is genuinely interested in your welfare; 3) that he might be feeling guilty about maybe having someone else when you don't; 4) that he wants attention because no one is giving him any; etc. etc. The point is, there's no way to know for sure, so it's pointless to try and figure it out. And if he IS interested, don't give in too easily! Remember: there's a reason you broke up in the first place.
Good answer.
But for now, I'm actually pretty content that I can stand on my own, after ending a 2-year relationship at the beginning of this year. I guess that's why I can't seem to believe that the months really flew by.
In other news... (pfft.)
It's like a crush. When I'm near you, I get tongue-tied. I have nothing coherent to say. But I still want to get close to you. And I have to admit, this other guy's sort of cute. Again, emphasis on the sort of. But we really have nothing to say to each other. I don't even think we have anything in common. Oh well.
I've asked this already, but I guess the answer's already obvious. But just so I can let it out, I'll just put it down here. What does a guy mean when he asks if you're dating someone? And what if that guy who's asking (and sometimes constantly asks when you see each other) is an ex? Is it because so he'll be guilt-free to date you? Is it because so he'll be guilt-free to date other girls? And if he asks it repeatedly, even up to the point of asking who you're dating, what does that mean? Argh, guys can be so complicated. Ahaha, as if I'm not complicated enough already.
Even though I can't believe I've resorted to this, I actually got a good answer in Formspring (don't ask who I asked, but for those who know me there, I guess it's pretty obvious).
It could mean any number of things: 1) that he is secretly hoping to get back together; 2) that he wants to be friends, and is genuinely interested in your welfare; 3) that he might be feeling guilty about maybe having someone else when you don't; 4) that he wants attention because no one is giving him any; etc. etc. The point is, there's no way to know for sure, so it's pointless to try and figure it out. And if he IS interested, don't give in too easily! Remember: there's a reason you broke up in the first place.
Good answer.
But for now, I'm actually pretty content that I can stand on my own, after ending a 2-year relationship at the beginning of this year. I guess that's why I can't seem to believe that the months really flew by.
In other news... (pfft.)
It's like a crush. When I'm near you, I get tongue-tied. I have nothing coherent to say. But I still want to get close to you. And I have to admit, this other guy's sort of cute. Again, emphasis on the sort of. But we really have nothing to say to each other. I don't even think we have anything in common. Oh well.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday out.
I don't have work until Wednesday, and I'm already restless. I need something to occupy myself until I go back to work, ahahaha. Preferably something where I don't have to spend. Well, at least I can finish that crochet project I'm currently working on.
I'm crocheting a rainbow scarf that Anna had requested as a birthday gift. I usually work on it while I'm in the office, stitching in between calls, and sometimes even during calls. This is the 3rd crochet project that I've had since I started on the floor, and I have to say, it's a good way to start a conversation with the other agents that I haven't met yet. Some of them sitting beside me would just sit and stare, then try to strike up a conversation about it in between calls. Passers-by would simply stop and look, and some have even looked over my shoulder for a good period of time.
I just love handmade crafts ever since I was a kid, and I'm glad that crochet is still something I love doing.
After work last Wednesday, I got a text from Dan about his play in FEU. Their theater guild is performing 3 laboratory plays this week, and one of them is Palanca in My Mind, and he and Tad are involved in it (as actor and director, respectively). So I made a spur of the moment decision to watch that very evening. Rayna's text followed later, inviting me to her birthday salubong at Penguin later that night. Well, let's hit two birds with one stone then.
I honestly had no idea how to get to FEU, despite the fact that I spent one whole year in UST right after high school. Thank goodness asking for directions is pretty easy. Anyway, while I was waiting for Dan at the 7-Eleven outside their school, I overheard some funny things from some of the students.
"Bakit madudungis yung mga fine arts?"
"Hindi ko kasi ka-close yun."
"Dapat 'ni-close' mo!"
Oh, the silly things you overhear everyday, hahaha.
Anyway, Trio, which is what the show is called, featured 3 one-act plays--Ang Kamera Ni Mang Leon, Palanca in My Mind, and Ateng. I was intrigued about how Tad directed Palanca, but because of his certain, uhm, past issues regarding exes and current prospects, I didn't want to watch on a day that Tad would be there. Thank goodness Wednesday was one of those days.
I felt like an alien while walking across campus. Hahaha, Dan just had to say that whenever he and Tad walked together to and from rehearsal, Tad would keep reminiscing about his college days.
It was so funny when we arrived near the show venue, because people from the theater guild were teasing Dan because I was with him. Oh, kids, if you only knew who I really was connected to, hahaha. But of course, we had to keep our mouths shut. I still didn't want Tad to know that I watched the show. Anyway, with that said, while I was hanging out in the classroom that served as their actors' holding area, I ended up meeting his current squeeze. Ahahahaha. No comment. Oh well.
When the house finally opened, I was one of the first to easily manage to nab a good seat. Kamera Ni Mang Leon was up first. I remember watching a production of it by the PHSA Theater students as a recital, so I guess I had pretty high standards. These kids from the FTG managed to pull it off, but I guess one thing they really have avoid is making caricatures. I have to give credit to them for giving the audience good laughs.
Palanca in My Mind immediately followed the first play. I've seen the play in the twice--during Virgin Labfest--during Virgin Labfest 2 and during the following year when it was part of the best of Labfest. Plus I have a copy of the Labfest Anthology. So of course I sort of knew the play backwards and forwards. Dan had told me before the show that Tad had sort of just gotten everything from their own staging, and from the moment the show began, I just had to confirm that he was right. Well, most of it, anyway. They had to make do with the really tight acting area, and some scenes were cut to keep the running time at a minimum. There was a handful of stuff though that was quite original, but that was it. But other than that, these kids still did a pretty good job. Ariele, their Dory, had a sort of squeaky voice that kind of gets tiring to listen to after a while, but she pretty much a good performance. Overall, I have to say, not bad.
The third play, Ateng, came after intermission. The dialogue was funny in itself, but the guy who played the elder sibling spoke too much of the same way all throughout the show that it got too old after 15 minutes into the play. The other guy who played Juicy was funny, but it seemed as if he was just going through all the motions. But in fairness, he was quite entertaining, and despite those actions, he did show that he has a lot of instinct.
After the show, Dan and I headed directly to Penguin. Ahaha, we were the first ones there, so we waited for the rest to arrive. Pretty soon, Kat, Chic and Marco finally came, then Martha, and we just waited for Rayna, who was picking Gino up somewhere near the Ayala area. Later in the night, Angeli and even Trency and JV joined us as well. Not really a big celebration. We just drank the night away, listening to Jack versus the Crab. As it turned out, the band's vocalist, Waxie, was also celebrating his birthday salubong that very night, and he even bought our table at least a couple of rounds of beer. Uhm, I'm still not a fan of beer, so I was pretty content with the pitcher of Boracay sling.
We called it a night (?) at around 4 in the morning, but when Rayna, Chic, Marco and I hitched a ride with Trency, we even stopped over at McDonald's at PeopleSupport for an early breakfast before we got dropped off at our respective stops. As for me, I'm just glad to have a night out with good friends, after quite a while.
I'm crocheting a rainbow scarf that Anna had requested as a birthday gift. I usually work on it while I'm in the office, stitching in between calls, and sometimes even during calls. This is the 3rd crochet project that I've had since I started on the floor, and I have to say, it's a good way to start a conversation with the other agents that I haven't met yet. Some of them sitting beside me would just sit and stare, then try to strike up a conversation about it in between calls. Passers-by would simply stop and look, and some have even looked over my shoulder for a good period of time.
I just love handmade crafts ever since I was a kid, and I'm glad that crochet is still something I love doing.
After work last Wednesday, I got a text from Dan about his play in FEU. Their theater guild is performing 3 laboratory plays this week, and one of them is Palanca in My Mind, and he and Tad are involved in it (as actor and director, respectively). So I made a spur of the moment decision to watch that very evening. Rayna's text followed later, inviting me to her birthday salubong at Penguin later that night. Well, let's hit two birds with one stone then.
I honestly had no idea how to get to FEU, despite the fact that I spent one whole year in UST right after high school. Thank goodness asking for directions is pretty easy. Anyway, while I was waiting for Dan at the 7-Eleven outside their school, I overheard some funny things from some of the students.
"Bakit madudungis yung mga fine arts?"
"Hindi ko kasi ka-close yun."
"Dapat 'ni-close' mo!"
Oh, the silly things you overhear everyday, hahaha.
Anyway, Trio, which is what the show is called, featured 3 one-act plays--Ang Kamera Ni Mang Leon, Palanca in My Mind, and Ateng. I was intrigued about how Tad directed Palanca, but because of his certain, uhm, past issues regarding exes and current prospects, I didn't want to watch on a day that Tad would be there. Thank goodness Wednesday was one of those days.
I felt like an alien while walking across campus. Hahaha, Dan just had to say that whenever he and Tad walked together to and from rehearsal, Tad would keep reminiscing about his college days.
It was so funny when we arrived near the show venue, because people from the theater guild were teasing Dan because I was with him. Oh, kids, if you only knew who I really was connected to, hahaha. But of course, we had to keep our mouths shut. I still didn't want Tad to know that I watched the show. Anyway, with that said, while I was hanging out in the classroom that served as their actors' holding area, I ended up meeting his current squeeze. Ahahahaha. No comment. Oh well.
When the house finally opened, I was one of the first to easily manage to nab a good seat. Kamera Ni Mang Leon was up first. I remember watching a production of it by the PHSA Theater students as a recital, so I guess I had pretty high standards. These kids from the FTG managed to pull it off, but I guess one thing they really have avoid is making caricatures. I have to give credit to them for giving the audience good laughs.
Palanca in My Mind immediately followed the first play. I've seen the play in the twice--during Virgin Labfest--during Virgin Labfest 2 and during the following year when it was part of the best of Labfest. Plus I have a copy of the Labfest Anthology. So of course I sort of knew the play backwards and forwards. Dan had told me before the show that Tad had sort of just gotten everything from their own staging, and from the moment the show began, I just had to confirm that he was right. Well, most of it, anyway. They had to make do with the really tight acting area, and some scenes were cut to keep the running time at a minimum. There was a handful of stuff though that was quite original, but that was it. But other than that, these kids still did a pretty good job. Ariele, their Dory, had a sort of squeaky voice that kind of gets tiring to listen to after a while, but she pretty much a good performance. Overall, I have to say, not bad.
The third play, Ateng, came after intermission. The dialogue was funny in itself, but the guy who played the elder sibling spoke too much of the same way all throughout the show that it got too old after 15 minutes into the play. The other guy who played Juicy was funny, but it seemed as if he was just going through all the motions. But in fairness, he was quite entertaining, and despite those actions, he did show that he has a lot of instinct.
After the show, Dan and I headed directly to Penguin. Ahaha, we were the first ones there, so we waited for the rest to arrive. Pretty soon, Kat, Chic and Marco finally came, then Martha, and we just waited for Rayna, who was picking Gino up somewhere near the Ayala area. Later in the night, Angeli and even Trency and JV joined us as well. Not really a big celebration. We just drank the night away, listening to Jack versus the Crab. As it turned out, the band's vocalist, Waxie, was also celebrating his birthday salubong that very night, and he even bought our table at least a couple of rounds of beer. Uhm, I'm still not a fan of beer, so I was pretty content with the pitcher of Boracay sling.
We called it a night (?) at around 4 in the morning, but when Rayna, Chic, Marco and I hitched a ride with Trency, we even stopped over at McDonald's at PeopleSupport for an early breakfast before we got dropped off at our respective stops. As for me, I'm just glad to have a night out with good friends, after quite a while.
Mapua Tekno Teatro's Ang Mabuting Tao ng Parian
The piece is in line with the new vision of the MT2 to stage socially-relevant productions in the tradition of Brecht's theatre of alienation, which engages the audience members to think rather than to get highly emotional about the play's plot and the characters' plight. The play will be on December 6 and 7 with 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. shows (per day) at the Institute's gymnasium.
"The Mapúa Institute of Technology advocates academic excellence and strength of character in our students. Our curriculum equips the students to be technically skilled and strengthens values that are equally valuable in the work environment," says Dr. Bonifacio T. Doma Jr., executive vice president for Academic Affairs of the Institute. Doma adds that the MIT addresses this balance through a holistic approach by the inclusion of a strong arts, humanities, and social sciences program into the curriculum. A non-academic program in line with this approach is the Mapúa Tekno Teatro. The Institute has a School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences aside from its technical courses.
Director JK Anicoche envisions the play to be a literal interpretation of life as a competitive game with a set of winners and losers, and a boxing ring where the two types of people fight it out. "Through the three gods, the play asks the characters and the audience members " what is goodness" Having defined goodness, is there still a good person in the world?" The questions, Anicoche adds, are relevant in this time of desensitization where morality issues, corruption, and oppression are common fares in the media.
Anicoche heads the artistic team composed of Alison Segarra, assistant director; Dacanay, writer; Ninya Bedruz, lights designer and technical director; Eisa Jocson and Leeroy New, production designers; Teresa Barrozo, sound designer and; Isabelle Martinez, stage manager.
The MT2 cast and production team participating in the production include Alsus Adiaton, Kim Adulta, Ed Aniag, Kiki Baento, Jezreel Bernaldez, RR Boniol, Michael Caballero, Daniel Cardenas, Rommnel Coliat, Earl Dangalan, Debbie Del Rosario, Jethro Espenida, MK Espiritu, Alyshia Formento, Michael Figueras, Steven Galedo, G-may Galvan, Chopper Gapasin, Julio Garcia, Rachelle Gimpes, Leih Gonzales, Nathalie Inductivo, Roxanne King, Jerome Liao, Henry Malacaman, Kael Ma. Guerrero, Yuyi Marzo, Michan Mendoza, Anton Mercado, Camille Orense, Aj Ramos, Chris Rimas, Harrold Saliba, Jovie Vieja, Charizza Villanueva, and Cedree Wheeler.
Visual artist Joey Cobcobo collaborated with MT2 member MK Espiritu for the advertising collateral design while filmmaker Raymund Cruz created the trailer. Betty Uy-Regala is the resident coach of MT2 and Dante Sauquillo is the director of the MIT Office of Student Activities and Discipline.
Tickets are at P90. For reservations, contact Anton Mercado at 0917-6182223, Cha Villanueva at 0916-7720752, or Kim Adulta at 0915-8692545.
Monday, November 22, 2010
In other news...
Aside from the significant reunion with some old friends from high school track, there's not much to update, really.
By the way, Wedding Singer had finally closed a couple of Sundays ago, and I have to say, it was a pretty okay experience, especially because I had to handle a brand new batch of eager ushers, aside from a handful of people who already knew the ropes during Rent. I guess that's what you get when you put together a big group of workshop graduates who are willing to perform in front of any willing (or unwilling) audience, ahahaha. But one thing I have to say, please don't wield your flashlights around too much inside the house. It kind of bugs some of the audience.
I got to catch the preview show of Magsimula Ka at the Music Museum last Thursday. Knowing that the venue was in the middle of the Greenhills Shopping Center, I just had to resist not buying anything when I arrived there early. But when I got bored and met up with Peachy at the bazaar up front, I ended up buying something. Well, it was another pocket watch that had an Audrey Hepburn cover, but it was still a purchase, ahahaha.
Anyway, the show was pretty alright. There were lines that were somewhat sounded cheesy, but maybe that was just me. The cast was pretty good in terms of performance, and it was great seeing Myke onstage again. I have to commend Jerald for stealing the show for his performance as Jograd, though. It was never boring whenever he was onstage. But I guess I have to say that the play was pretty predictable and totally 80s in every sense, if you know what I mean, ahehehe.
I heard some interesting news last week about certain issues of this particular group. I can't really be too detailed about this, but one thing I have to say is that it could be possible that it was already happening right under my nose some years ago. Tough. So now things have to be fixed and settled differently, and even though I'm somewhat relieved of certain duties, I have to say that I'm glad that things are sort of getting better for this group, in a way.
I miss going to script analysis class ever since the TP Actors Company's rehearsals of Anatomiya ng Korupsyon was put into overdrive. It's one of the highlights of every week because there at least one creative outlet for me.
In other cryptic news, I hate to admit this, but there are still some things that I'm not ready for. There are some things I'm not prepared to see, some things that I'm not yet prepared to do. I'm afraid for the time that these things will just jump up and hit me in the face.
So how about you guys? How're you doing? Does anyone still read this thing? Hahaha.
By the way, Wedding Singer had finally closed a couple of Sundays ago, and I have to say, it was a pretty okay experience, especially because I had to handle a brand new batch of eager ushers, aside from a handful of people who already knew the ropes during Rent. I guess that's what you get when you put together a big group of workshop graduates who are willing to perform in front of any willing (or unwilling) audience, ahahaha. But one thing I have to say, please don't wield your flashlights around too much inside the house. It kind of bugs some of the audience.
I got to catch the preview show of Magsimula Ka at the Music Museum last Thursday. Knowing that the venue was in the middle of the Greenhills Shopping Center, I just had to resist not buying anything when I arrived there early. But when I got bored and met up with Peachy at the bazaar up front, I ended up buying something. Well, it was another pocket watch that had an Audrey Hepburn cover, but it was still a purchase, ahahaha.
Anyway, the show was pretty alright. There were lines that were somewhat sounded cheesy, but maybe that was just me. The cast was pretty good in terms of performance, and it was great seeing Myke onstage again. I have to commend Jerald for stealing the show for his performance as Jograd, though. It was never boring whenever he was onstage. But I guess I have to say that the play was pretty predictable and totally 80s in every sense, if you know what I mean, ahehehe.
I heard some interesting news last week about certain issues of this particular group. I can't really be too detailed about this, but one thing I have to say is that it could be possible that it was already happening right under my nose some years ago. Tough. So now things have to be fixed and settled differently, and even though I'm somewhat relieved of certain duties, I have to say that I'm glad that things are sort of getting better for this group, in a way.
I miss going to script analysis class ever since the TP Actors Company's rehearsals of Anatomiya ng Korupsyon was put into overdrive. It's one of the highlights of every week because there at least one creative outlet for me.
In other cryptic news, I hate to admit this, but there are still some things that I'm not ready for. There are some things I'm not prepared to see, some things that I'm not yet prepared to do. I'm afraid for the time that these things will just jump up and hit me in the face.
So how about you guys? How're you doing? Does anyone still read this thing? Hahaha.
Mini-reunion with some track and field friends.
I'm back.
I still miss seriously blogging, but it seems I don't have the drive to do so lately, even though I really want to blog about them, and I'm almost always in front of my laptop when I'm at home. What's wrong with me?
Anyway, so what's been up lately?
Two Saturdays ago, I went to Dave's house for a rare reunion of the high school track and field team. Well, it wasn't really a big event. It's basically just a get together of the usual crowd that we used to hang out with when I was in the track and field varsity, mostly during my junior year of high school. A bunch of people decided they want to get together, and I only heard about it from Karlo. They even sent messages back and forth in Facebook about the reunion.
So anyway, I haven't seen most of these people in several years, so heck, I'll go. Considering I only live a few blocks away from Karlo, I coordinated with him about hitching a ride to Dave's house, even though I would be coming all the way from Meralco to Alabang. It took me a while to get picked up, because apparently there were lots of dead spots in Dave's house where you can't get any cellphone reception. Once Dave had picked me up and we had arrived at his house, I found out that it was only him, Karlo and me so far.
Then sometime after I managed to grab some food, people started trickling in between several gaps. There was Diane, Andrea, Barry, Aris with Karla, Ben with Jeng, then Seph and Josh.
I have to say, I'm just glad to see these people again. I haven't seen the Funky Bunch in several years. And even though I see Drea in Makati occasionally, we don't really get to chat as we just pass by each other and say hi. As for Diane, this is the first time I've seen her again after high school.
Before Drea had arrived, Karlo, Diane, Dave and I were already chatting, updating here and there. When Drea had arrived, I was amused at how she found out that I had somehow pursued the road to theater. It was like she had no idea, even though she knew I had participated in school plays as a hobby. Maybe that was how people saw it back then, as a hobby. I was still sort of clammed up back in high school, even though I was pretty loud when I was with my close friends. Suddenly I imagined how my other batchmates would've reacted had I gone to our 10-year high school reunion.
But to be brutally honest, I have no regrets about not going to last year's high school reunion. I mean, why bother when you already see the batchmates/people you want to see?
Anyway, it was great seeing these guys, even though there were only just a few of us. There must be another one considering the rest didn't get to come.
I still miss seriously blogging, but it seems I don't have the drive to do so lately, even though I really want to blog about them, and I'm almost always in front of my laptop when I'm at home. What's wrong with me?
Anyway, so what's been up lately?
Two Saturdays ago, I went to Dave's house for a rare reunion of the high school track and field team. Well, it wasn't really a big event. It's basically just a get together of the usual crowd that we used to hang out with when I was in the track and field varsity, mostly during my junior year of high school. A bunch of people decided they want to get together, and I only heard about it from Karlo. They even sent messages back and forth in Facebook about the reunion.
So anyway, I haven't seen most of these people in several years, so heck, I'll go. Considering I only live a few blocks away from Karlo, I coordinated with him about hitching a ride to Dave's house, even though I would be coming all the way from Meralco to Alabang. It took me a while to get picked up, because apparently there were lots of dead spots in Dave's house where you can't get any cellphone reception. Once Dave had picked me up and we had arrived at his house, I found out that it was only him, Karlo and me so far.
Then sometime after I managed to grab some food, people started trickling in between several gaps. There was Diane, Andrea, Barry, Aris with Karla, Ben with Jeng, then Seph and Josh.
I have to say, I'm just glad to see these people again. I haven't seen the Funky Bunch in several years. And even though I see Drea in Makati occasionally, we don't really get to chat as we just pass by each other and say hi. As for Diane, this is the first time I've seen her again after high school.
Before Drea had arrived, Karlo, Diane, Dave and I were already chatting, updating here and there. When Drea had arrived, I was amused at how she found out that I had somehow pursued the road to theater. It was like she had no idea, even though she knew I had participated in school plays as a hobby. Maybe that was how people saw it back then, as a hobby. I was still sort of clammed up back in high school, even though I was pretty loud when I was with my close friends. Suddenly I imagined how my other batchmates would've reacted had I gone to our 10-year high school reunion.
But to be brutally honest, I have no regrets about not going to last year's high school reunion. I mean, why bother when you already see the batchmates/people you want to see?
Anyway, it was great seeing these guys, even though there were only just a few of us. There must be another one considering the rest didn't get to come.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I really seem to just update this blog once every week.
I love spontaneous meet-ups with friends. When I got off work this past Wednesday morning, I got a random text from Lara, who told me that the movie Salt was playing on the bus TV that she was on. Of course, knowing that she always budgets her time from staying in at home to work, I asked her where she was off to. As it turned out, she was going all the way up north to The Real Thing Diner (which just opened), plus a couple of other things, as she was meeting Noelle for a fitting of her bridesmaid dress, then meeting up with Nina concerning an event they were doing together.
I ended up hanging out with Lara the entire afternoon until evening, hahaha.
I met up with Lara at the Quezon Avenue MRT station, then we headed to Il Terrazo, where The Real Thing Diner was. The place was quite empty, and the sign up front said "soft opening". So this was Noelle and KV's diner that Lara was talking about. Noelle emerged from the kitchen once she found out that Lara and I were there. I have to say, this was the first time I ever got to hang out with Noelle. The first time I met her was at last year's Make Believe showcase, but it was a pretty brief meeting. She was also at this past summer's showcase, but she had to leave right away, so I never even got to say hi. At least there in the diner, it was just the 3 of us, aside from the random customers that dart in and out while we were there. Even though Noelle was quite busy, coming in and out of the kitchen, attending to some stuff, she managed to join us every once in a while. Anyway, Lara and I ordered the Taco Burger, plus a side of Chicken Tenders and potato wedges, and they were pretty yummy. I loved how the taste of taco was actually inside the very thick burger patty. And the chicken tenders came with a barbecue sauce infused with Coca-cola. Yummm...
So anyway, come check out The Real Thing Diner, especially if you're a fan of Coca-cola products. It's located at the 2nd floor of Il Terrazo along Tomas Morato. =)
The rain started pouring like crazy while we were there, plus Noelle had to be there during their diner's staff meeting, so we were sort of late for Lara's fitting. But at least we managed to get there. I love the shade of blue of Lara's dress. And the design was simple yet elegant. Nice.
Because Lara and I were still meeting Nina at Glorietta, we rode with Noelle to SM North Edsa so it would be easier to take the MRT from there, as rush hour was fast appproaching. We walked with her inside the mall for a while then bid our goodbyes, then Lara and I walked to the MRT.
We met with Nina at Starbucks, where we just hung out, chitchatted and had lots of laughs. We finished off the pastries Lara brought that was made by her sister, and I love all three samples. Plus it complemented the Strawberries and Cream Frappuccinos that Lara treated us to, hehehe.
Headed off to Landmark to shop for Lara's outfit for the event they're doing. The theme was French Botanical, and I was amused at how Nina easily managed to find certain things for Lara to try out. I swear, the next time I go clothes shopping, I'm getting Nina to come with me, hahaha. All of us ended up buying something, as there are some stuff there that was too tempting that we couldn't resist not buying it. Yes, the Landmark can be a place of sin because I end up buying something whenever I'm there, hahaha.
While Lara and Nina still wanted to stay and let the traffic and rain subside, I had to bid my goodbyes because I needed to get home as early I as I could, as I still had work in the morning. But the entire day was such a blast. These spur-of-the-moment things are pretty fun if you're with good company.
I got to catch TP's preview of Dugtong-Dugtong na Sumbong at the Little Theater late Thursday afternoon. That was when I found out from Gino that script analysis class would be canceled the next day, as well as the few weeks to come to make way for rehearsals for their recital of Anatomiya ng Korupsyon. As it turned out, the production had to be pushed to overdrive because a school bought shows to the recital. Aw, too bad. I mean, it's good that even their recital will have a guaranteed audience, but I look forward to those classes. Anyway, Dugtong-Dugtong na Sumbong is a children's play adapted from the folktale Ang Hukuman ni Sinukuan. Consisting of 4 actors playing different characters and animals that sometimes interact with the audience, it was pretty amusing to watch, as each actor also had to play musical instruments all throughout the play.
Just a few random thoughts. What's with the deleted comment? It's just a simple comment. Or feel mo lang mag-delete ng comment and mag-untag ng photo dahil tinutukso ka nanaman? Sensitive much? Oh well. Sige, choice mo yan eh.
There's a reason why I choose to do or to not do certain things. That's why they're called choices.
(Hey, that last one could be a status message on Facebook, ahehe.)
I ended up hanging out with Lara the entire afternoon until evening, hahaha.
I met up with Lara at the Quezon Avenue MRT station, then we headed to Il Terrazo, where The Real Thing Diner was. The place was quite empty, and the sign up front said "soft opening". So this was Noelle and KV's diner that Lara was talking about. Noelle emerged from the kitchen once she found out that Lara and I were there. I have to say, this was the first time I ever got to hang out with Noelle. The first time I met her was at last year's Make Believe showcase, but it was a pretty brief meeting. She was also at this past summer's showcase, but she had to leave right away, so I never even got to say hi. At least there in the diner, it was just the 3 of us, aside from the random customers that dart in and out while we were there. Even though Noelle was quite busy, coming in and out of the kitchen, attending to some stuff, she managed to join us every once in a while. Anyway, Lara and I ordered the Taco Burger, plus a side of Chicken Tenders and potato wedges, and they were pretty yummy. I loved how the taste of taco was actually inside the very thick burger patty. And the chicken tenders came with a barbecue sauce infused with Coca-cola. Yummm...
So anyway, come check out The Real Thing Diner, especially if you're a fan of Coca-cola products. It's located at the 2nd floor of Il Terrazo along Tomas Morato. =)
The rain started pouring like crazy while we were there, plus Noelle had to be there during their diner's staff meeting, so we were sort of late for Lara's fitting. But at least we managed to get there. I love the shade of blue of Lara's dress. And the design was simple yet elegant. Nice.
Because Lara and I were still meeting Nina at Glorietta, we rode with Noelle to SM North Edsa so it would be easier to take the MRT from there, as rush hour was fast appproaching. We walked with her inside the mall for a while then bid our goodbyes, then Lara and I walked to the MRT.
We met with Nina at Starbucks, where we just hung out, chitchatted and had lots of laughs. We finished off the pastries Lara brought that was made by her sister, and I love all three samples. Plus it complemented the Strawberries and Cream Frappuccinos that Lara treated us to, hehehe.
Headed off to Landmark to shop for Lara's outfit for the event they're doing. The theme was French Botanical, and I was amused at how Nina easily managed to find certain things for Lara to try out. I swear, the next time I go clothes shopping, I'm getting Nina to come with me, hahaha. All of us ended up buying something, as there are some stuff there that was too tempting that we couldn't resist not buying it. Yes, the Landmark can be a place of sin because I end up buying something whenever I'm there, hahaha.
While Lara and Nina still wanted to stay and let the traffic and rain subside, I had to bid my goodbyes because I needed to get home as early I as I could, as I still had work in the morning. But the entire day was such a blast. These spur-of-the-moment things are pretty fun if you're with good company.
I got to catch TP's preview of Dugtong-Dugtong na Sumbong at the Little Theater late Thursday afternoon. That was when I found out from Gino that script analysis class would be canceled the next day, as well as the few weeks to come to make way for rehearsals for their recital of Anatomiya ng Korupsyon. As it turned out, the production had to be pushed to overdrive because a school bought shows to the recital. Aw, too bad. I mean, it's good that even their recital will have a guaranteed audience, but I look forward to those classes. Anyway, Dugtong-Dugtong na Sumbong is a children's play adapted from the folktale Ang Hukuman ni Sinukuan. Consisting of 4 actors playing different characters and animals that sometimes interact with the audience, it was pretty amusing to watch, as each actor also had to play musical instruments all throughout the play.
Just a few random thoughts. What's with the deleted comment? It's just a simple comment. Or feel mo lang mag-delete ng comment and mag-untag ng photo dahil tinutukso ka nanaman? Sensitive much? Oh well. Sige, choice mo yan eh.
There's a reason why I choose to do or to not do certain things. That's why they're called choices.
(Hey, that last one could be a status message on Facebook, ahehe.)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Quotables, going primary, setting up blind dates (?) and others.
It seems that I only update my blog weekly now. I don't get to update as often as I used to. I actually miss that. But I guess my excuse wouldn't be because I don't have the time. Mostly it's because there are some thoughts that have been bugging me, and there are other thoughts that I'm dying to push away instead of blogging it away in here.
I've come across some quotable quotes that I'd like to share. It's so funny how I just hear them at a certain particular time that I need to hear them.
"Sanayan lang yan. Ano mang bagay ay nagiging karaniwan. At anumang karaniwang bagay ay madaling malimutan ng isip na nais kumalimot." - Reformist soldier (Alimuom)
"Mas mabuti nang nangyari ang lahat kahit sandali lang, kaysa hindi yun nangyari kailanman." - Rony's quote translated into Filipino ("Amazing how fast an idea turns into a rehearsal, turns into a show, and turns into a memory.")
Uhm, yeah, Rony, for some reason, the Filipino version sounds better, hahaha.
I got to watch Alimuom last week as it was part of the Philippine Monodrama Festival, and CSB was the host, as it was performed in the SDA Black Box theater. When I watched the show, it was also Tad's birthday the next day, so I got to give him his "surprise" birthday gift (ahahaha, thanks Riki, for spoiling part of the surprise). It's nice to know how much he appreciated that gift. And one thing I enjoyed about thinking and coming up with his birthday gift was that I got to learn a little more about him through the birthday messages from his friends. And that's what made me appreciate him more now as a friend. Here's to more Starbucks to both of us, Tad, ahahaha. Don't forget to bring your new tumbler.
Argh, just when I decided to have some vocal rest, my cough suddenly returns. It's annoying. So now I'm stuck at home, silent, but occasionally barking because of the random cough. Thank goodness I don't have to take calls at work tomorrow. Nadine had talked to me during coaching last Saturday, and she told me that she has put me on her roster of would-be primary agents. They're briefing us tomorrow on one of the top projects. Nyahahay. Me, a primary agent? I don't think I'm ready for it, even though Nadine had asked me that, and I just gave a little shrug.
A close friend and I were chatting and texting yesterday, and we were talking about setting each other up with other people, just so we can go out and have fun. OK, I haven't been this cryptic since... well, maybe 2006, but I was dying to ask him something. Because we haven't found any blind dates for each other yet, maybe I could ask him if we could try out one date together? Argh. The iffy part about all this is that we're both so close that it would be so awkward, but the thing is, I remember liking him a lot several years ago. Dilemma? I'm not sure. Oh well.
I've come across some quotable quotes that I'd like to share. It's so funny how I just hear them at a certain particular time that I need to hear them.
"Sanayan lang yan. Ano mang bagay ay nagiging karaniwan. At anumang karaniwang bagay ay madaling malimutan ng isip na nais kumalimot." - Reformist soldier (Alimuom)
"Mas mabuti nang nangyari ang lahat kahit sandali lang, kaysa hindi yun nangyari kailanman." - Rony's quote translated into Filipino ("Amazing how fast an idea turns into a rehearsal, turns into a show, and turns into a memory.")
Uhm, yeah, Rony, for some reason, the Filipino version sounds better, hahaha.
I got to watch Alimuom last week as it was part of the Philippine Monodrama Festival, and CSB was the host, as it was performed in the SDA Black Box theater. When I watched the show, it was also Tad's birthday the next day, so I got to give him his "surprise" birthday gift (ahahaha, thanks Riki, for spoiling part of the surprise). It's nice to know how much he appreciated that gift. And one thing I enjoyed about thinking and coming up with his birthday gift was that I got to learn a little more about him through the birthday messages from his friends. And that's what made me appreciate him more now as a friend. Here's to more Starbucks to both of us, Tad, ahahaha. Don't forget to bring your new tumbler.
Argh, just when I decided to have some vocal rest, my cough suddenly returns. It's annoying. So now I'm stuck at home, silent, but occasionally barking because of the random cough. Thank goodness I don't have to take calls at work tomorrow. Nadine had talked to me during coaching last Saturday, and she told me that she has put me on her roster of would-be primary agents. They're briefing us tomorrow on one of the top projects. Nyahahay. Me, a primary agent? I don't think I'm ready for it, even though Nadine had asked me that, and I just gave a little shrug.
A close friend and I were chatting and texting yesterday, and we were talking about setting each other up with other people, just so we can go out and have fun. OK, I haven't been this cryptic since... well, maybe 2006, but I was dying to ask him something. Because we haven't found any blind dates for each other yet, maybe I could ask him if we could try out one date together? Argh. The iffy part about all this is that we're both so close that it would be so awkward, but the thing is, I remember liking him a lot several years ago. Dilemma? I'm not sure. Oh well.
Monday, October 25, 2010
After opening another show.
Things have been busy this past week, yet I feel as if there's not much to blog lately. But of course, I have to say that Wedding Singer the Musical has officially opened at the Meralco Theater this weekend, and yes, that was what's keeping me occupied this past week.
I figured things would be pretty easy considering 9 Works made changes with the front-of-house and ushering after a few little disasters in Rent early this year. I have to say that I'm glad that they finally got regular ushers, most of which are graduates from their first summer workshop. They're pretty eager, and at least I've worked with some of them before. Everyone has their own quirks, and this group has no exception.
One thing that I'm still not used to is not getting that much sleep. When I got home last Friday night after the preview show, I just lay down on my bed and didn't sleep, because if I did, I would oversleep and won't wake up in time for work in the early morning. So by the time I was on the floor at 6am, I was running on 2 cups of coffee and no sleep, but at least I was quite perky during my calls, ahahaha. Thank goodness I wasn't bouncing off the walls, though.
To be honest, I'm still getting used to how their company works, as I'm used to a particular system. It's not really negative really, but one comment that I can't but say is that they really should have designated more people to particular things, considering some of the people in charge of particular departments are also part of the cast.
Mika and Dante watched the show yesterday. Patton couldn't make it because he was busy with work. But it was pretty amusing for each of us to discover how small the world is. I only knew Mika from Patton, but she's from Ballet Philippines, which means I could have seen her a lot but never really knew who she was. It's nice to see one more familiar face whenever we pass by each other in the CCP artists entrance or in the buffeteria. Then when I passed by them in the audience area during intermission, she tried to introduce me to Dante. Hahaha, she didn't know that we already knew each other from CSB, back when I used to call him "Sir Dante." It wasn't until just recently that he told me to stop calling him "sir," hahaha.
The interesting thing about how Dante and I knew each other was that he suggested that I write for the weekly school publication back then. But even though I love writing, I wasn't really confident writing for any publication back then (even though I was once a student correspondent for a magazine during that same time).
To be honest, I actually want to try writing regularly, but I guess just blogging here is just fine for now.
Some people would say I'm not that busy at all considering I'm just juggling a couple of part-time jobs. Well, I'm also prepping up for the entire next year. I'm still figuring things out how things will turn out this December, then we'll see how it goes from there. But of course, it does help to be prepared.
I figured things would be pretty easy considering 9 Works made changes with the front-of-house and ushering after a few little disasters in Rent early this year. I have to say that I'm glad that they finally got regular ushers, most of which are graduates from their first summer workshop. They're pretty eager, and at least I've worked with some of them before. Everyone has their own quirks, and this group has no exception.
One thing that I'm still not used to is not getting that much sleep. When I got home last Friday night after the preview show, I just lay down on my bed and didn't sleep, because if I did, I would oversleep and won't wake up in time for work in the early morning. So by the time I was on the floor at 6am, I was running on 2 cups of coffee and no sleep, but at least I was quite perky during my calls, ahahaha. Thank goodness I wasn't bouncing off the walls, though.
To be honest, I'm still getting used to how their company works, as I'm used to a particular system. It's not really negative really, but one comment that I can't but say is that they really should have designated more people to particular things, considering some of the people in charge of particular departments are also part of the cast.
Mika and Dante watched the show yesterday. Patton couldn't make it because he was busy with work. But it was pretty amusing for each of us to discover how small the world is. I only knew Mika from Patton, but she's from Ballet Philippines, which means I could have seen her a lot but never really knew who she was. It's nice to see one more familiar face whenever we pass by each other in the CCP artists entrance or in the buffeteria. Then when I passed by them in the audience area during intermission, she tried to introduce me to Dante. Hahaha, she didn't know that we already knew each other from CSB, back when I used to call him "Sir Dante." It wasn't until just recently that he told me to stop calling him "sir," hahaha.
The interesting thing about how Dante and I knew each other was that he suggested that I write for the weekly school publication back then. But even though I love writing, I wasn't really confident writing for any publication back then (even though I was once a student correspondent for a magazine during that same time).
To be honest, I actually want to try writing regularly, but I guess just blogging here is just fine for now.
Some people would say I'm not that busy at all considering I'm just juggling a couple of part-time jobs. Well, I'm also prepping up for the entire next year. I'm still figuring things out how things will turn out this December, then we'll see how it goes from there. But of course, it does help to be prepared.
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Sondheim musical, and a bit of pondering.
Thanks to Atlantis, I got to watch their production of A Little Night Music yesterday. I honestly didn't know what to expect, but people were raving about it. But hey, it's classic Sondheim, plus a cast like that? Intriguing as ever.
While I was still hanging around the lobby, just waiting for open house (it was still way too early though), I found Ed buying a ticket. Ahaha, he just decided on a whim to watch the show after work, considering that he works close by. We ended up sitting in the lobby together, chatting, while we waited for the house to open. When we decided to go inside, we ended up sitting together. Naks, upgrade ba, Ed? Hahaha.
The cast was awesome. Everyone was casted pretty well, and everyone's voices were equally powerful. I have to admit, I never really knew much about the musical's synopsis before I came, and only knew of the songs. Ahehehe. But anyway, everyone was spectacular. I can't pinpoint much about the show, but I have to say, most of the songs are of LSS-quality, hahaha.
Congrats to the cast and crew of Atlantis' A Little Night Music! I enjoyed the show a whole lot! Super thanks!
While I was still hanging around the lobby, just waiting for open house (it was still way too early though), I found Ed buying a ticket. Ahaha, he just decided on a whim to watch the show after work, considering that he works close by. We ended up sitting in the lobby together, chatting, while we waited for the house to open. When we decided to go inside, we ended up sitting together. Naks, upgrade ba, Ed? Hahaha.
The cast was awesome. Everyone was casted pretty well, and everyone's voices were equally powerful. I have to admit, I never really knew much about the musical's synopsis before I came, and only knew of the songs. Ahehehe. But anyway, everyone was spectacular. I can't pinpoint much about the show, but I have to say, most of the songs are of LSS-quality, hahaha.
Congrats to the cast and crew of Atlantis' A Little Night Music! I enjoyed the show a whole lot! Super thanks!
Ever since a few days ago, there are some thoughts that have been burning in the back of my mind that I don't really want to dwell on, but they just keep coming back.
Then I keep telling myself this. I remember a relatively similar situation 4 or 5 years ago. I felt the same thing. And I made it. I managed to survive with just that, and I was happy with that. And I'm sure that I can do the same thing right now.
My Facebook status just vaguely says, "This is it. There's no stopping me now." Just a little bit of optimism, ounce by ounce.
But sometimes, I can't help it. I keep looking for the "crux," which, as I had learned in script analysis class, is the point where you had or have to make a decision, and once that decision is made, everything that follows is irreversible.
I was doing errands the entire day today, and during the bus ride home, I think I found the crux. Sometimes I wished that I could just go back to that point in my life, and just stay there for a while. I should've pondered over things a little more. But still, it's still quite a relief that I didn't linger, that I was still the impulsive old me.
Oh well.
Ever since a few days ago, there are some thoughts that have been burning in the back of my mind that I don't really want to dwell on, but they just keep coming back.
Then I keep telling myself this. I remember a relatively similar situation 4 or 5 years ago. I felt the same thing. And I made it. I managed to survive with just that, and I was happy with that. And I'm sure that I can do the same thing right now.
My Facebook status just vaguely says, "This is it. There's no stopping me now." Just a little bit of optimism, ounce by ounce.
But sometimes, I can't help it. I keep looking for the "crux," which, as I had learned in script analysis class, is the point where you had or have to make a decision, and once that decision is made, everything that follows is irreversible.
I was doing errands the entire day today, and during the bus ride home, I think I found the crux. Sometimes I wished that I could just go back to that point in my life, and just stay there for a while. I should've pondered over things a little more. But still, it's still quite a relief that I didn't linger, that I was still the impulsive old me.
Oh well.
Monday, October 11, 2010
A galleon visit, and an inspiring movie.
We didn't get to have Script Analysis class this past week, so I tagged along with the TP Actors Company to the Galeon Andalucia on Friday afternoon. I wanted to watch El Galeon de Simeon (written by Miss Lallie, directed by Tuxqs, and performed by Miss Shamaine Buencamino), and that's what they were planning to do as well. I first went to CCP and hung around with the ladies of the AC while they rehearsed their scene for their company class until Marco and Dan had also arrived.
When it was around two in the afternoon (thanks to Marco's constant time checks), the boys were prompting the girls to finish up their rehearsal because Tad had texted Marco, saying that he was already there in the galleon. I ended up leaving CCP with the boys while the girls continued with their rehearsal. That, and we all wouldn't fit in Martha's car. The boys and I decided to take a cab, but it took us a really long while to get one, up to the point where we were hailing all the cabs along Roxas.
It was already 3:30 when we got to Intramuros, and when we arrived at the gate leading to the pier, there were so many people outside, trying to get in. I knew that they had specific times for people to go aboard the galleon, plus they're only allowed 100 people at a time, but yet, these people standing outside the gate were still insisting to be let in because they only took note of the time. We, on the other hand, were trying to talk to the guards that viewing the actual galleon wasn't our purpose of visit, but to watch the performance on the galleon. The guards still wouldn't let us in because they had no idea what we're talking about. Hay, talk about lousy coordination.
Anyway, we ended up just standing there while Marco was trying to text Tad and the girls about the crazy entrance. When we saw Martha's car, we hopped aboard while the guard stopped her, and she just said in a superior tone that she needs to talk to the director first, considering that we were guests of the performance. So the guard let her drive through. Haha, way to go, Martha.
There was an annoying guy who grabbed our parking space though. A total jerk, who even mocked Martha when she rolled down her window to tell him off. Once again, money can't buy breeding.
Anyway, the performance was supposed to begin at 4, but it still took us a long while to get to the galleon. Thank goodness when Kat called Tad, he passed the phone to someone who'd come get us. Thank you, Miss Tessa.
Due to the rain and the crowd, the performance got a little delayed, but we didn't mind. We finally managed to board the galleon, but we were told that we're not allowed to have open umbrellas aboard. Either it was bad luck or whatever, but thank goodness it was one of those rare days that I brought a cap. Anyway, we got to tour the galleon, but we never got to go downstairs because we were too busy camwhoring, ahahaha.
El Galeon de Simeon is a monologue performed by Miss Shamaine, and she was so amazing, playing all those characters. Huwaw. Congrats!
After the performance, I immediately left with Miss Clottie, Tad, Rayna and Reg, sharing a cab back to CCP.
On Saturday, I had a spur-of-the-moment decision to meet up with Lara in ATC. Met up with her early in the afternoon, and had lunch at Shakey's so we could talk and catch up on each other's news. Haha, I was getting over a cough, and she was losing her voice, so we ended up ordering the same drinks, sans the ice.
We decided to watch Eat Pray Love, and while we were waiting for the scheduled screening, we decided to kill time by walking around the mall. Ended up checking out some dresses at this store where she just purchased one before we had met up, and once she got me to try a couple of dresses, I just might come back for it after my next paycheck.
We were still kind of full from what we ate at Shakey's, but considering that we had already digested most of it from walking around, we decided to look for dessert or something to eat during the movie. We ended up sharing barbecue popcorn from Tater's and Hershey's pie from Burger King. I can't believe we actually finished everything during the movie. It took a while, but we did, hahaha.
Anyway, Eat Pray Love is the perfect movie for me at the right time. I was thinking of several things, plus pursuing certain others, and this movie inspired me to do so. The lines were so right on target.
And now, I'm in the process of fixing certain things, planning certain others to pursue certain goals.
When it was around two in the afternoon (thanks to Marco's constant time checks), the boys were prompting the girls to finish up their rehearsal because Tad had texted Marco, saying that he was already there in the galleon. I ended up leaving CCP with the boys while the girls continued with their rehearsal. That, and we all wouldn't fit in Martha's car. The boys and I decided to take a cab, but it took us a really long while to get one, up to the point where we were hailing all the cabs along Roxas.
It was already 3:30 when we got to Intramuros, and when we arrived at the gate leading to the pier, there were so many people outside, trying to get in. I knew that they had specific times for people to go aboard the galleon, plus they're only allowed 100 people at a time, but yet, these people standing outside the gate were still insisting to be let in because they only took note of the time. We, on the other hand, were trying to talk to the guards that viewing the actual galleon wasn't our purpose of visit, but to watch the performance on the galleon. The guards still wouldn't let us in because they had no idea what we're talking about. Hay, talk about lousy coordination.
Anyway, we ended up just standing there while Marco was trying to text Tad and the girls about the crazy entrance. When we saw Martha's car, we hopped aboard while the guard stopped her, and she just said in a superior tone that she needs to talk to the director first, considering that we were guests of the performance. So the guard let her drive through. Haha, way to go, Martha.
There was an annoying guy who grabbed our parking space though. A total jerk, who even mocked Martha when she rolled down her window to tell him off. Once again, money can't buy breeding.
Anyway, the performance was supposed to begin at 4, but it still took us a long while to get to the galleon. Thank goodness when Kat called Tad, he passed the phone to someone who'd come get us. Thank you, Miss Tessa.
Due to the rain and the crowd, the performance got a little delayed, but we didn't mind. We finally managed to board the galleon, but we were told that we're not allowed to have open umbrellas aboard. Either it was bad luck or whatever, but thank goodness it was one of those rare days that I brought a cap. Anyway, we got to tour the galleon, but we never got to go downstairs because we were too busy camwhoring, ahahaha.
El Galeon de Simeon is a monologue performed by Miss Shamaine, and she was so amazing, playing all those characters. Huwaw. Congrats!
After the performance, I immediately left with Miss Clottie, Tad, Rayna and Reg, sharing a cab back to CCP.
On Saturday, I had a spur-of-the-moment decision to meet up with Lara in ATC. Met up with her early in the afternoon, and had lunch at Shakey's so we could talk and catch up on each other's news. Haha, I was getting over a cough, and she was losing her voice, so we ended up ordering the same drinks, sans the ice.
We decided to watch Eat Pray Love, and while we were waiting for the scheduled screening, we decided to kill time by walking around the mall. Ended up checking out some dresses at this store where she just purchased one before we had met up, and once she got me to try a couple of dresses, I just might come back for it after my next paycheck.
We were still kind of full from what we ate at Shakey's, but considering that we had already digested most of it from walking around, we decided to look for dessert or something to eat during the movie. We ended up sharing barbecue popcorn from Tater's and Hershey's pie from Burger King. I can't believe we actually finished everything during the movie. It took a while, but we did, hahaha.
Anyway, Eat Pray Love is the perfect movie for me at the right time. I was thinking of several things, plus pursuing certain others, and this movie inspired me to do so. The lines were so right on target.
And now, I'm in the process of fixing certain things, planning certain others to pursue certain goals.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Pseudo-annual reunion with Nikki and Nicco.
I remember that it always takes too much effort to get together with some friends, and with some, it's as easy as sending one simple text message and you're hanging out together within minutes.
But hanging out with Nikki and Nicco is quite the rare occasion.
I love hanging out with Nikki. On random days, she would just text and we'd be seeing each other in ATC or somewhere in Makati in about an hour. With Nicco, it's quite the opposite, because convenience (venue, time, and whatever else you can think of) is one of his very many factors to consider.
Thank goodness for this previous Saturday. I got a text from Nikki while I was still at work, inviting me to hang out with her in ATC. Instead I suggested hanging out at CCP, in hopes that we could watch Nicco in American Hwangap, and maybe hang out with him in between shows. Thankfully, she agreed, but as for Nicco, it turned out that they can't let anyone in because a show buyer bought the afternoon show.
I headed to CCP after work, and killed time bugging Gino, Tad and Marco while they rehearsed for a scene that they're working on for Mailes' class. Nikki had arrived when they were just wrapping up. We decided to have a late lunch at Harbour Square, and ended up at Yellow Cab. We ordered the Dear Darla pizza plus got an order of pasta along with it. My goodness, I realized that I could actually finish one 10-inch pizza by myself, if we didn't order any pasta, ahahaha.
Updates here and there while we consumed our pizza and pasta, and crazy bonding moments as well. Hahaha, I swear, some of the craziest things and topics always come up whenever I'm with Nix. It goes to show how open we are to each other. Anyway, after those long talks, we decided to hang out at the LT lobby until the afternoon show of Hwangap ends. More talks, and as usual, Nikki rummaged through my bag, which was a crazy habit that she does ever since we became friends.
When the audience filed out, it was disappointing to see that very few people watched the play, considering it was a bought show. Sayang talaga. Anyway, once Nicco had emerged from the theater and had some photo ops with some of the audience members, Nikki and I managed to drag him off to Harbour Square, where we ended up debating where to eat and hang out during Nicco's break. We ended up going back to the buffeteria so Nicco can have his free dinner there while we could all talk and bond.
Ah yes, I love the bonding moments we had that late afternoon. It's never a boring conversation whenever I'm together with these two. From the serious to the mundane, and with so many quips to go around, especially quips that were pointedly thrown at Nikki, hahaha!
"Oops, sorry, Nikki! Ikaw kasi eh!"
"Ikaw kasi eh, di mo ako pinapansin dati eh."
"Kung naging kayo na lang kaya?" "Naku, mag-aaway lang kami lagi."
Funny, the last time all three of us were together was over a year ago already. And we still talk as if not that much time had passed, no matter how much stories we each had to tell. We may have grown a lot throughout these years that we've known each other, but we'll never outgrow or grow tired of each other. Oh, Nikki and Nicco, I just love you both.
But hanging out with Nikki and Nicco is quite the rare occasion.
I love hanging out with Nikki. On random days, she would just text and we'd be seeing each other in ATC or somewhere in Makati in about an hour. With Nicco, it's quite the opposite, because convenience (venue, time, and whatever else you can think of) is one of his very many factors to consider.
Thank goodness for this previous Saturday. I got a text from Nikki while I was still at work, inviting me to hang out with her in ATC. Instead I suggested hanging out at CCP, in hopes that we could watch Nicco in American Hwangap, and maybe hang out with him in between shows. Thankfully, she agreed, but as for Nicco, it turned out that they can't let anyone in because a show buyer bought the afternoon show.
I headed to CCP after work, and killed time bugging Gino, Tad and Marco while they rehearsed for a scene that they're working on for Mailes' class. Nikki had arrived when they were just wrapping up. We decided to have a late lunch at Harbour Square, and ended up at Yellow Cab. We ordered the Dear Darla pizza plus got an order of pasta along with it. My goodness, I realized that I could actually finish one 10-inch pizza by myself, if we didn't order any pasta, ahahaha.
Updates here and there while we consumed our pizza and pasta, and crazy bonding moments as well. Hahaha, I swear, some of the craziest things and topics always come up whenever I'm with Nix. It goes to show how open we are to each other. Anyway, after those long talks, we decided to hang out at the LT lobby until the afternoon show of Hwangap ends. More talks, and as usual, Nikki rummaged through my bag, which was a crazy habit that she does ever since we became friends.
When the audience filed out, it was disappointing to see that very few people watched the play, considering it was a bought show. Sayang talaga. Anyway, once Nicco had emerged from the theater and had some photo ops with some of the audience members, Nikki and I managed to drag him off to Harbour Square, where we ended up debating where to eat and hang out during Nicco's break. We ended up going back to the buffeteria so Nicco can have his free dinner there while we could all talk and bond.
Ah yes, I love the bonding moments we had that late afternoon. It's never a boring conversation whenever I'm together with these two. From the serious to the mundane, and with so many quips to go around, especially quips that were pointedly thrown at Nikki, hahaha!
"Oops, sorry, Nikki! Ikaw kasi eh!"
"Ikaw kasi eh, di mo ako pinapansin dati eh."
"Kung naging kayo na lang kaya?" "Naku, mag-aaway lang kami lagi."
Funny, the last time all three of us were together was over a year ago already. And we still talk as if not that much time had passed, no matter how much stories we each had to tell. We may have grown a lot throughout these years that we've known each other, but we'll never outgrow or grow tired of each other. Oh, Nikki and Nicco, I just love you both.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Watching shows. Not quite a marathon this time.
I was supposed to blog last night, but for some reason, I couldn't access Multiply.
Anyway, I managed to find time to catch some plays this past week, just so I can have a semblance of a life after my last ushering stint, ahahaha. I also got to sit in at the AC's company class and make-up class, facilitated by Riki and Lao respectively. I had a lot of fun just sitting and observing during the make-up class. After both classes, Rayna, Martha and I ran-through our scene for script analysis class before we all went out to eat. Found Gino at Mang Inasal (as he had went ahead of all of us), before most of us headed to Harrison Plaza to get our fix of goto.
We finished tackling J.M. Synge's Riders to the Sea on Friday, complete with our assigned scenes. We're finally moving on to a new script tomorrow. Anyway, Nicco had gotten me tickets to that night's show of American Hwangap (English version), so I killed time with Gino and Dan at Icebergs before we watched the show. Haha, I also invited Nicco to hang with us prior to his call time, and he shared his experiences as a one-time TP Actors Company scholar the the 2 new scholars.
I loved Mio's detailed set. And the ensemble cast was pretty good. It was actually amusing to watch Nicco in another character that was pretty close to his personality, right down to when he threw that game console on the floor. But I have to agree with some that it was too American, with hardly any Korean flavor, except for some indications using costume and food. But I still enjoyed it all the same. So congrats once again, baby bro!
On Saturday, while I was catching up on my sleep in the office lounge, I got a text from Betty that she has an extra ticket to their show in UP, Information for Foreigners, that night. I immediately said yes, and thank goodness I had time to kill in the afternoon, as I was also meeting Nikki that day. We meet up at Powerbooks and had lunch at Pepper Lunch, then went around the malls, just window-shopping until I had to catch the northbound MRT.
Betty had told me to come an hour before the show begins because tickets were first come, first serve, plus they had to turn away some people because the place was already pretty full. I actually had no idea where the new CAL building, but I was told that it was behind the FC. And to think that there's also a show going on in the FC that Tad and Kat were involved in. So while I was finally walking towards the right direction of the building, I found Tad standing outside the FC, smoking, so I went over to him for a while to say hi before I went on ahead to the CAL building. While I was getting my ticket, Lee and Helen had arrived at almost the same time, so we got to kill time together before the show started. Drove a short distance to get fishballs and isaw (yum!), then immediately went back to see that there was already a huge crowd assembled.
Betty had advised us to join Uleb's group, because apparently, this show was going to be all over the building, like an interactive tour, and so Lee, Helen and I looked for the line that Uleb was talking to. Information for Foreigners tackled some heavy material, about the several desaparecidos that their families have been looking for even until today. My goodness, we were told to wear comfortable shoes and bring fans, and be ready to run when needed. Hahaha. Props to the cast and crew for this show. Each tour group was led from one room to another, showing real scenarios of those who had disappeared since the time of Martial Law. Though Lee, Helen and I got pretty turned off by the certain heckler during the first scene of the second act, it was still a darn good show.
Had a late dinner with Lee, Helen, Betty, Opa and Uleb (who had to leave after a few minutes) at McDo in Katipunan after the show, and we discussed certain aspects of it before we called it a night. Rode a cab with Betty and despite the fact that I was losing my voice since the day before, I still made an effort to share little tidbits with her.
On Monday, Kat managed to provide one compli ticket for me to Alimuom/Walang Maliw, the twinbill that she and Tad were in at the FC. The week before, I was actually planning to watch both UP shows in one day, but after watching both, I was glad I didn't because each show, despite the fact that they had similar topics, was far to heavy that I couldn't handle watching both on the same day.
Two long lines had already formed outside the THY, and it took me a while to figure out that one line was for ticket holders, and the other was for waiting people in hopes of getting tickets should there be any left. As a guest, I was immediately led inside the theater upon open house, without going through the long line. I managed to find a seat up front with Arvin, so I don't have to deal with backless bleacher seat and bobbing heads in front of me.
Alimuom is a monologue with that as a soldier/reformist that comes returns to a certain safe house where he used to torture people that they had abducted. Intense. Each person that the soldier mentioned gave a clear vision of his method of torture. Ack. Walang Maliw, on the other hand, shows the opposite side, with Kat as one of the abducted, while her parents celebrate her birthday 5 years after her disappearance. I never got to catch this play when it was performed at the Virgin Labfest, and I'm glad to have caught it then. It was quite a touching performance. I was fighting back tears during the last parts, and couldn't hold it back when I spotted a lot of other people in the audience also crying.
My goodness, despite the fact that I'm nursing a cough and losing my voice even right on until now, I'm glad to have caught those shows. I sure hope I still get to catch Shock Value and the Filipino version of American Hwangap later this week.
Anyway, I managed to find time to catch some plays this past week, just so I can have a semblance of a life after my last ushering stint, ahahaha. I also got to sit in at the AC's company class and make-up class, facilitated by Riki and Lao respectively. I had a lot of fun just sitting and observing during the make-up class. After both classes, Rayna, Martha and I ran-through our scene for script analysis class before we all went out to eat. Found Gino at Mang Inasal (as he had went ahead of all of us), before most of us headed to Harrison Plaza to get our fix of goto.
We finished tackling J.M. Synge's Riders to the Sea on Friday, complete with our assigned scenes. We're finally moving on to a new script tomorrow. Anyway, Nicco had gotten me tickets to that night's show of American Hwangap (English version), so I killed time with Gino and Dan at Icebergs before we watched the show. Haha, I also invited Nicco to hang with us prior to his call time, and he shared his experiences as a one-time TP Actors Company scholar the the 2 new scholars.
I loved Mio's detailed set. And the ensemble cast was pretty good. It was actually amusing to watch Nicco in another character that was pretty close to his personality, right down to when he threw that game console on the floor. But I have to agree with some that it was too American, with hardly any Korean flavor, except for some indications using costume and food. But I still enjoyed it all the same. So congrats once again, baby bro!
On Saturday, while I was catching up on my sleep in the office lounge, I got a text from Betty that she has an extra ticket to their show in UP, Information for Foreigners, that night. I immediately said yes, and thank goodness I had time to kill in the afternoon, as I was also meeting Nikki that day. We meet up at Powerbooks and had lunch at Pepper Lunch, then went around the malls, just window-shopping until I had to catch the northbound MRT.
Betty had told me to come an hour before the show begins because tickets were first come, first serve, plus they had to turn away some people because the place was already pretty full. I actually had no idea where the new CAL building, but I was told that it was behind the FC. And to think that there's also a show going on in the FC that Tad and Kat were involved in. So while I was finally walking towards the right direction of the building, I found Tad standing outside the FC, smoking, so I went over to him for a while to say hi before I went on ahead to the CAL building. While I was getting my ticket, Lee and Helen had arrived at almost the same time, so we got to kill time together before the show started. Drove a short distance to get fishballs and isaw (yum!), then immediately went back to see that there was already a huge crowd assembled.
Betty had advised us to join Uleb's group, because apparently, this show was going to be all over the building, like an interactive tour, and so Lee, Helen and I looked for the line that Uleb was talking to. Information for Foreigners tackled some heavy material, about the several desaparecidos that their families have been looking for even until today. My goodness, we were told to wear comfortable shoes and bring fans, and be ready to run when needed. Hahaha. Props to the cast and crew for this show. Each tour group was led from one room to another, showing real scenarios of those who had disappeared since the time of Martial Law. Though Lee, Helen and I got pretty turned off by the certain heckler during the first scene of the second act, it was still a darn good show.
Had a late dinner with Lee, Helen, Betty, Opa and Uleb (who had to leave after a few minutes) at McDo in Katipunan after the show, and we discussed certain aspects of it before we called it a night. Rode a cab with Betty and despite the fact that I was losing my voice since the day before, I still made an effort to share little tidbits with her.
On Monday, Kat managed to provide one compli ticket for me to Alimuom/Walang Maliw, the twinbill that she and Tad were in at the FC. The week before, I was actually planning to watch both UP shows in one day, but after watching both, I was glad I didn't because each show, despite the fact that they had similar topics, was far to heavy that I couldn't handle watching both on the same day.
Two long lines had already formed outside the THY, and it took me a while to figure out that one line was for ticket holders, and the other was for waiting people in hopes of getting tickets should there be any left. As a guest, I was immediately led inside the theater upon open house, without going through the long line. I managed to find a seat up front with Arvin, so I don't have to deal with backless bleacher seat and bobbing heads in front of me.
Alimuom is a monologue with that as a soldier/reformist that comes returns to a certain safe house where he used to torture people that they had abducted. Intense. Each person that the soldier mentioned gave a clear vision of his method of torture. Ack. Walang Maliw, on the other hand, shows the opposite side, with Kat as one of the abducted, while her parents celebrate her birthday 5 years after her disappearance. I never got to catch this play when it was performed at the Virgin Labfest, and I'm glad to have caught it then. It was quite a touching performance. I was fighting back tears during the last parts, and couldn't hold it back when I spotted a lot of other people in the audience also crying.
My goodness, despite the fact that I'm nursing a cough and losing my voice even right on until now, I'm glad to have caught those shows. I sure hope I still get to catch Shock Value and the Filipino version of American Hwangap later this week.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Shopping and window-shopping.
I spent my first work-free Monday with Rayna yesterday, as we really were planning to go out somewhere, but she went ahead last Saturday without me (ahahaha). Anyway, she wanted to go to Kryolan to buy makeup, as she used up most of her supply during the run of Banaag at Sikat.
We met up at GMA-Kamuning MRT, and took a jeep from there. We honestly had no idea how to get to Kryolan except for vague directions and ideas, but after getting off at Tomas Morato and walking a bit, we finally found Il Terrazzo, where Kryolan was. Ooh, I love their stuff. Pricey, but yes, it really is a very good investment if you're a theater actor. It took a while for Rayna to decide between two similar shades of foundation, but I had fun looking through their stuff, even though I'm quite a novice.
After getting her purchase, we walked around Il Terrazzo, just checking out the other shops, and even went inside Rustan's because Rayna wanted something to drink. We ended up buying nothing, ahahaha. We decided to just go home early because she wanted to study and finish cleaning up her room. But then we wanted to grab something to eat, so we decided to grab a quick bite at Chowking. It started raining when we were there, so we ended up sitting around and talking for a while, while waiting for the rain to let up a little. Then we walked back to Edsa and took the MRT back to Ayala.
We didn't go home just yet once we reached Ayala, ahahaha. We walked to Landmark because Rayna had accidentally left her hand sanitizer at Chowking, so we went there so she could buy a new one. Of course, we didn't just go there and just buy that. We still ended up looking around, sniffing perfumes and Rayna finally got a new scent as well.
While walking around in Glorietta prior to reaching Landmark, we realized that we rarely hung out together outside the vicinity of CCP. This was only the second time, considering we were friends for 2 years already. And our first time to hang out was still pretty recent, when we watched Inception with Opa. Rayna, we really just go out more together, hahaha. I had a blast yesterday.
It was so funny after Rayna and I had parted ways. I was walking in the direction of SM, when I passed by Human and saw this pretty dress that was similar to the "sweet looking" blouse I saw at Tomato with Rayna earlier. I impulsively went inside and searched for it among the racks, but it wasn't anywhere. Thank goodness a saleslady approached me and told me that they have dresses that just arrived, and there they were in the back. One trip to the fitting room and one of the pretty dresses was finally mine. Yes, Rayna, like I said, I shouldn't be left shopping alone, hahaha.
We met up at GMA-Kamuning MRT, and took a jeep from there. We honestly had no idea how to get to Kryolan except for vague directions and ideas, but after getting off at Tomas Morato and walking a bit, we finally found Il Terrazzo, where Kryolan was. Ooh, I love their stuff. Pricey, but yes, it really is a very good investment if you're a theater actor. It took a while for Rayna to decide between two similar shades of foundation, but I had fun looking through their stuff, even though I'm quite a novice.
After getting her purchase, we walked around Il Terrazzo, just checking out the other shops, and even went inside Rustan's because Rayna wanted something to drink. We ended up buying nothing, ahahaha. We decided to just go home early because she wanted to study and finish cleaning up her room. But then we wanted to grab something to eat, so we decided to grab a quick bite at Chowking. It started raining when we were there, so we ended up sitting around and talking for a while, while waiting for the rain to let up a little. Then we walked back to Edsa and took the MRT back to Ayala.
We didn't go home just yet once we reached Ayala, ahahaha. We walked to Landmark because Rayna had accidentally left her hand sanitizer at Chowking, so we went there so she could buy a new one. Of course, we didn't just go there and just buy that. We still ended up looking around, sniffing perfumes and Rayna finally got a new scent as well.
While walking around in Glorietta prior to reaching Landmark, we realized that we rarely hung out together outside the vicinity of CCP. This was only the second time, considering we were friends for 2 years already. And our first time to hang out was still pretty recent, when we watched Inception with Opa. Rayna, we really just go out more together, hahaha. I had a blast yesterday.
It was so funny after Rayna and I had parted ways. I was walking in the direction of SM, when I passed by Human and saw this pretty dress that was similar to the "sweet looking" blouse I saw at Tomato with Rayna earlier. I impulsively went inside and searched for it among the racks, but it wasn't anywhere. Thank goodness a saleslady approached me and told me that they have dresses that just arrived, and there they were in the back. One trip to the fitting room and one of the pretty dresses was finally mine. Yes, Rayna, like I said, I shouldn't be left shopping alone, hahaha.
Curtains: Xanadu (for now).
Xanadu had finally closed last Sunday night, so I'm glad to have weekends to myself again.
I remember that Saturday was pretty crazy for me because I could feel my body crashing the whole day. I was practically ready to just lie on the floor in between shows because of hunger and lack of sleep, despite the fact that I did eat lunch prior to the matinee show. Then during the evening show, I volunteered to be doorman because of a migraine that started bugging me. By the time I was on my way home, I could feel a slight fever. But thank goodness it was only for the night, as I immediately downed some medicine and got some rest.
The closing night show was super fun. We made sure the house was packed and the people really did have a blast. We distributed glow sticks once again to everyone in the orchestra, so it was a big party once again by the time the cast started singing "Xanadu." It was great seeing a great crowd filled with friends. Rayna, Jay, Riki and Lao even made it, plus Nicco, Je, Nar (plus 2 friends) managed to make it to the onstage seats in time.
Rode with Nicco to the venue of the cast party, and after dropping off Je and Nar and company in Greenbelt, we parked near Shang Grand and decided to wait for Bea and Gabs because Nicco was too shy to go to the party, ahahaha. We ended up just sitting in the car just talking, until he got a text that he had to leave and take care of something, so I ended up going up alone, ahahaha. I just managed to grab food and dessert and chitchat before I finally decided to go home and get some more sleep.
I remember that Saturday was pretty crazy for me because I could feel my body crashing the whole day. I was practically ready to just lie on the floor in between shows because of hunger and lack of sleep, despite the fact that I did eat lunch prior to the matinee show. Then during the evening show, I volunteered to be doorman because of a migraine that started bugging me. By the time I was on my way home, I could feel a slight fever. But thank goodness it was only for the night, as I immediately downed some medicine and got some rest.
The closing night show was super fun. We made sure the house was packed and the people really did have a blast. We distributed glow sticks once again to everyone in the orchestra, so it was a big party once again by the time the cast started singing "Xanadu." It was great seeing a great crowd filled with friends. Rayna, Jay, Riki and Lao even made it, plus Nicco, Je, Nar (plus 2 friends) managed to make it to the onstage seats in time.
Rode with Nicco to the venue of the cast party, and after dropping off Je and Nar and company in Greenbelt, we parked near Shang Grand and decided to wait for Bea and Gabs because Nicco was too shy to go to the party, ahahaha. We ended up just sitting in the car just talking, until he got a text that he had to leave and take care of something, so I ended up going up alone, ahahaha. I just managed to grab food and dessert and chitchat before I finally decided to go home and get some more sleep.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I need to go away.
Last week, I was asked if I could move one of my shifts to a different day to make way for the schedules of the incoming wave. I ended up changing one of my days so I could just work four days in a row, instead of working on alternating days. At least if I need some time off, I can spend three whole days of it.
I remembered some time ago that Faye was looking for any part-time job, so I referred her to us. I had no idea when they started training until I managed to chat with her a few days ago. Eventually we ran into each other in the ladies room the other day, just when her wave was about to start their exam and mock calls. Ooh, exciting. Hahaha, I remember that during our mock calls, we were so intimidated by Nadine and Chuva, and actually thought they were so mataray.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Faye on the floor.
Plus I'm looking forward to always having 3 straight days to myself. I once thought, maybe one time I could just leave, go out of town on my own for 3 days just so I can have real time off from everything else. It's not good always being stuck in a proverbial wasteland and thinking too much about things, and I need to get away from it.
In terms of thinking too much, I can annoy the hell out of me sometimes. Like that one moment online that weirded me out too much to the point of paranoia. Was I being talked about that time? What about me was being talked about? Argh...
I've got to shake some things off. I want to go somewhere. Any suggestions? I don't want to splurge just yet, though, so I'm thinking of a cheap trip. Hahahaha.
I remembered some time ago that Faye was looking for any part-time job, so I referred her to us. I had no idea when they started training until I managed to chat with her a few days ago. Eventually we ran into each other in the ladies room the other day, just when her wave was about to start their exam and mock calls. Ooh, exciting. Hahaha, I remember that during our mock calls, we were so intimidated by Nadine and Chuva, and actually thought they were so mataray.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Faye on the floor.
Plus I'm looking forward to always having 3 straight days to myself. I once thought, maybe one time I could just leave, go out of town on my own for 3 days just so I can have real time off from everything else. It's not good always being stuck in a proverbial wasteland and thinking too much about things, and I need to get away from it.
In terms of thinking too much, I can annoy the hell out of me sometimes. Like that one moment online that weirded me out too much to the point of paranoia. Was I being talked about that time? What about me was being talked about? Argh...
I've got to shake some things off. I want to go somewhere. Any suggestions? I don't want to splurge just yet, though, so I'm thinking of a cheap trip. Hahahaha.
Update: Meeting baby Evan.
I remember getting a text from Carms before that she was planning to give birth to baby Evan Reese on Jay's birthday, which was this past Monday. I was so excited about this, and really wanted to visit on that actual day, but considering it was double celebration for them, I decided not to yet so they can just celebrate with family.
I decided to visit the following day (Tuesday) instead. After attending a press conference of The Wedding Singer, I had to lug a big neon pink paper bag out of The Loft (which contained freebies from sponsors), and as I was walking to the mall, the paper bag totally ripped from the handle. I ended up going inside Power Plant Mall to buy not one, but two paper bags, because I also brought with me the baby bonnet that I crocheted for baby Evan. I wasn't a big fan of taking taxi cabs, but because I had no idea how to get from Rockwell to St. Luke's in Global City, I had no choice.
I easily found the room Carms was staying at, as I had already texted Jay the day before. There was Carms on the bed, Jay standing beside her, eating her food, plus some of Jay's family (Ate Alice and their mom were the ones I remember). I immediately gave the baby bonnet to Carms, who in turn showed it to everyone in the room. Ahehe, I suddenly became shy when Carms said that I made the bonnet myself, and then proceeded to offer me food, and once again telling everyone that when it comes to food, they don't have to bother asking me if I want to eat, because I will. Hahahaha! I love this couple.
Tita Anna arrived shortly after I did, and she even flipped through one of the laptops on the side table to show photos of the birth. Oh my, that baby is just too adorable for words. Unfortunately, Evan is in the ICU because he needs to take antibiotics, and has to stay an extra few days in the hospital. I sure hope he gets better soon.
Spent most of the time sitting next to the bed, and just chit-chatting, mostly with Carms and Jay. Man, I missed them a lot, and to think that the last time I saw them was when Opa and I went to Sarah's briefly.
I was also texting Tin, as I told her that I was visiting Carms that day, and she decided to drop by as well, because she was already in the area anyway. When Carms had to go downstairs for breast feeding, I went to the lobby to meet with Tin so we could go to the NICU together. We spent some time looking at the lone cute baby inside the nursery, with the proud parents there as well. Hahaha, Tin and I had awkward moments just sitting there in front of the window, because the sink is directly underneath the window, ahahaha.
After a while, Tin and I said goodbye to the new parents and went downstairs and had a light dinner at Mary Grace, then bought dessert at DQ for the 2 of us plus one for Denesse. We then walked to Every Nation (because we didn't want to wait for buses to come) and hung out with Denesse in her office until I had to go.
Too bad I didn't get to see Evan that closely. I can't wait for when he comes home with his parents, so I'll have one more excuse to visit Badjao. =)
I decided to visit the following day (Tuesday) instead. After attending a press conference of The Wedding Singer, I had to lug a big neon pink paper bag out of The Loft (which contained freebies from sponsors), and as I was walking to the mall, the paper bag totally ripped from the handle. I ended up going inside Power Plant Mall to buy not one, but two paper bags, because I also brought with me the baby bonnet that I crocheted for baby Evan. I wasn't a big fan of taking taxi cabs, but because I had no idea how to get from Rockwell to St. Luke's in Global City, I had no choice.
I easily found the room Carms was staying at, as I had already texted Jay the day before. There was Carms on the bed, Jay standing beside her, eating her food, plus some of Jay's family (Ate Alice and their mom were the ones I remember). I immediately gave the baby bonnet to Carms, who in turn showed it to everyone in the room. Ahehe, I suddenly became shy when Carms said that I made the bonnet myself, and then proceeded to offer me food, and once again telling everyone that when it comes to food, they don't have to bother asking me if I want to eat, because I will. Hahahaha! I love this couple.
Tita Anna arrived shortly after I did, and she even flipped through one of the laptops on the side table to show photos of the birth. Oh my, that baby is just too adorable for words. Unfortunately, Evan is in the ICU because he needs to take antibiotics, and has to stay an extra few days in the hospital. I sure hope he gets better soon.
Spent most of the time sitting next to the bed, and just chit-chatting, mostly with Carms and Jay. Man, I missed them a lot, and to think that the last time I saw them was when Opa and I went to Sarah's briefly.
I was also texting Tin, as I told her that I was visiting Carms that day, and she decided to drop by as well, because she was already in the area anyway. When Carms had to go downstairs for breast feeding, I went to the lobby to meet with Tin so we could go to the NICU together. We spent some time looking at the lone cute baby inside the nursery, with the proud parents there as well. Hahaha, Tin and I had awkward moments just sitting there in front of the window, because the sink is directly underneath the window, ahahaha.
After a while, Tin and I said goodbye to the new parents and went downstairs and had a light dinner at Mary Grace, then bought dessert at DQ for the 2 of us plus one for Denesse. We then walked to Every Nation (because we didn't want to wait for buses to come) and hung out with Denesse in her office until I had to go.
Too bad I didn't get to see Evan that closely. I can't wait for when he comes home with his parents, so I'll have one more excuse to visit Badjao. =)
Update: Brief reunion with Ed.
For some reason, despite all the time I spend online, I never always find the right time to blog. So here I am again, trying to update my blog after over a week.
One of my good friends in my clique, Ed, visited from Canada, like he always does every year. Of course, he always makes a point to see all of us during his short visits here. Unfortunately, when he met most of the clique on a Saturday night, I was busy at Xanadu that time, so we decided to meet in ATC on Thursday of last week. We had a late lunch at CPK, and took quite a long while just deciding what pizza and pasta to get. Rosa even stopped by for a while before she had to leave for the airport for her little time-off from work as well as a little rendezvous.
After eating, we suddenly decided to watch a movie, and ended up watching Despicable Me in 3D. Haha, totally cute movie. The 3D factor was just a plus. But yeah, to sum it all up, it was just what it was, which was cute.
We then decided to go to Dairy Queen for dessert after the movie, and just killed time around the mall before Ed had to meet his uncle for dinner.
The next following days were just a blur of a Xanadu weekend. One thing I remembered was that I was so sleepy during one ride home that I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes, and when I opened them again, I realized that I had totally missed my stop completely, so I had to take a jeep back. Argh.
One of my good friends in my clique, Ed, visited from Canada, like he always does every year. Of course, he always makes a point to see all of us during his short visits here. Unfortunately, when he met most of the clique on a Saturday night, I was busy at Xanadu that time, so we decided to meet in ATC on Thursday of last week. We had a late lunch at CPK, and took quite a long while just deciding what pizza and pasta to get. Rosa even stopped by for a while before she had to leave for the airport for her little time-off from work as well as a little rendezvous.
After eating, we suddenly decided to watch a movie, and ended up watching Despicable Me in 3D. Haha, totally cute movie. The 3D factor was just a plus. But yeah, to sum it all up, it was just what it was, which was cute.
We then decided to go to Dairy Queen for dessert after the movie, and just killed time around the mall before Ed had to meet his uncle for dinner.
The next following days were just a blur of a Xanadu weekend. One thing I remembered was that I was so sleepy during one ride home that I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes, and when I opened them again, I realized that I had totally missed my stop completely, so I had to take a jeep back. Argh.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Update after Xanadu's first week.
I haven't blogged since Xanadu opened, so I'm overdue for an update. Not much, really.
So apparently I was still part of the roster of ushers, and I found out about it at the last minute, so I didn't get to go to the DTR last Wednesday. I started ushering duties along with most on Thursday, and it turned out that one of the extra tasks for ushers in the orchestra section was to distribute glow sticks to the people sitting in the first few rows of the orchestra.
It was actually easier during opening show the following night, because everyone in the orchestra got to have glow sticks. So when they people started waving their lights around, the theater looked like a party! Woohoo! Anyway, we wouldn't be distributing any more glow sticks anymore, due to budget (hey, that's a lot of glow sticks), so we'll be distributing the glow sticks again on closing night.
Script analysis class resumed last Friday after being postponed for a couple of weeks because half the AC were in Banaag at Sikat. Before the class started inside LT dressing room 105 (as there were rehearsals for American Hwangap in the Conference Room), most of us were racking our brains for the assignment Sir Dennis gave us last time. But we ended up discussing certain plays that were recently shown, plus Vox Populi, after we had watched it in class the last time there was a session. Anyway, it was the first time I attended the class with everyone all there, so I basically just clammed up and let them do all the talking. Intimidation because the members were there, ahahaha.
Just a thought. How long can I keep a secret between me and a friend, and even some that I've been keeping from said friend? Arg.
Hung out with Gino in Makati yesterday after work. As it turned out, he really does go there during free days to study because he claims that his house wasn't really conducive to studying, ahaha. So we ended up in Starbucks 6750, talking the hours away, sometimes letting him read his scripts while I poked around with some of them as well.
I wonder what this week will bring.
So apparently I was still part of the roster of ushers, and I found out about it at the last minute, so I didn't get to go to the DTR last Wednesday. I started ushering duties along with most on Thursday, and it turned out that one of the extra tasks for ushers in the orchestra section was to distribute glow sticks to the people sitting in the first few rows of the orchestra.
It was actually easier during opening show the following night, because everyone in the orchestra got to have glow sticks. So when they people started waving their lights around, the theater looked like a party! Woohoo! Anyway, we wouldn't be distributing any more glow sticks anymore, due to budget (hey, that's a lot of glow sticks), so we'll be distributing the glow sticks again on closing night.
Script analysis class resumed last Friday after being postponed for a couple of weeks because half the AC were in Banaag at Sikat. Before the class started inside LT dressing room 105 (as there were rehearsals for American Hwangap in the Conference Room), most of us were racking our brains for the assignment Sir Dennis gave us last time. But we ended up discussing certain plays that were recently shown, plus Vox Populi, after we had watched it in class the last time there was a session. Anyway, it was the first time I attended the class with everyone all there, so I basically just clammed up and let them do all the talking. Intimidation because the members were there, ahahaha.
Just a thought. How long can I keep a secret between me and a friend, and even some that I've been keeping from said friend? Arg.
Hung out with Gino in Makati yesterday after work. As it turned out, he really does go there during free days to study because he claims that his house wasn't really conducive to studying, ahaha. So we ended up in Starbucks 6750, talking the hours away, sometimes letting him read his scripts while I poked around with some of them as well.
I wonder what this week will bring.
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