I was channel surfing yesterday afternoon when I chanced upon this spelling bee on ESPN. I got fascinated when I saw one of the kids spell out a word on his number card with using his finger. You could hear his nail scratching on the surface of the card as he spelled out the word that was given to him. Then this other girl used her finger as well, spelling it out on her palm before she started spelling. Each kid had a unique quirk as they went about spelling word after word. One of the girls even made witty patter as she killed time when she was given a difficult word. ("Look at the time on the clock." "Yes, it's a very pretty clock.")
Hahaha, the whole thing reminded me of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. These kids really take it seriously. And they were all super smart. The girl who ended up in second place never even flinched during the entire competition until she missed her final word. The boy who won even mistook the word "numnah" as "numbnut" during an earlier round, hahaha.
Oh, by the way, for those who haven't watched the run earlier this year, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee under Atlantis Productions, will be having a limited repeat on July 3 - 12, 2009, at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza, Makati.
I suddenly miss the Make Believers. Never mind that I only spent a few days with them. It was such a blast working with them. Haha, I overheard Lesley and Christina musing about a Make Believe class for adults, and my ears perked up at the idea. Maybe this would be the chance to work on that little class that Lara, Dingdong and Patton and I were planning to do but never pushed through.
Speaking of Lara, I remember she once texted me last December and told me that she drew out a Tarot card for me. It was the Wheel of Fortune. A sudden change of fortune, she had said. May be good or bad but brings growth and a new phase of life. Hmmm...
I can't wait to go back to the music studio after June 10th. Need to brush up on solfege, even though I haven't gone far. My solfege book's getting dusty, waiting to be opened again.
I have a chance to go to Bataan for 5 straight days next month, but it means having to miss all the Virgin Labfest 5 festivities during its first week. Arg. Decisions. I want to go and check out the ancestral houses they mentioned, but I don't really want to miss certain Labfest events! Oh well.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Curtains: Make Believe '09.
Lara had asked me at least once if I wanted to help out and join Make Believe, and I'm seriously considering it for next year. Of course, before then, I have to figure out the route to the venue within subdivisions, because going all the way around Paranaque just to get to the village is too time-consuming. Parang pumupunta ako ng QC when I timed how long it took me to get there. I really hate taking the service road, hahaha.
So I braved the service road for one last time yesterday for the Make Believe showcases. Started the morning slow and easy while I had breakfast with some of the Make Believers and waited for the kids to arrive. Got to meet Christina (assigned to help backstage), one of Lesley's friends from AC who she said is also an awesome actress. Hahaha, as I joined a little chat for a while, it amuses me how the world just keeps getting smaller.
When all the kids had all arrived, it was time to run through the plays. Tech run, so we had the kids rehearse with the lapel mics. Hahaha, even though I managed to memorize my lines, I still get mental block because of the effort of memorizing the names and matching it to the kids, plus matching it to their respective instruments. Thank goodness there was Nini hidden behind the platform, ahahaha. Still buckled a lot though, ahehe. The biggest challenge was keeping the kids quiet and in their seats. Especially Naomi, who keeps complaining why she has to appear last. Haha, I had to learn to be creative with her since the day before in terms of keeping her backstage before her own scene. Plus I adapted Sophie's yaya's "seatbelt," having Naomi sit on my lap to keep her from loitering about.
Rehearsals for the pre-teens began immediately after a short 5-minute break. Because of how Andro had performed the day before, Lara had decided to keep him as an additional actor for the improv scenes. Didn't rehearse most of the improv, mostly just the scenes and songs plus that one monologue. It didn't feel like a complete show, really. When we began with the first improv, Pat would always decline what Mads offers. Made a mental note to remind them of the rules of improv, but I ended up forgetting to tell them, eep.
Saw that Patton had arrived sometime during the pre-teens rehearsal. Hahaha, he actually made it. Because Lara was kinda busy scurrying around, attending to a lot of things, I ended up having lunch with Patton, but managed to get Lara to sit with us for a while... until we realized that we had to change clothes pronto. We both left Patton and dashed to the ladies room to change, then I dashed backstage for make-up courtesy of Nina. Hahaha, Nina gave me an additional accessory to my all-white ensemble, which was a long sheer piece of shimmery white fabric that I had to use as a shawl or hood or whatever. Dumped my stuff on the table at stage left, then struggled with the fabric until I gave up and let Nina fix it herself, hahaha.
Showtime. The streetdance showcase was up first, and the kids were getting impatient. Javi ducked under the prop table at our side of the stage to keep Naomi from straying away, hahaha. Julia was happily content sitting in her chair while Sophie was locked in "seatbelt mode" by her yaya.
The Power of Four (the kids' showcase) was next, and Javi and Mike sprung into action in the opening scene. Checked the order of the names for the last time before I stepped onstage, ahahaha. But I loved sharing the stage with these kids. I let Sophie and Jenny romp around (with Nini keeping a watchful eye) while I did the scene with the four other kids.
The kids were super adorable as they each did their solo scenes and dances. I heard loud applause from their respective families) after each dance. Braced myself for the finale where I had to dance "All For One" from High School Musical 2 with the kids plus Mike and Javi, hahaha. Hay, Lara, the crazy things I do for you, HAHAHAHA!
A short fashion show was after the kids' showcase, so I flew to stage right to change into my all-black outfit for the pre-teens showcase. I had to duck into the small dressing room there and try to rub off some of the shimmery make-up that I had, ahehe. Flew back to stage left when the lights were still off to finally settle back at my own post.
Spotlight (the title of the pre-teens' showcase) was so-so. Pat and Mads had more energy during the DTR. Pat still kept declining offers during the improv, as if she was ever so reluctant doing the improv exercises. Oh well. But the apprentices were hilarious. When I asked suggestions for situations and places from the audience, I managed to find Lara easily. Hahaha, she got Noelle and Patton to participate. The moment I spotted Lara standing next to Noelle, I was surprised to find her there. Brief starstruck moment, but stayed in character, HAHAHA. Nina helped provide the props for the final improv, as she got items from the audience as well. I couldn't resist a little playtime by actually posting a list of characters next to the actors' names when my character had to give out the roles of the characters.
After the showcase, I was asked the same question by 2 different workshoppers. Mads immediately came up to me while we were still onstage, asking if I was returning to Make Believe next year. "I might," was my reply, and she gave a little whoop. Haha, when Julia found me in the ladies room while washing off my make-up, she also asked the same thing, and I was amused that she beamed when I said the same answer.
So yep, I do think I want to return to Make Believe next year. I made great friends who were equally quirky as I am, and I fell in love with the kids.
Patton and I shared a cab so we can fly from Merville to CCP for the Labfest auditions. Wahahaha, both of us had our geek modes on as we mostly talked (or raved, hahaha) about Star Trek, G.I. Joe, and Transformers during the ride to CCP. Yes, we were comparing original TV serials with existing and upcoming film versions, ahehehe.
Got off at the South Entrance so we can directly go to the Conference Room. Ahahaha, I had to endure some weird stares probably because I had arrived with Orlando Bloom clone while Tad was off in Tagaytay. Ano buh. Oh well. Then there's quite a surprising moment, hahaha. After registration, Patton and I went around CCP in search of a friend of his in the BP department. Ended up finding his friend upstairs at the BP's executive office, so we had to wait because he had to get some papers (schedules and contracts) for his other friend. Then we went back down to the hall leading to the Conference Room (which was the waiting area of the Labfest audition).
Chatted up a storm that evolved from work opportunities to the best zombie movies (yes, we still end up shifting to geek mode, harharhar). When Trency arrived, I introduced her to Patton, and for a while, all three of us started improvising this stupid idea that began with an empty Starbucks cup and a half-finished bottle of orange juice that was on the empty chair in front of us. "Food Finishers... we finish your food for a fee!" HAHAHAHA! Oh, the crazy ideas we came up with.
After our audition, we realized we were already starving, so Patton and I went to Harbour Square in search of food. We were supposed to go to Teriyaki Boy because we found out that we were both addicted to the spicy tuna sashimi, but because of the darn blackout, we had to settle for Jollibee. More crazy talk abound, from the Coke shirts people wear ("The guy who wrote those statements must either be high or really brilliant), to politically incorrect terms ("No parking on both sides... how can you do that at the same time?"), to other pa-deep topics ala High Fidelity (I ended up saying "Heeeey! That's sooo true!" loudly even though I knew I was risking embarassment, ahehe). By the way, this was the first time I've seen a guy eat a double patty burger with a fork, HAHAHAHA! It's been ages since I last (and first) saw Patton, and it was great to hang out with him again. Dontcha worry, Lars, he was in good hands, hahaha. We took care of each other, hahaha. "What time is it???"
Patton had to leave to go to a party back in the south, so I headed back to the Conference Room, as Betty and Opa had arrived. A heck of a lot of chika ensued while I was with them until I had to go (kamusta naman ang mga side comments ni Betty while we were loitering in the halls, hahaha), way before they had to audition. Man, I miss my Ingenue girls.
Ended up back in CCP this afternoon despite the annoying blackout. Met up with Ed, Opa and Alpha prior to the orientation with the Labfest SM's, then I also joined the orientation as well. All were brand new SM's to the Labfest, but it was pretty cool to see Matt and Tin among them. Hahaha, Opa and Ola reunited for the Best of Labfest 4. I have to say, throughout the meeting, I was so glad there were more developments for Labfest this year. OK, so maybe I regret declining Tuxqs' offer to be his SM for Doc Resurrection, plus that dig Ed made about listing me as Chris Millado's SM because he requested for someone that he can really rely on. Oh well. Never mind, hahaha. There's still more to look forward to anyway. I can't wait to see all the plays, hahaha.
Wow, this was one long entry. I miss making these uber-long posts, hahaha. And to you who finished reading this from top to bottom, I congratulate you for your paitence, hahaha!
So I braved the service road for one last time yesterday for the Make Believe showcases. Started the morning slow and easy while I had breakfast with some of the Make Believers and waited for the kids to arrive. Got to meet Christina (assigned to help backstage), one of Lesley's friends from AC who she said is also an awesome actress. Hahaha, as I joined a little chat for a while, it amuses me how the world just keeps getting smaller.
When all the kids had all arrived, it was time to run through the plays. Tech run, so we had the kids rehearse with the lapel mics. Hahaha, even though I managed to memorize my lines, I still get mental block because of the effort of memorizing the names and matching it to the kids, plus matching it to their respective instruments. Thank goodness there was Nini hidden behind the platform, ahahaha. Still buckled a lot though, ahehe. The biggest challenge was keeping the kids quiet and in their seats. Especially Naomi, who keeps complaining why she has to appear last. Haha, I had to learn to be creative with her since the day before in terms of keeping her backstage before her own scene. Plus I adapted Sophie's yaya's "seatbelt," having Naomi sit on my lap to keep her from loitering about.
Rehearsals for the pre-teens began immediately after a short 5-minute break. Because of how Andro had performed the day before, Lara had decided to keep him as an additional actor for the improv scenes. Didn't rehearse most of the improv, mostly just the scenes and songs plus that one monologue. It didn't feel like a complete show, really. When we began with the first improv, Pat would always decline what Mads offers. Made a mental note to remind them of the rules of improv, but I ended up forgetting to tell them, eep.
Saw that Patton had arrived sometime during the pre-teens rehearsal. Hahaha, he actually made it. Because Lara was kinda busy scurrying around, attending to a lot of things, I ended up having lunch with Patton, but managed to get Lara to sit with us for a while... until we realized that we had to change clothes pronto. We both left Patton and dashed to the ladies room to change, then I dashed backstage for make-up courtesy of Nina. Hahaha, Nina gave me an additional accessory to my all-white ensemble, which was a long sheer piece of shimmery white fabric that I had to use as a shawl or hood or whatever. Dumped my stuff on the table at stage left, then struggled with the fabric until I gave up and let Nina fix it herself, hahaha.
Showtime. The streetdance showcase was up first, and the kids were getting impatient. Javi ducked under the prop table at our side of the stage to keep Naomi from straying away, hahaha. Julia was happily content sitting in her chair while Sophie was locked in "seatbelt mode" by her yaya.
The Power of Four (the kids' showcase) was next, and Javi and Mike sprung into action in the opening scene. Checked the order of the names for the last time before I stepped onstage, ahahaha. But I loved sharing the stage with these kids. I let Sophie and Jenny romp around (with Nini keeping a watchful eye) while I did the scene with the four other kids.
The kids were super adorable as they each did their solo scenes and dances. I heard loud applause from their respective families) after each dance. Braced myself for the finale where I had to dance "All For One" from High School Musical 2 with the kids plus Mike and Javi, hahaha. Hay, Lara, the crazy things I do for you, HAHAHAHA!
A short fashion show was after the kids' showcase, so I flew to stage right to change into my all-black outfit for the pre-teens showcase. I had to duck into the small dressing room there and try to rub off some of the shimmery make-up that I had, ahehe. Flew back to stage left when the lights were still off to finally settle back at my own post.
Spotlight (the title of the pre-teens' showcase) was so-so. Pat and Mads had more energy during the DTR. Pat still kept declining offers during the improv, as if she was ever so reluctant doing the improv exercises. Oh well. But the apprentices were hilarious. When I asked suggestions for situations and places from the audience, I managed to find Lara easily. Hahaha, she got Noelle and Patton to participate. The moment I spotted Lara standing next to Noelle, I was surprised to find her there. Brief starstruck moment, but stayed in character, HAHAHA. Nina helped provide the props for the final improv, as she got items from the audience as well. I couldn't resist a little playtime by actually posting a list of characters next to the actors' names when my character had to give out the roles of the characters.
After the showcase, I was asked the same question by 2 different workshoppers. Mads immediately came up to me while we were still onstage, asking if I was returning to Make Believe next year. "I might," was my reply, and she gave a little whoop. Haha, when Julia found me in the ladies room while washing off my make-up, she also asked the same thing, and I was amused that she beamed when I said the same answer.
So yep, I do think I want to return to Make Believe next year. I made great friends who were equally quirky as I am, and I fell in love with the kids.
Patton and I shared a cab so we can fly from Merville to CCP for the Labfest auditions. Wahahaha, both of us had our geek modes on as we mostly talked (or raved, hahaha) about Star Trek, G.I. Joe, and Transformers during the ride to CCP. Yes, we were comparing original TV serials with existing and upcoming film versions, ahehehe.
Got off at the South Entrance so we can directly go to the Conference Room. Ahahaha, I had to endure some weird stares probably because I had arrived with Orlando Bloom clone while Tad was off in Tagaytay. Ano buh. Oh well. Then there's quite a surprising moment, hahaha. After registration, Patton and I went around CCP in search of a friend of his in the BP department. Ended up finding his friend upstairs at the BP's executive office, so we had to wait because he had to get some papers (schedules and contracts) for his other friend. Then we went back down to the hall leading to the Conference Room (which was the waiting area of the Labfest audition).
Chatted up a storm that evolved from work opportunities to the best zombie movies (yes, we still end up shifting to geek mode, harharhar). When Trency arrived, I introduced her to Patton, and for a while, all three of us started improvising this stupid idea that began with an empty Starbucks cup and a half-finished bottle of orange juice that was on the empty chair in front of us. "Food Finishers... we finish your food for a fee!" HAHAHAHA! Oh, the crazy ideas we came up with.
After our audition, we realized we were already starving, so Patton and I went to Harbour Square in search of food. We were supposed to go to Teriyaki Boy because we found out that we were both addicted to the spicy tuna sashimi, but because of the darn blackout, we had to settle for Jollibee. More crazy talk abound, from the Coke shirts people wear ("The guy who wrote those statements must either be high or really brilliant), to politically incorrect terms ("No parking on both sides... how can you do that at the same time?"), to other pa-deep topics ala High Fidelity (I ended up saying "Heeeey! That's sooo true!" loudly even though I knew I was risking embarassment, ahehe). By the way, this was the first time I've seen a guy eat a double patty burger with a fork, HAHAHAHA! It's been ages since I last (and first) saw Patton, and it was great to hang out with him again. Dontcha worry, Lars, he was in good hands, hahaha. We took care of each other, hahaha. "What time is it???"
Patton had to leave to go to a party back in the south, so I headed back to the Conference Room, as Betty and Opa had arrived. A heck of a lot of chika ensued while I was with them until I had to go (kamusta naman ang mga side comments ni Betty while we were loitering in the halls, hahaha), way before they had to audition. Man, I miss my Ingenue girls.
Ended up back in CCP this afternoon despite the annoying blackout. Met up with Ed, Opa and Alpha prior to the orientation with the Labfest SM's, then I also joined the orientation as well. All were brand new SM's to the Labfest, but it was pretty cool to see Matt and Tin among them. Hahaha, Opa and Ola reunited for the Best of Labfest 4. I have to say, throughout the meeting, I was so glad there were more developments for Labfest this year. OK, so maybe I regret declining Tuxqs' offer to be his SM for Doc Resurrection, plus that dig Ed made about listing me as Chris Millado's SM because he requested for someone that he can really rely on. Oh well. Never mind, hahaha. There's still more to look forward to anyway. I can't wait to see all the plays, hahaha.
Wow, this was one long entry. I miss making these uber-long posts, hahaha. And to you who finished reading this from top to bottom, I congratulate you for your paitence, hahaha!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Playing Make Believe.
Lara had invited me to be a sort of guest performer in the showcases of her Make Believe classes. At first, it was Dingdong and me (him with the pre-teens theater class, while I'll be with the children's theater class), but Dingdong never followed through, so I ended up with both.
I attended both Make Believe classes yesterday. Children's Theater first, which consisted of 6 girls, ranging from 3 to 7 years old, all equally adorable in their own ways. There were only 5 of them yesterday, as Sophie wasn't around. We had to run through their entire play twice (with snack time in between), and it was so funny how they tried to grab at my script to check their lines even though I do believe that they know it by heart already. And nakakaloka, Lara gave me quite the surprise that I had to do the finale dance number with the kids. Nyahahay.
After lunch at Food Box, it was time for the Pre-Teens class. Unfortunately, this class only consisted of only 2 girls (considering that there are so many workshop classes sprouting here in the south), so Rieszel and 2 apprentices had to join the showcase, plus me. Anyway, the showcase was a musical with improv segments in between, but it was pretty tough challenge keeping Mads and Pat (the workshoppers) in the spotlight because Javi, Mike and Rieszel couldn't resist jumping in to save the scenes. Anyway, because I was already used to handling pre-teens because of Playshop, Lara let me check out the girls' performance, especially their solo moments, then we gave them notes after the run. I have to say, these two girls have powerful vocals if they really use it well.
Finally met Nina yesterday, one of the friends that Lara talks about a lot. Strangely, she looks like my friend Raphy's wife, Lorena (who he sometimes calls Nena). Mike, on the other hand, looks like a younger version of Mio Infante.
Unwound a bit after the pre-teens class, then Lara, Nina and I went to Le Delice for an early dinner. Like Lara, Nina's easy to get along with, and within minutes, Nina and I sometimes gang up against Lara for kicks. Now I finally get that, "New Voice time!" that they kept mentioning, HAHAHA!
Rehearsal was at the auditorium today. The kids' showcase ran after lunch. Hahaha, I've only assisted in a few kids' classes during my Playshop days, but Make Believe was a first that I had to be there the whole time. It was tough keeping the kids in their seats, so I had to be creative in making them stay put before their own scenes. Naomi was quite the challenge, because she always wants to dance the other dances that the other kids do, plus she keeps complaining that she's last because she's the youngest, so she wants to be seen as much as possible. Hahaha. Cute kid. Another thing that I've learned from the kids was that even though you can let them get away with whatever they want to do onstage, hindi nila palalampasin if you made a mistake, hahaha.
Pre-teens rehearsal after a short break. Pat was on a field trip with her summer class, so there was only Mads (who was there way early). We ran through the play with Lesley standing in for Pat, and Andro standing in for Mike. That made the improv segments a little crazy, because Andro was a natural with improv, and Lesley kept jumping in as well, hahaha. Because I found out that Lesley had a beautiful voice, we got her to help Mads run through her songs during another break. Pat finally made it to rehearsal, so we got to run through the entire play again with both girls.
Showcase will be tomorrow afternoon. Break a leg, Make Believers! =)
I attended both Make Believe classes yesterday. Children's Theater first, which consisted of 6 girls, ranging from 3 to 7 years old, all equally adorable in their own ways. There were only 5 of them yesterday, as Sophie wasn't around. We had to run through their entire play twice (with snack time in between), and it was so funny how they tried to grab at my script to check their lines even though I do believe that they know it by heart already. And nakakaloka, Lara gave me quite the surprise that I had to do the finale dance number with the kids. Nyahahay.
After lunch at Food Box, it was time for the Pre-Teens class. Unfortunately, this class only consisted of only 2 girls (considering that there are so many workshop classes sprouting here in the south), so Rieszel and 2 apprentices had to join the showcase, plus me. Anyway, the showcase was a musical with improv segments in between, but it was pretty tough challenge keeping Mads and Pat (the workshoppers) in the spotlight because Javi, Mike and Rieszel couldn't resist jumping in to save the scenes. Anyway, because I was already used to handling pre-teens because of Playshop, Lara let me check out the girls' performance, especially their solo moments, then we gave them notes after the run. I have to say, these two girls have powerful vocals if they really use it well.
Finally met Nina yesterday, one of the friends that Lara talks about a lot. Strangely, she looks like my friend Raphy's wife, Lorena (who he sometimes calls Nena). Mike, on the other hand, looks like a younger version of Mio Infante.
Unwound a bit after the pre-teens class, then Lara, Nina and I went to Le Delice for an early dinner. Like Lara, Nina's easy to get along with, and within minutes, Nina and I sometimes gang up against Lara for kicks. Now I finally get that, "New Voice time!" that they kept mentioning, HAHAHA!
Rehearsal was at the auditorium today. The kids' showcase ran after lunch. Hahaha, I've only assisted in a few kids' classes during my Playshop days, but Make Believe was a first that I had to be there the whole time. It was tough keeping the kids in their seats, so I had to be creative in making them stay put before their own scenes. Naomi was quite the challenge, because she always wants to dance the other dances that the other kids do, plus she keeps complaining that she's last because she's the youngest, so she wants to be seen as much as possible. Hahaha. Cute kid. Another thing that I've learned from the kids was that even though you can let them get away with whatever they want to do onstage, hindi nila palalampasin if you made a mistake, hahaha.
Pre-teens rehearsal after a short break. Pat was on a field trip with her summer class, so there was only Mads (who was there way early). We ran through the play with Lesley standing in for Pat, and Andro standing in for Mike. That made the improv segments a little crazy, because Andro was a natural with improv, and Lesley kept jumping in as well, hahaha. Because I found out that Lesley had a beautiful voice, we got her to help Mads run through her songs during another break. Pat finally made it to rehearsal, so we got to run through the entire play again with both girls.
Showcase will be tomorrow afternoon. Break a leg, Make Believers! =)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Virgin Labfest 5 Audition UPDATE.
The audition will be extended to accommodate more actors.
New TIME: 2PM - 9PM.
It will be moved to a different venue.
New VENUE: Conference room.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tagging old photos.
To quote what Jhoi had written in her blog, "Memories are the only things that don't change when everything else does."
I found a bunch of dusty old CDs in my room while doing a regular summer-ender cleaning. They contained a whole bunch of back-up files of various stuff, but mostly photos and word documents, dating back to over 5 years ago.
There were a whole lot of photos during the years 2003-2004, mostly during my groupie days right after Dreamgirls had closed. So many photos triggered a lot of fun memories, so just for kicks, I decided to post the photos on Facebook, tag all the people and see how they'd react to seeing all those photos again.

Hahaha, the barrage of comments started coming in, all of us laughing at what we looked like before. I couldn't help but laugh at Peachy's comments about hating her photos with her braces still on, plus how different she was back then (way, WAY different). Tricia even made an effort to untag herself from the photos I tagged her in to... avoid humiliation? Hahaha! Anne and I even ended up looking through our old blogs to reminisce. Holy kamote, we were such... well, I would really have to admit that there was a point that we became crazed fans (though no one would actually admit it), even though some of us were already friends with the artists before their career began to rise.

I haven't heard from most of these people in ages. People who were once strangers, just random usernames that I see online in YM, online forums and blogs, and they became real friends that I grew very close to. Until we grew apart due to different schedules, interests, or opinions, or just because of certain issues that we got involved in that we now dismiss. It was great to hear from all these people, even just through all those crazy comments that still add up right now. Peach and I were texting about how our hindsight is so crystal clear now. Lexi and I were chatting on YM last night, amazed at the fact that we hang out at the same places all these years but never run into each other, not even once, hahaha. We're thinking of getting together one time next month when school resumes. Tita Sherbet even said that all things are pointing to one direction... an already pending reunion! Hahaha! Jill even commented that she kept seeing Dandan in a whole bunch of photos, but we haven't heard from her in about 5 years. Thank goodness for post-paid cellphone numbers that never changed, I managed to contact Dandan early this morning!

Oh, the powers of memories that photographs bring is truly amazing. Oh, days of "abanikos," forum addicts, staying up and online until 6am, crazy YM conferences, EB's, inner circles and "gangs." I missed you guys. It was so great to hear from you again! See you in Greenbelt! =)
I found a bunch of dusty old CDs in my room while doing a regular summer-ender cleaning. They contained a whole bunch of back-up files of various stuff, but mostly photos and word documents, dating back to over 5 years ago.
There were a whole lot of photos during the years 2003-2004, mostly during my groupie days right after Dreamgirls had closed. So many photos triggered a lot of fun memories, so just for kicks, I decided to post the photos on Facebook, tag all the people and see how they'd react to seeing all those photos again.
Hahaha, the barrage of comments started coming in, all of us laughing at what we looked like before. I couldn't help but laugh at Peachy's comments about hating her photos with her braces still on, plus how different she was back then (way, WAY different). Tricia even made an effort to untag herself from the photos I tagged her in to... avoid humiliation? Hahaha! Anne and I even ended up looking through our old blogs to reminisce. Holy kamote, we were such... well, I would really have to admit that there was a point that we became crazed fans (though no one would actually admit it), even though some of us were already friends with the artists before their career began to rise.
I haven't heard from most of these people in ages. People who were once strangers, just random usernames that I see online in YM, online forums and blogs, and they became real friends that I grew very close to. Until we grew apart due to different schedules, interests, or opinions, or just because of certain issues that we got involved in that we now dismiss. It was great to hear from all these people, even just through all those crazy comments that still add up right now. Peach and I were texting about how our hindsight is so crystal clear now. Lexi and I were chatting on YM last night, amazed at the fact that we hang out at the same places all these years but never run into each other, not even once, hahaha. We're thinking of getting together one time next month when school resumes. Tita Sherbet even said that all things are pointing to one direction... an already pending reunion! Hahaha! Jill even commented that she kept seeing Dandan in a whole bunch of photos, but we haven't heard from her in about 5 years. Thank goodness for post-paid cellphone numbers that never changed, I managed to contact Dandan early this morning!
Oh, the powers of memories that photographs bring is truly amazing. Oh, days of "abanikos," forum addicts, staying up and online until 6am, crazy YM conferences, EB's, inner circles and "gangs." I missed you guys. It was so great to hear from you again! See you in Greenbelt! =)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Virgin Labfest 5 Auditions.
Posted on Ed's Multiply.
VLF 5 AUDITION on May 23, Saturday, 5-9pm, CCP - MKP (Bulwagang Pambansang Alagad ng Sining)
Be ready to read for the directors. I'm still getting the audition requirements from the directors, I'll post them here as soon as i get them.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Late update again.
I haven't updated since Songs For A New World had closed. Hahaha, because of those 2 weekends of having to wear black semiformal attire for front-of-house (aside from that one time we had to wear white due to the showbuyer's request), it was a challenge mixing and matching all my black clothes, considering that most of my black stuff are jeans, pants and loose shirts that were only meant for backstage work. Haha, one time I ended up transforming a black and white tube top into a short skirt because the top made me look fat and I ran out of skirts.
It was a short but sweet two weeks manning the front of house with Peachy and Claire (and Peachy's pink "pocket" calculator), but I have to admit, I miss working in the lobby back when I was still in Atlantis. It was fun meeting the people, and of course, people-watching. Plus we can watch the show whenever we want. And I just love my new batch of ushers and their own crazy moments. The word "flah" keeps repeating over and over in my head, thanks to Joms. Claire's FOH training in Atlantis was a big help for Peach and all her tickets that haven't been separated, that we felt disabled when Claire had to back out on the last day at the last minute, ahahaha. And of course, I will never forget the day Peach and I encountered the "Amazonistas," HAHAHA. Those were awkward moments, indeed.
On SFANW's closing day, I flew to CCP after the show to watch the Rehearsal and Performance Techniques Workshop recital, Oktubre, Nung Tayo'y Nagmamahalan Pa by Tony Perez. I arrived during the 2nd scene of the first act. Hahaha, I didn't recognize Opa onstage, with her back facing my side of the theater plus her newly shaved head. Anyway, I love their show. I love their material! Hahaha, Sir Dennis just had to rub it in that Betty and I regretted not joining this year. Arg, I miss workshops. Especially RPT, because every class would be pretty fresh because you always encounter a different play and a different attack. Well, I only took the class once, but that's what I realized. Hindi factor dito ang kung ilang beses ka nag-workshop. Hope to join again next year, ahahahaha.
Last Wednesday, I met up with Nikki in Glorietta. She was on reserve duty, and found out that she didn't have to fly that day, so we met up for lunch. She found me at one of my usual posts in Timezone, ahehehe. Man, I missed that girl. Anyway, after lunch, we decided to watch a movie, and she managed to let me drag her to watch Star Trek with me because I was dying to see it. And man, I was so glad we saw Star Trek. I love love love it! Of course, the "reboot" (Aris' term) was an interesting idea as an alternate prequel. It was also thrilling to see Leonard Nimoy back as Spock. It was cool to hear "Live long and prosper" again, as well as the whole "Space, the final frontier" speech.
Haha, I remembered an age-old debate back in high school between Rosa and Iam comparing TV series, Star Trek included. I remembered Rosa mentioning that the idea of the cellular phone came from Star Trek, because of all it's crazy gadgets. It entered my mind when I saw the tricorder from this most recent film release, because the tricorders did look like Motorola phones, hahahaha! And of course, eye candy in the form of Chris Pine and Zach Quinto didn't hurt, especially for those who are not really into Star Trek.
I want to watch this again. And also Angels and Demons, hahaha.
Met up with Betty for lunch yesterday. Haha, ended up having lunch with her and her boss Karen at the Visual Arts department in CCP. Not really surprised that Karen has worked with at least a couple of my former teachers. After a little film viewing on Betty's laptop, I went downstairs to the prop room where Tad and Kuya Noel were having a little chat. I was pretty surprised to find a computer inside the prop room. Why? Well, I did hear that the TP office was being renovated, but a computer in the prop room? Hahaha. Plus I heard that Labfest ASMs were being interviewed that day plus the day before. Ooh, may interview portion na pala ang ASMs. They really have to screen all ASMs before the work begins? Oh well.
Declined an opportuniy to work with Tuxqs for a 2nd time. Regret. Sadness. But I sure hope we'll get to work together again soon.
Does anyone know when the Virgin Labfest 5 auditions will be? And if they'll still hold it for 2 days? Ahahahaha.
I want to go back to Saizen, hahaha. I'm running out of shrink plastic, and I want to make necklace pendants and earrings and stuff. Of course, this time I'll be ready for that darn pedestrian overpass in Edsa-Ortigas. My goodness, when I went to Robinson's Galleria on that day I first when to Saizen, I wore a short dress because of the darn summer heat. (That, and because it was easy to pack in my bag once I had changed into my FOH attire for SFANW.) I didn't know that they had already put up a pedestrian overpass so people won't have to cross under the flyover. And this was the type of overpass that terrified me because of the stairs that you can peek through as you climb up. Oh acrohphobia, why won't you go away? Then of course, there's my dress to consider. I didn't know what to think of first, my fear of heights, or the peekaboo moments due to my short skirt. I struggled with both at the same time the whole time I was going up the stairs, all the way until I had descended on the other side of Edsa, AHAHAHAHA.
How about you? Yes, you. The one reading this. How have you been?
It was a short but sweet two weeks manning the front of house with Peachy and Claire (and Peachy's pink "pocket" calculator), but I have to admit, I miss working in the lobby back when I was still in Atlantis. It was fun meeting the people, and of course, people-watching. Plus we can watch the show whenever we want. And I just love my new batch of ushers and their own crazy moments. The word "flah" keeps repeating over and over in my head, thanks to Joms. Claire's FOH training in Atlantis was a big help for Peach and all her tickets that haven't been separated, that we felt disabled when Claire had to back out on the last day at the last minute, ahahaha. And of course, I will never forget the day Peach and I encountered the "Amazonistas," HAHAHA. Those were awkward moments, indeed.
On SFANW's closing day, I flew to CCP after the show to watch the Rehearsal and Performance Techniques Workshop recital, Oktubre, Nung Tayo'y Nagmamahalan Pa by Tony Perez. I arrived during the 2nd scene of the first act. Hahaha, I didn't recognize Opa onstage, with her back facing my side of the theater plus her newly shaved head. Anyway, I love their show. I love their material! Hahaha, Sir Dennis just had to rub it in that Betty and I regretted not joining this year. Arg, I miss workshops. Especially RPT, because every class would be pretty fresh because you always encounter a different play and a different attack. Well, I only took the class once, but that's what I realized. Hindi factor dito ang kung ilang beses ka nag-workshop. Hope to join again next year, ahahahaha.
Last Wednesday, I met up with Nikki in Glorietta. She was on reserve duty, and found out that she didn't have to fly that day, so we met up for lunch. She found me at one of my usual posts in Timezone, ahehehe. Man, I missed that girl. Anyway, after lunch, we decided to watch a movie, and she managed to let me drag her to watch Star Trek with me because I was dying to see it. And man, I was so glad we saw Star Trek. I love love love it! Of course, the "reboot" (Aris' term) was an interesting idea as an alternate prequel. It was also thrilling to see Leonard Nimoy back as Spock. It was cool to hear "Live long and prosper" again, as well as the whole "Space, the final frontier" speech.
Haha, I remembered an age-old debate back in high school between Rosa and Iam comparing TV series, Star Trek included. I remembered Rosa mentioning that the idea of the cellular phone came from Star Trek, because of all it's crazy gadgets. It entered my mind when I saw the tricorder from this most recent film release, because the tricorders did look like Motorola phones, hahahaha! And of course, eye candy in the form of Chris Pine and Zach Quinto didn't hurt, especially for those who are not really into Star Trek.
I want to watch this again. And also Angels and Demons, hahaha.
Met up with Betty for lunch yesterday. Haha, ended up having lunch with her and her boss Karen at the Visual Arts department in CCP. Not really surprised that Karen has worked with at least a couple of my former teachers. After a little film viewing on Betty's laptop, I went downstairs to the prop room where Tad and Kuya Noel were having a little chat. I was pretty surprised to find a computer inside the prop room. Why? Well, I did hear that the TP office was being renovated, but a computer in the prop room? Hahaha. Plus I heard that Labfest ASMs were being interviewed that day plus the day before. Ooh, may interview portion na pala ang ASMs. They really have to screen all ASMs before the work begins? Oh well.
Declined an opportuniy to work with Tuxqs for a 2nd time. Regret. Sadness. But I sure hope we'll get to work together again soon.
Does anyone know when the Virgin Labfest 5 auditions will be? And if they'll still hold it for 2 days? Ahahahaha.
I want to go back to Saizen, hahaha. I'm running out of shrink plastic, and I want to make necklace pendants and earrings and stuff. Of course, this time I'll be ready for that darn pedestrian overpass in Edsa-Ortigas. My goodness, when I went to Robinson's Galleria on that day I first when to Saizen, I wore a short dress because of the darn summer heat. (That, and because it was easy to pack in my bag once I had changed into my FOH attire for SFANW.) I didn't know that they had already put up a pedestrian overpass so people won't have to cross under the flyover. And this was the type of overpass that terrified me because of the stairs that you can peek through as you climb up. Oh acrohphobia, why won't you go away? Then of course, there's my dress to consider. I didn't know what to think of first, my fear of heights, or the peekaboo moments due to my short skirt. I struggled with both at the same time the whole time I was going up the stairs, all the way until I had descended on the other side of Edsa, AHAHAHAHA.
How about you? Yes, you. The one reading this. How have you been?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
All because of the quest for shrink plastic.
Thou shalt not shop in Saizen in Robinson's Galleria. It really is a heavenly wasteland of P85 Japanese goodies and lots of crazy stuff, hahaha! Magkakasala ka talaga, ahehehe. I couldn't stop myself from picking things up (and ending up regretfully putting them back). And to think that I only came there to buy shrink plastic and check out some of the art supplies that Reggie had posted on her Facebook.
It's because you already know that everything in the huge store is worth only P85, but when you add everything up, oh my, hahaha. No wonder store employees are all ready with a shopping basket to put your purchases in. You'll really end up buying more than you expected. I even found Jon Santos looking at both vertical and horizontal clipboards in fascination, wondering if he could have any use for the weird looking ones for his scripts. When Agot Isidro had approached in the same aisle, she looked as if she was keeping her hands to herself in case she starts picking up random stuff, hahaha!
It took me a while to look for the shrink plastic, because the saleslady I asked didn't really know what I was talking about. She thought I was looking for plastic wrap, ahehe. After combing through the entire store, I found the shrink plastic at the end of the office supplies, near the toy section. I ended up buying sheets of shrink plastic in varying sizes, plus there were some packages that came with free key holders, so I got some of those as well. And flourescent glow-in-the-dark sheets? Why not? HAHAHA!
I spent a great deal of time just looking around, almost buying things I didn't really need. There were even shelves full of different kinds of false eyelashes, nail polish, colored staples, laptop bags, toe socks... Oh my goodness, the list goes on and on. Nakakalula talaga, hahaha.
Check out my first attempt at trying out the shrink plastic here.
It's because you already know that everything in the huge store is worth only P85, but when you add everything up, oh my, hahaha. No wonder store employees are all ready with a shopping basket to put your purchases in. You'll really end up buying more than you expected. I even found Jon Santos looking at both vertical and horizontal clipboards in fascination, wondering if he could have any use for the weird looking ones for his scripts. When Agot Isidro had approached in the same aisle, she looked as if she was keeping her hands to herself in case she starts picking up random stuff, hahaha!
It took me a while to look for the shrink plastic, because the saleslady I asked didn't really know what I was talking about. She thought I was looking for plastic wrap, ahehe. After combing through the entire store, I found the shrink plastic at the end of the office supplies, near the toy section. I ended up buying sheets of shrink plastic in varying sizes, plus there were some packages that came with free key holders, so I got some of those as well. And flourescent glow-in-the-dark sheets? Why not? HAHAHA!
I spent a great deal of time just looking around, almost buying things I didn't really need. There were even shelves full of different kinds of false eyelashes, nail polish, colored staples, laptop bags, toe socks... Oh my goodness, the list goes on and on. Nakakalula talaga, hahaha.
Check out my first attempt at trying out the shrink plastic here.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Blogging on a rainy evening (unrelated title).
Last night at the Avellana Art Gallery, Nuki had asked us about our take on performance art, and how different it is from the conventional types of theater arts that most people are familiar with. What's weird was that we were asked if we were offended by those people who pursue performance art, considering we are also involved in theater arts. Hmmm... I never really saw it as offensive, because it's still "performing arts," isn't it? It's still an artist's way of expression. What about you guys, what do you think? Or for the benefit those who are curious, what's the difference of performance art from the other theater forms?
We were super glad Miss Tess came to watch our performance of Nemesis last night, and I super appreciate all her comments, as well as her sincere effort to come and watch us, even though we missed a whole chunk of lines, ahahaha. We all had a blast anyway. Thanks to Sir Albert Avellana and Joey Cobcobo (who celebrated his birthday yesterday) as well.
I forgot to mention in my last blog entry that I had visited Roeder and Onyl's Acting in Musical Theater workshop class once last week, and half of it was choreography of their recital's [opening?] number. It was so amusing to watch, as Roeder taught them these Fosse-like movements, and showed them his trademark steps in recitals, mentioning that it was a tribute to me, hahaha! That was because I had to do that particular dance when I was in his class a couple of years ago. Anyway, when they took a break, I got invited to join the pizza party because one of the workshoppers (Paul?) was celebrating his birthday that day. That was when Roeder introduced me as his former student, specifically from the Blue Jeans recital video clips they had found on YouTube. Anyway, after the break, they started talking about the story of their recital that the workshoppers had conceptualized. It was so so funny. Too bad I won't be able to watch it tomorrow. When they started music rehearsals with Onyl, I silently bid Roeder goodbye and made my French exit.
Oh, how I miss workshops when I sit in at classes like this.
I remember on the first (or was it the 2nd day?) of Beginning Acting, when Miss Tess had quoted Rolando Tinio, that to be a good actor, it takes 20 years to learn, and 20 years to unlearn (which I had started to work on that very year). When I read a book on Stanislavsky, it said almost the same thing. An actor needs 20 years to master his profession. At least 20 years. Hahaha, when I shared this with Lara during on YM chat, she said that she had already spent almost 20 years, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that simple but innocent remark (sorry, Lars). It not always based on how long you take training and honing your craft, but it's also on how you actually grow and improve as an actor. Oo nga naman pala diba? Just because ang tagal mo sa isang industriya tulad ng teatro doesn't necessarily mean bonggang bongga at bakulaw ka na sa galing. Dapat pa rin kasi na i-prove mo sa tao at most improtantly, sa sarili mo, ang capabilities mo as an artist in your chosen craft.
Speaking of craft, I stumbled onto one of Reggie's photo albums on Facebook labeled "Art Attack!" She mentioned this store in Robinson's Galleria called Saizen, which is a "wasteland" (as some people would call it) of P85 stuff. She posted photos of her purchases, which included "medium density fiberwood" which I'm hoping is similar to balsa wood so I can try something new for my craft cravings. She also got shrink plastic! Wheeee! I've always wanted to have Shrinky Dinks, and this is perfect! I'm going to check out that store tomorrow, hehehe.
We were super glad Miss Tess came to watch our performance of Nemesis last night, and I super appreciate all her comments, as well as her sincere effort to come and watch us, even though we missed a whole chunk of lines, ahahaha. We all had a blast anyway. Thanks to Sir Albert Avellana and Joey Cobcobo (who celebrated his birthday yesterday) as well.
I forgot to mention in my last blog entry that I had visited Roeder and Onyl's Acting in Musical Theater workshop class once last week, and half of it was choreography of their recital's [opening?] number. It was so amusing to watch, as Roeder taught them these Fosse-like movements, and showed them his trademark steps in recitals, mentioning that it was a tribute to me, hahaha! That was because I had to do that particular dance when I was in his class a couple of years ago. Anyway, when they took a break, I got invited to join the pizza party because one of the workshoppers (Paul?) was celebrating his birthday that day. That was when Roeder introduced me as his former student, specifically from the Blue Jeans recital video clips they had found on YouTube. Anyway, after the break, they started talking about the story of their recital that the workshoppers had conceptualized. It was so so funny. Too bad I won't be able to watch it tomorrow. When they started music rehearsals with Onyl, I silently bid Roeder goodbye and made my French exit.
Oh, how I miss workshops when I sit in at classes like this.
I remember on the first (or was it the 2nd day?) of Beginning Acting, when Miss Tess had quoted Rolando Tinio, that to be a good actor, it takes 20 years to learn, and 20 years to unlearn (which I had started to work on that very year). When I read a book on Stanislavsky, it said almost the same thing. An actor needs 20 years to master his profession. At least 20 years. Hahaha, when I shared this with Lara during on YM chat, she said that she had already spent almost 20 years, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that simple but innocent remark (sorry, Lars). It not always based on how long you take training and honing your craft, but it's also on how you actually grow and improve as an actor. Oo nga naman pala diba? Just because ang tagal mo sa isang industriya tulad ng teatro doesn't necessarily mean bonggang bongga at bakulaw ka na sa galing. Dapat pa rin kasi na i-prove mo sa tao at most improtantly, sa sarili mo, ang capabilities mo as an artist in your chosen craft.
Speaking of craft, I stumbled onto one of Reggie's photo albums on Facebook labeled "Art Attack!" She mentioned this store in Robinson's Galleria called Saizen, which is a "wasteland" (as some people would call it) of P85 stuff. She posted photos of her purchases, which included "medium density fiberwood" which I'm hoping is similar to balsa wood so I can try something new for my craft cravings. She also got shrink plastic! Wheeee! I've always wanted to have Shrinky Dinks, and this is perfect! I'm going to check out that store tomorrow, hehehe.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Updating after a few days of not touching the computer.
I haven't been online for a few days, and I feel so disconnected already, hahaha.
So Songs For A New World opened without a hitch. On the day of the preview, I flew from the south to RCBC and immediately found a couple of my ushers in the lobby, trying to fix all those banners with weird standees. It took us about 2 hours to fix those darn standees because almost all of the holes on the tarp seemed as if they don't fit with their respective standees. We ended up improvising with masking tape, and then put away all the extra tarp because there were too many banners for the lobby space that we had.
We had cocktails and a photobooth set up in the lobby, so I spent the entire preview with some of the ushers gobbling up cocktails, chugging down wine, and playing around with the photobooth, hahaha.
On Friday, I went with my mom and Tita Lorie (my dad's cousin who's visiting from San Francisco) to Megamall as they took advantage of the huge sale. Pfft, in the department store, it took us over an hour just standing in line at the cashier because of the huge foul-up by the management. SM Department Store, please keep in mind that managers and supervisors must be easy to reach to void certain purchases, especially during big sales such as this.
Flew to RCBC after a happy P25 purchase on a collection of Ibsen plays, hahaha. This time it was opening night of SFANW, so we're also armed with more tickets to be purchased, plus souvenir programs, and of course, Peachy's glittery cash box. Hahaha, our rule was that if we lose some money from the cash box, all we have to do is inspect everyone's hands if they have glitter on it, hahaha!
We were one usher short since the preview because Teena got reassigned to the projector, so I ended up as one of the ushers in the orchestra section during opening night. Peachy was manning the tickets at the FOH table anyway, and Claire was there as well, helping sell programs. After the show, we had a sponsored dinner at Trellis in Market Market! Yay, sisig time, hahaha.
Nemesis rehearsal on Saturday, and we were sort of a mess, ahahaha. After a few runs, we got Ian to check up on us, and of course, the prime note was our lines. We continued rehearsal the next afternoon, with Opa's friend Carmi there to serve as another pair of eyes. Things were finally falling into place, yay. After one last (Italian) run, we went to Batute to watch the Children's Theater workshop recitals. It's always amusing to watch Tad and Paolo's class. Super adorable kids. Their kids' recital was back-to-back with Marj and Riki's Chilrdren's Theater class, which was separated into 2 groups because that class had a lot of students.
Arg, I think I got food poisoning from the chicken sandwich I had that evening, because I started feeling really sick when I got home. I tried to sleep it off but I ended up hurling in the bathroom at around 2 in the morning, and again later yesterday morning. Spent the entire day in bed and ended up not going to Nemesis rehearsal.
At least I'm finally feeling much better today. Now gearing up for a long but productive day tomorrow.
So Songs For A New World opened without a hitch. On the day of the preview, I flew from the south to RCBC and immediately found a couple of my ushers in the lobby, trying to fix all those banners with weird standees. It took us about 2 hours to fix those darn standees because almost all of the holes on the tarp seemed as if they don't fit with their respective standees. We ended up improvising with masking tape, and then put away all the extra tarp because there were too many banners for the lobby space that we had.
We had cocktails and a photobooth set up in the lobby, so I spent the entire preview with some of the ushers gobbling up cocktails, chugging down wine, and playing around with the photobooth, hahaha.
On Friday, I went with my mom and Tita Lorie (my dad's cousin who's visiting from San Francisco) to Megamall as they took advantage of the huge sale. Pfft, in the department store, it took us over an hour just standing in line at the cashier because of the huge foul-up by the management. SM Department Store, please keep in mind that managers and supervisors must be easy to reach to void certain purchases, especially during big sales such as this.
Flew to RCBC after a happy P25 purchase on a collection of Ibsen plays, hahaha. This time it was opening night of SFANW, so we're also armed with more tickets to be purchased, plus souvenir programs, and of course, Peachy's glittery cash box. Hahaha, our rule was that if we lose some money from the cash box, all we have to do is inspect everyone's hands if they have glitter on it, hahaha!
We were one usher short since the preview because Teena got reassigned to the projector, so I ended up as one of the ushers in the orchestra section during opening night. Peachy was manning the tickets at the FOH table anyway, and Claire was there as well, helping sell programs. After the show, we had a sponsored dinner at Trellis in Market Market! Yay, sisig time, hahaha.
Nemesis rehearsal on Saturday, and we were sort of a mess, ahahaha. After a few runs, we got Ian to check up on us, and of course, the prime note was our lines. We continued rehearsal the next afternoon, with Opa's friend Carmi there to serve as another pair of eyes. Things were finally falling into place, yay. After one last (Italian) run, we went to Batute to watch the Children's Theater workshop recitals. It's always amusing to watch Tad and Paolo's class. Super adorable kids. Their kids' recital was back-to-back with Marj and Riki's Chilrdren's Theater class, which was separated into 2 groups because that class had a lot of students.
Arg, I think I got food poisoning from the chicken sandwich I had that evening, because I started feeling really sick when I got home. I tried to sleep it off but I ended up hurling in the bathroom at around 2 in the morning, and again later yesterday morning. Spent the entire day in bed and ended up not going to Nemesis rehearsal.
At least I'm finally feeling much better today. Now gearing up for a long but productive day tomorrow.
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