Tuesday, December 19, 2006

birthday weekend

First of all...

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Hahaha, I really didn't want to crop Iam's hand from the photo.

Oh, and thank you so much to all those who had greeted me on my birthday, through text messages, emails, Friendster, Y!M, etc.

To celebrate, my parents and I had a small family lunch at home with Ate Maui. Most birthdays in the family were spent just like that, and Ate Maui was almost always present, yay. My birthday wasn't an exception.

Rode with Ate Maui to Greenbelt in the afternoon, with a few stops to pick up a couple of her high school friends along the way. Their clique was having a get-together dinner that night, and I was meeting Peachy and Tin as well. Our initial plan was to watch The Sound of Music at Onstage, but because tickets got sold out, we had decided to still meet up and use our ticket money to pig out on food instead, hahaha!

After dinner at Yellow Cab, off we went to Greenbelt 3, where the Philippine Madrigal Singers were performing. My oh my, they still leave me in awe every time they sing. And then there were fireworks! Wheee! Happy birthday to me! Hahahahaha! We killed a bit of time in Timezone, then we walked to Greenbelt 1 after a while.

We ended up hanging out in the lobby with Sundee while the show was going on. Wahehehe. When the show was over, we went inside the theater as if we had seen the play, hahaha! My golly, and without fail, these two clones I was with just had to push me to ask Tita Menchu and Cherie for a a photo op. Nyahahaha.

Yesterday was the rare day that I'm "older" than Rosa, hehehe. Rosa, Iam, Aris and I had planned to watch The Necklace at SM Southmall because they wanted to meet Jerald. I ended up going to Southmall way earlier because there was nothing to do at home. Power failure the whole day, rawr.

The cinema where the show took place was smaller than the one when I had watched the play in SM Centerpoint, but we got first dibs on the front row, hahaha. Way to close to the stage, but that's where we were ushered to as guests. Per usual, the audience was composed of public high school students who considered Johnson as their eye candy. They kept tittering and screaming and stuff every time there's some intimate moment between him and Meliza. Like Rosa had said, they had turned the play "showbiz-y."

New stuff came up. Like Juliene's adlibs ("FINE!" Hahahaha!) to some people's looks. To quote, nagmukhang Rocky Horror sila, joke! Hehehe. Someone had changed his look at least 3 times, and one of them wore a wig. But hello, the geek was too stereotyped. This is a period piece, man.

After the show, I introduced Jerald to Rosa, Iam and Aris, then Iam had to leave for mass while Je left for a while to fix his stuff. Then Rosa, Aris, Je and I went to Wendy's to eat.

While at Wendy's...

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Who do you think is the one that's really talking to someone on the phone?
Me? Jerald? Both of us? Neither?

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