Sunday, November 11, 2007

tonsillitis, igh.

I knew it. It wasn't just a sore throat. I have tonsillitis. Arg. I had to ask my dad to get medicine for me this morning. Waaah, I hate this. I thought that my sore throat was just a mere symptom that I was having a fever this week.

Hahaha, despite the fact that I was feeling sick last Thursday, I still went to watch Himala the Musical at CCP. Hehe, when Ms. Yvette found me, she told me if I wanted to sit on the bleachers placed on the stage along with the rest of the AC. There were bleachers there because the theater in Shanghai where the cast will be performing at will have seats on either side of the stage. So that was the setup in LT so the cast can rehearse with audience members on that side as well. The house had just opened when I was informed that I can sit there, so I couldn't find the rest of my friends. Nyak.

To be honest, I expected a lot from the show, after having seen the first run of it back in 2004. But my props to the cast, who managed to maximize the area of the stage despite the fact that there were only 12 of them. I still enjoyed listening to May Bayot, who was still spectacular as Elsa. Bwahahaha, it seemed that everytime Tad would come onstage, a bunch of people in our section would chuckle and laugh. Well, who wouldn't, as we can see that his pants were practically falling off and it was obvious that there was only a strip of garter holding it up (hahahahaha!). Oh well, this crowd was hilarious before the show began. They actually warned me that they're gonna make fun of him during the show. Well, at least his solo as the priest went well.

I need to sleep. Rawr. Darn this tonsillitis.